[NOTE: This weekly newsletter can be so full of information that you may not see its entirety directly in your inbox! To view all of the wonderful programs and to make sure you see all of the posters advertising for events at the local church, district, and conference level, please click on the link above to "View as Webpage"]
May 22, 2020
“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can.
In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can.
As long as ever you can.” 
―  John Wesley
The District Office will be closed Monday, May 25th in observance of Memorial Day. Have a safe and happy socially-distanced holiday!

The North Coast District office staff is working remotely for regular business hours instead of being onsite. We continue to be "open" from Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Voicemails are checked regularly and calls returned, and emails are always welcome. Thank you for your understanding.

Stay healthy and safe!

MASK MAKING MISSION in the North Coast
to Explore Possible Church and Community Connections

As we continue to work through the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many opportunities to impact our communities as the church. One way that we can meet a need is by crafting fabric masks. The CDC has recommended that we cover our noses and mouths while in public areas, and that recommendation is likely to stand for the foreseeable future. Therefore, we are exploring what is happening in the UMC in the North Coast District churches now and the possibility of a coordinated effort to match supply with demand. Debbie Smith from Strongsville UMC has stepped up as coordinator of this ministry for the North Coast District. 

Please take a few moments to complete the following brief survey at your earliest convenience to help us know what you are already doing in the way of making masks and for the possibility of joining this mission. You can contact Debbie Smith at  scrolledit@gmail.com  or Kathy Dickriede  kdickriede@gmail.com  with any questions.

5/25: District Office Closed (Memorial Day)

6/15-18: POSTPONED -- Annual Conference at Lakeside
6/29: Clergy Move-Out Day
6/30: Clergy Move-In Day

9/25: Executive Clergy Session
9/26-27: Annual Conference at Lakeside (rescheduled)
*Please remember that the District Office is always closed on Fridays*
An Updated Message from Bishop Tracy S. Malone and the Extended Cabinet:
Reopening Guidelines for EOC Church Buildings

May 21, 2020
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. We continue to be thankful for the creative and loving ways you are embodying the love and grace of Jesus Christ. The leadership and resilience you have demonstrated during this COVID-19 pandemic is remarkable and is celebrated.

We continue to be in a public health crisis due to the coronavirus, that remains contagious and can be deadly. Each of us needs to be intentional about making decisions and developing ministry plans that prioritize the well-being of our clergy and laity. No one should feel obligated or compelled to attend worship or any in-person event if they feel the risk is too high to do so.

The Extended Cabinet is now recommending that churches can consider moving from Phase 1 to Phase 2. We appreciate the way pastors and church councils (and equivalents) are giving serious attention to the details of the EOC guidelines as they develop and implement plans that prioritize care for people.

During Phase 2, small groups such as bible studies and other spiritual groups, committees, and office functions can begin to meet together in-person. Small group gatherings could include worship in some contexts, if clergy and lay leadership mutually and prayerfully determines that they will follow the worship practices and other practices listed in Phase 3 of the Guidelines for Phased-in Reopening of EOC Church Buildings as well as the guidance of their county health department.

The Guidelines are a resource based on the best advice of faithful United Methodist medical professionals and reflect current State of Ohio orders to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus. It is a tool to empower clergy and lay leadership to have conversations and make collaborative decisions about what needs to be done so that each congregation and faith community can be the Church in safer ways in their particular context.

Each of our nearly 700 East Ohio Conference churches is unique and will create its own plan for what is necessary for that congregation to move from one phase to the next. That is expected because every church has a different context, capacity and level of readiness and risk. Church pastor(s) and their council (or equivalent) should not feel pressured to move to the next phase before they are ready to do so but they are expected to be actively developing plans for reentering the church building.

We are closely monitoring the situation and will continue to do ongoing assessments and make recommendations accordingly. District superintendents and Conference staff continue to be available to support and resource your ministry.

We place our trust in God whose wisdom is beyond our understanding. We continue to follow Christ who is our example and our strength. And we rely on the power and encouragement of the Holy Spirit.

“Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort in love, any sharing in the Spirit, any sympathy, complete my joy by thinking the same way, having the same love, being united, and agreeing with each other. Don’t do anything for selfish purposes, but with humility think of others as better than yourselves. Instead of each person watching out for their own good, watch out for what is better for others. Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 2:1-5 (CEB)

Bishop Tracy S. Malone and the Extended Cabinet

  Click the image above or click HERE to download the updated Guidelines for the Phased-in Reopening of EOC Church Buildings.
EOC MISSION NEWS: MMDC Donation Pick-ups
Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC ) will be picking up donations on June 16, 2020 at locations throughout the Conference. Each location has different drop-off days, times, and instructions. We still plan on collecting items at Annual Conference in September for both MMDC and Eastbrook Mission Barn, but this June collection is to help meet the immediate needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many locations will be ‘no contact’ drop-offs. If you need help unloading, please bring someone with you or contact the site and see if they can arrange for someone to help. Please respect physical distancing and wear a mask/face covering when dropping items off.

High Priority Items
  • Homemade Face Masks
  • Hygiene Supplies: hand towel, washcloth, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, Band-Aids (3/4x3 size), shampoo (15-18 oz.), we can buy clippers way cheaper than they can be purchased in store
  • Foldable walkers, wheelchairs, crutches, canes
  • NEW Children and Adult sandals/tennis shoes - Angels of Hope Network (Haiti, Guatemala, Granada, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Jamaican, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Guyana & Honduras) and Navajo & Apache Reservation (Arizona & New Mexico)
  • Handmade Diapers
  • Reusable Feminine Hygiene Pads - available on Amazon or there are patterns on our website
  • Blankets (new or used)
  • Flashlights with batteries (new or used)
  • Sewing Instructions for some items

They will also be collecting items for UMCOR Cleaning kits , UMCOR Hygiene kits and UMCOR School kits .

The sites will not be handling monetary donations. You can either send those to the East Ohio Conference and indicate that the money is for Fund 9944 MMDC, or send directly to MMDC.

North Coast District -- Drop off Detail
Strongsville UMC (13500 Royalton Rd., Strongsville, OH 44136)
Drop-off: June 8-12 & 15, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Contact: Felicia Weisbrod (440) 238-6135 | E-mail
Please leave donations under the roof of our outdoor pavilion on the farthest north side of our property on the edge of the parking area. Each day, new donations will be locked and stored inside the pavilion to assure safe keeping.

--> For a complete listing of all drop-offs in all EOC districts, please click HERE .
A Deeper Church Dive with RE: RElate, REcommit, & RElaunch

East Ohio Conference Congregational Vitality is offering a free web-based learning and coaching experience designed to help church teams explore opportunities and talk about and develop a strategy to RElate, REcommit, and RElaunch your church.

This learning opportunity consists of three webinars with information presented by author and coach Kay Kotan. Dates include May 26, June 2, and June 9. Coaching for churches is included in this cohort. The church coaching sessions will be scheduled with each church individually.

RE will assist participants to: RElate in this virtual world with new and existing people; REcommit to the mission and the community we are called to reach; and RElaunch the church.

Learn more and register your team HERE .
Recommendations for Water Supply Flushing for Reopening of Buildings
Under Statewide COVID-19 Transition Plan
"In accordance with Ohio’s statewide transition plan announced April 27, 2020, and as buildings re-open that have had little to no water usage during the Stay at Home Order due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to flush water that has been stagnant in both cold- and hot-water distribution lines and fixtures. Low water usage can contribute to bacterial growth, including Legionella which can cause a serious type of pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease. It can also cause other water quality issues with potential health risks due to the build-up of lead and copper in stagnant water that’s been collecting in older pipes and fixtures...."

Please read the complete notice HERE as provided to the District office by ODH.
Items needed during COVID-19 pandemic

From Karen Kilgo, President & CEO of Flat Rock Homes, and Deaconess Sherri Buehl, a Church and Community Engagement Coordinator for Flat Rock Homes:

Flat Rock has a current on-going need for fabric, washable and re-useable gowns and masks. We’re seeking seamstresses, sewing groups, church and community groups who can help with this much-needed project.

Gowns for Flat Rock Care Center: Our priority need right now is for fabric, washable, re-useable gowns. We’re hearing from facilities with COVID-19 positive patients that these are the items they go through the quickest. Also, they are the least available items right now on the PPE market. Please make all gowns in Large or X-Large sizes. We need them for men and women and a little big is better than too small. We have a current need for 50-75 of these gowns.

Following are two pattern sites, including one that has a YouTube video tutorial.
  1. https://ukhealthcare.uky.edu/sites/default/files/isolation-gown.pdf
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoAheilcP3g and https://tinyurl.com/vdvxxa9
Gowns for Another Provider: There is a another provider in our area that serves adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They offer many of the same kinds of programs and services that Flat Rock provides. Currently, they are serving several ill residents and have an immediate need for 50-75 gowns as well. They have been very helpful to Flat Rock in the past and we’d like to help them during this difficult time. You may use the patterns listed above, and, again, sizes Large and X-Large are best.
Masks for Flat Rock Care Center: We have an immediate need for fabric, washable, re-useable masks for staff and residents. To protect our ears, we ask that all masks be tie-on and NOT those with elasticized ear loops. These link contains a variety of mask patterns and tutorials:
  1. https://www.masksforheroes.com/make-masks
  2. https://www.joann.com/projects/face-masks-and-coverings/

Flat Rock Homes, 7353 N. County Road 29, PO Box 1, Flat Rock OH 44828
Faith Connections May Newsletter
Please click HERE to read the newest newsletter from Flat Rock Homes!

Flat Rock Homes, 7353 N. County Road 29, PO Box 1, Flat Rock OH 44828
Revised Summer Program Announced

In response to the COVID 19 pandemic we have suspended our usual summer program of hosting short term overnight mission teams. As an alternative we are making a "day trip" opportunity available in order to continue providing outreach to our community.

Options for Summer Days at Nehemiah Mission are as follows:

TWO DAY: Monday, Tuesday
Group Size 15 max per day  
Group Donation Minimum: $600
Monday : Arrive 8:30am; 8:45am - Devotion and Learning Time, Prayer; Project Sites 9:30 am; Lunches packed from home and consumed at project site; Depart for home 4pm
Tuesday : Arrive 9am; Morning Devotion and Prayer; Project site by 9:30; Lunches packed from home and consumed at project site; Return to mission by 4pm; Bread on Bridge at 5:15pm; Clean up; Parting Prayer; Depart for Home: 7:30pm 

THREE DAY: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Group Size 15 max per day 
Group Donation Minimum: $900
Tuesday : Arrive 9am; Morning Devotion and Prayer*; Project site by 9:30; Lunches packed from home and consumed at project site; Return to mission by 4pm; Bread on Bridge at 5:15pm; Clean up; Parting Prayer; Depart for Home: 7:30pm 
Wednesday : 8:45am - Devotion and Learning Time, Prayer; Project Sites 9:30 am; Lunches packed from home and consumed at project site; Return home at 4pm
Thursday : Arrive 9am; Morning Devotion and Prayer*; Project site by 9:30; Lunches packed from home and consumed at project site; Return to mission by 4pm; Cook Out*; Clean up; Worship*; Depart for Home: 7:30pm 

* observing social distancing guidelines and appropriate PPE

  • The Mission will provide food for Tuesday evening Bread on Bridge and Thursday evening cookout. 
  • Groups will provide their own packed lunches
  • No more than one group per day. 

PROJECTS may include:
  • Assist at Trials For Hope
  • Abandon Lot Cleanups 
  • Street Cleanups
  • Private home landscaping & yard cleanups
  • #Corner65 events/programming
  • Bread on Bridge prep/set up/serving/cleanup
  • Repairs, landscaping and building care at the mission

The Nehemiah Mission, 6515 Bridge Ave., Cleveland OH 44102
Program Assistant
at The Nehemiah Mission

The Nehemiah Mission is expanding its #Corner65 ministry and making changes in programming that warrant an additional staff person. The mission is searching for the right person to fill the role of Program Assistant. This is a permanent part-time position at 15-25 hours per week with flexible scheduling. The Program Assistant works on all aspects of the mission and interacts with visiting teams, partner agencies and all those that are served by the mission. For more information or to apply, email a letter of interest and your resume to Jim Szakacs, Executive Director: pastorjimszakacs@gmail.com .

The Nehemiah Mission, 6515 Bridge Ave., Cleveland OH 44102

Two positions available at Aldersgate UMC:
Custodian and Security Guard

Aldersgate is looking for a part-time custodian. If you are interested, please forward your resume to Aldersgate at office@worshipaumc.org or call 216-921-4075 for more information. Please include any experience or certified training.

Security Guard  
Aldersgate is looking for a Security Guard. Sundays (2 services); Weekdays (as needed). If you are interested, please forward your resume to Aldersgate at office@worshipaumc.org or call 216-921-4075 for more information. Please include any experience or certified training.
Aldersgate UMC, 4069 Eastwood Lane, Warrensville Hts., Ohio 44122

Interested in what is going on throughout the East Ohio Conference? Check out all the news, events, and more at: eocumcnews.com
Submit your request for publication of an event, job ad, or need to Stephanie at office@northcoastdistrict.com by Wednesday at 12 noon to run in the Friday NCD News. Please be aware that the less words the better! Grab attention with basic W facts (who, what, when, where, why), and if possible, provide a link to more information online. Flyers are not always easily readable in this format.
North Coast District of The United Methodist Church
4700 Rockside Rd., Suite 300
Independence OH 44131
(216) 441-4527 • office@northcoastdistrict.com

NCD Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.*
(*Please note office staff are working remotely;
the physical office is currently closed.)