[NOTE: This weekly newsletter can be so full of information that you may not see its entirety directly in your inbox! To view all of the wonderful programs and to make sure you see all of the posters advertising for events at the local church, district, and conference level, please click on the link above to "View as Webpage"]
North Coast District News
MARCH 15, 2019
“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” 
―  John Wesley
Archived Live-Stream Video Available
Bishop Malone led three Post General Conference Discussions last weekend to provide a report on the proceedings of the Special Session of General Conference held in February. In total, there were over 1,200 clergy and laity from East Ohio in attendance between all three sessions.

If you were unable to attend -- and/or would like to share with others -- please click HERE or on the image above to access the archived live-stream video taken of the meeting at Strongsville UMC on Sunday, March 10th.

(Picture by Rick Wolcott, EOC Communications Director)
"Practically Honest" Podcast

The Regional Coordinators for EOC Young People's Ministry have been busy working with Kaye Wolfinger, Director of Young People's Ministry, to create a unique training and connection opportunity for youth workers and parents of teens through a new podcast, Practically Honest. They share practical tips in an honest way to help navigate life and ministry with teens. Check it out!

Not a youth but interested to know what those in that age category are thinking and praying about? Then tune into the podcast! You can listen online at the address above or find "Practically Honest" on iTunes Podcasts.
3/30: Spring District Conference at Berea UMC
3/31: Audits due for 2018
4/21: Easter
4:22: District Office Closed
5/1: Annual Clergy Assessment & Action Plans due
5/8: RSVP for District Luncheon at Annual Conference due (details coming soon!)
5/27: District Office Closed (Memorial Day)
6/10: Annual Conference begins
6/11: District Luncheon at Annual Conference (details coming soon!)
6/24: Clergy move-out day
7/7: First Sunday for new clergy in the pulpit!
Saturday, March 30 -- 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
@ United Methodist Church of Berea
170 Seminary St., Berea 44017
On Saturday, March 30, you are invited to an exciting 2-for-1 morning. In just 3 short hours, we will combine the necessary business of the district with an opportunity to be stretched in our understanding of ministry with the poor. After the requisite coffee and morning snacks, we will quickly and efficiently complete our Spring District Meeting, enabling us to devote the remainder of our time together to an introductory presentation on Bridges Out of Poverty by Jennifer Hedinger and her team from OhioGuidestone. The morning will include helpful research and information, personal stories, and testimonials by those whose lives have been changed through the work of Bridges Out of Poverty and Getting Ahead.

This event is for clergy, lay leadership, mission/outreach committee chairs and members, and thoughtful, interested folks who want to begin to understand how we move our congregations beyond canned food (diaper, mitten) drives and all of the other wonderful, generous things we do in churches to relational and transformational work within our communities. Best of all, attendees will have the opportunity to sign up for their choice of follow up events at no charge before leaving on March 30th. Opportunities will include Bridges Out of Poverty training/certification (market value $99) and participation in a district-wide poverty simulation (market value: priceless). Those in attendance on March 30 will have first choice at signing up with all fees waived.

* * * * * * * * * *
REGISTRATION : To get a headcount for planning and materials, we are requesting all who plan to attend to RSVP HERE by March 25th . Pastors, if you are RSVP'ing for your leadership team and/or members attending, there is a spot for that on the registration form. Also a reminder to all pastors -- you are required to attend Spring District Conference, so if you cannot be there, you need to send a note with an explanation to the District Office (also space for that on the RSVP form!).

Due March 31
Please send audits to the District office (via email preferably, or you can mail them in), and we will pass them on to the Conference office. This year there is a new PDF fill-in that does (most of) the math for you! You can download a copy HERE , or find it on the EOC website HERE .

*Please remember that the District Office is always closed on Fridays*
The Nehemiah Mission launched a new initiative in October of 2018 called: #Corner65 
#Corner65 is a drop in program for African refugee children who live in the area surrounding the mission. This ministry grew out of a home based Bible study that started with six children who were asking for Bible study. 
From those original six, there are now between 40 and 60 children coming to the mission every Thursday evening for Bible study, tutoring, life skills learning, basketball, soccer, and relationship. They come because they are hungry for a safe environment where they may find hospitality, Bible teaching and real concern for their welfare. 
There are currently about 12 regular volunteers that are helping with the program. As it is growing rapidly, we  really  need more help. 
If you have been feeling a call to serve, perhaps this is the place. Contact the program director; Becky Trout to learn more and get plugged in! 216.9061.6968 ext. 16. 
FACING RACISM at University Circle UMC
March 3 - April 14
or March 9 - April 20
Join Church In The Circle for our Lenten Book Study entitled "Facing Racism." We will define the sin of racism and its accountability partners, current issues of racism, and what we can do about it today. The book is entitled RACE in a Post-Obama America: The Church Responds. The cost of the class and book is $25 (pay at the door), includes a light meal, and is open to the public. An intercultural competency assessment will be provided for participants by Will Jones, the Director of Multicultural Vitality for the East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church.

The study is open to all who have a desire to learn more about racism and how to address this social sin in the church and the community context. The Sunday study will run for seven weeks from March 3 - April 14, 2019 beginning at 9:30 am. The Saturday study will run for seven weeks from March 9 - April 20, 2019 beginning at noon. You can register by:
  1. Going to our website, www.churchinthecircle.com
  2. Scrolling over "Get Connected" on the top menu;
  3. Selecting "Registrations and Forms";
  4. and, Clicking on the <Facing Racism Lenten Book Study> of your choice (Saturdays or Sundays).
  5. Enter and submit your registration and pay $25 at the door.
  6. You can also register in the office by completing a form with a check for $25 made out to UCUMC. You must write "Facing Racism" in the memo line.

University Circle UMC
1919 E. 107th St.
Cleveland 44106
Cory United Methodist Church and Park Synagogue invite you to a 3-part series:

Facing Our Past, Building Our Future
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” This quote from James Baldwin, prominent African-American author, is the inspiration for a new series of programs planned by the Cory United Methodist Church and Park Synagogue. 

 We invite everyone in the Cleveland community to come learn about their histories and to discuss what all of us can do to make changes in our society and build a better future for all people.

Part II: “Fighting Oppression & Discrimination--- Past & Present”
Sunday, March 31 •
12:30 pm Doors Open •
1:00 pm Program Begins
at Cory United Methodist Church, 1117 E. 105th St.

Featuring Marsha Mockabee, Urban League of Greater Cleveland President/CEO, and Rabbi Jeremy Pappas, Anti-Defamation League Regional Director. Join us as we hear from community experts about racism, anti-Semitism, and discrimination in the African-American and Jewish communities—past and, unfortunately, present in our world today---and what we as individuals and as a united community can do to fight these problems that confront us.

All three programs are free and open to the community*. To see the complete flyer and details of each program, click HERE .

*RSVPs are requested --please see flyer for details.
Royal Family Kids Camp
Saturday, March 30

On March 30, 2019 a live and silent auction with dinner will be held at the Walter Ehrnfelt Recreation Center in Strongsville.  Tickets to the Royal Family Kids Camp auction and party are available at $50 each.

Royal Family Kids Camp is partnered with Strongsville United Methodist Church to provide overnight camping experiences to children of Cuyahoga County who live in the foster care system. More than 1,700 children are in foster care, many have suffered from abuse and/or neglect. Royal Family Kids Camps provide an opportunity for some of those boys and girls to enjoy fun activities in a safe, nurturing environment in the care of more than 50 trained volunteers. We are currently seeking contributions to support the 2019 Royal Family Kids Camps scheduled for this summer. 
Contact RFKCauction@strongsvilleumc.org for information or reservation details.

On Saturday, June 29th , at least 3,000 members of the Greater Cleveland faith community will join together at Public Square to symbolically Stand In for the nearly 3,000 homeless children in our city. The evening will be hosted by The City Mission, but city leaders, officials, and other crisis agencies will participate by offering practical ways to get involved in the solution.
A significant portion of the night will be devoted to corporate worship and prayer, lifting up these children and their families, seeking the Lord’s guidance. This event will boldly demonstrate to Cleveland the church’s unified commitment to stand in the gap and meet our city’s needs.

Please consider inviting your congregations to participate!

More details coming soon.

Glass Communion Cups
Does your church have any glass communion cups collecting dust in a closet somewhere? Brecksville United Methodist Church would love to take them off your hands. Rather than purchasing them from a catalog, we would love to buy them from you! Call Melanie Smith in the church office: 440-526-8938 or e-mail office@brecksvilleumc.com
Baptismal Font for
Annual Conference
The Annual Conference Worship Committee is looking for a baptismal font to use during the week. If any church has a particularly special/ornate font they would be willing to lend, they should contact Rev. Nathan Howe at nhowe@umcb.org . The church is responsible for transporting the font to/from Lakeside.
1928 Steinway Piano
For Sale: 1928 Steinway Piano in GOOD playing condition for $11,000. 

Please call Jenny Dieringer at Lakewood UMC for details. (216) 226-8644 
Contemporary Worship Leader
at Avon UMC

Avon United Methodist Church is looking for a Contemporary Worship Leader to lead our new Contemporary Worship Service. This part-time position will help grow and lead our new service which started last year. If you are interested in this position, please see our website for a full job description HERE .

Youth Engagement Intern
 at Pleasant Hills UMC

Pleasant Hills United Methodist Church is looking for a passionate, creative and self-driven individual to work with our youth and lead engagement initiatives through fellowship and outreach. The Youth Engagement Intern will serve as an example of good Christian disciple to our youth and community and to encourage spiritual growth through the study of scripture, prayer, service and fellowship. We are looking for someone to join our Education team immediately with availability through June 30, 2019.

For more details, see THIS link
at Elyria Community

Community United Methodist Church, located at 680 N,. Abbe Rd. in Elyria, Ohio is seeking a custodian.

For information contact Dan Reinke, at 440-785-8147 or danreinke@oh.rr.com  

Resume is appreciated.

Gospel Music
at Celebration UMC
Celebration United Methodist Church located at 771 East 260 th Street in Euclid, Ohio is looking for a dynamic Gospel Music Director.
Are you willing to help grow a church spiritually through music?
Are you willing to work with children and youth?
Are you willing to bring your expertise to enrich an adult gospel choir?
Are you able to accompany a choir to enhance their singing?

Email your resume to chofthecelebration@att.net
Pay is commensurate with experience.

Director of Music Ministries at East Shore United Methodist Church

1. The Director of Music shall support the pastor, who has the primary responsibility for worship planning, in developing an inspiring worship experience.
 2. The position of Director of Music will include, help, and support the musical aspect of the Contemporary Worship as Keyboardist and will coordinate the selection of music with the sermon text. Prepare the PowerPoint presentation for the worship service.
 3. The Director of Music will invite, recruit and encourage more participants to join the Praise Team. Instrumentalists will also be encouraged to participate in the services.
 4. The Director of Music will be responsible for selecting, reviewing, preparing and coordinating all the musical aspects for the weekly services to ensure the quality of the worship experience. The Director of Music is responsible for rehearsing and accompanying soloist when needed and finding someone to do so.

If interested submit your resume to:
Attention: SPRC Chairperson
East Shore United Methodist Church

or by email to


John Bell will be inspiring Northeast Ohio on April 8 and 9!
John Bell is the internationally-acclaimed writer of the hymn 'The Summons," an ordained minister of the Church of Scotland, and a Resource Worker with The Iona Community. You are invited to learn from John Bell at a series of workshops called, "The Spirit at Play." The Spirit has always been and always will be, so in these workshops, we lose some of our reservations and discover sides to the Spirit which we may never have noticed before. We'll do some reading, some conversation, and some singing. And all are welcome. There will also be an inspiring hymn experience called "Big Sing: The Shadow and Sunshine of Easter." An evening of singing for all, especially those who think they can't. Songs from all over the world, and several with familiar tunes with texts that help us to celebrate the seasons of Holy Week, Passiontide, Easter and all that comes after. For more information, details, and registration, please visit preswesres.org/johnbell . All events are free and open to the public, but registration is required. We hope to see you there!

Interested in what is going on throughout the East Ohio Conference? Check out all the news, events, and more at: eocumcnews.com
Submit your request for publication of an event, job ad, or need to Stephanie at office@northcoastdistrict.com by Wednesday at 12 noon to run in the Friday NCD News. Please be aware that the less words the better! Grab attention with basic W facts (who, what, when, where, why), and if possible, provide a link to more information online. Flyers are not always easily readable in this format.
North Coast District of The United Methodist Church
4700 Rockside Rd., Suite 300
Independence OH 44131
(216) 441-4527 • office@northcoastdistrict.com

NCD Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.