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ND Educational Hub

21st CCLC

March Edition

NCEC Spotlight

St. John Receives Greater Math Grant Award

The NDDPI is committed to helping improve mathematical concept understanding for all North Dakota children and equipping educators with the tools to do so. The >Math in ND program is a grant opportunity made available through ESSER III funds to promote the use of blended learning instructional approaches in grades 3-8 math classrooms in North Dakota. Because math is cumulative, unfinished learning and skills from prior years make it difficult for students to master new concepts and achieve proficiency in later grades (New Classrooms, 2019). This program aims to increase math growth by closing the students’ math gaps by implementing a high-quality blended learning model. 

This grant opportunity utilizes a collaborative approach for sustained change by including resources and supports from the REL Central (a mathematics research firm serving North Dakota), the NDDPI, and local >Math in ND teams from selected districts, along with involvement from other educational partners, including the ND Regional Education Associations.

Congratulations to St. John on your successful application!

NCEC is Hiring!

Part-Time Fiscal Officer


NCEC is looking for a part-time fiscal officer.

  • TERM OF EMPLOYMENT: Part-Time-12 months 
  • RANGE OF SALARY: As determined by the NCEC Governing Board 
  • LOCATION: Primary location NCEC Bottineau Office 
  • RESPONSIBLE TO: NCEC Governing Board, supervised by the NCEC Executive Director 
  • QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge and understanding of basic accounting systems, grant management and government reporting. Prior experience, preferred. 

Closing Date: March 24, 2023. Application packet to include cover letter, resume and references

Email application to NCEC is an EOE. 

See full job description and application instructions HERE.

Professional Development

Over the last month the ND Educational Hub has undergone two different system updates as our team works to get the functionality of the entire system working correctly. This process has been a key reason in the slower than anticipated full deployment of content on the system. With these updates we anticipate a much better user experience moving forward.

Currently, over 20 different courses are being offered in the ND Educational Hub from numerous partners around the state. As the Hub continues to be refined and updated, we anticipate having close to 40+ courses from a wide spectrum of areas ready to be deployed by the summer.

We will continue to build momentum as a one-stop shop for educators to gain access to high quality professional development, statewide trainings, and other school improvement opportunities. Stay Tuned!

In the meantime, if you have any questions, contact the team at

School Counselor Coffee Chats

The School Counselor Coffee Chats are wrapping up for the year!

Anyone planning to apply for credit should make sure to have all tasks completed by May 5. Contact Mandy McNeff with any questions.

Remaining Topics:

  • Mar 28 - Yearly Scope & Sequence through the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors - Hatching Results
  • Apr 11 - End of Year Data Planning - Hatching Results

Register Here

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Cognia Help Available - Activate Your Free Account Now!

As Cognia members, you have access to our asynchronous professional learning platform with modules (Learning Labs) designed for you to select content aligned to your identified problem of practice as a teacher or school leader. All Learning Community content is aligned to the Cognia Performance Standards, Teacher Observation Tool, eleot, and MyVoice to guide you in datadriven decision making for continuous improvement.

To get started, first check to see if you are a LINCspring school/system. LINCspring is our sister platform provided by our trusted partner in delivering professional learning. While similar, our LINCspring schools have access to additional content provided by the NDDPI. Click here to check if you are a LINCspring school. (For assistance with LINCspring login, please contact your Cognia Learning Facilitator, Katie Hall.)

For any other school not on the list provided above, you will get started in Cognia Home. Click the link here and follow Option 2 to create your account. In addition, directions are provided with additional videos to support you in getting started in the Learning Community. For additional support with Cognia Home, contact Tricia Banks at

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

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Principal PLC -- March 24 in Rugby

  • Guest presenter - Kaleb Dschaak from Fenworks will share what Fenworks has to offer your Before & After School Programs, STEAM Programs, Robotic, eGame Teams and Science Departments. We are excited to have Kaleb join us from Grand Forks!

NCEC Principal Work Day for Teacher Evaluations

  • Tuesday, April 11th Location TBA from 10:00-3:00

Contact Tonya Hunskor for more information.

Fine Arts Education PLC -- Next meeting - 9 am to 2 pm -- April 21, site TBD (if anyone would like to host, contact Katie!)

  • COMING SOON! -- NCEC Arts Education Traveling Art Exhibit
  • The Arts Education PLC is planning a multi-school traveling art exhibit for the NCEC region with the goal that it will be displayed in rotating area schools. The five-week exhibit will kick off in Harvey the first week in April.

Music Education PLC -- Next meeting - April 19, TGU Towner School

Contact Katie Saykally for more information on the Music and Art PLCs.

Music teachers had fun and learned lots at the Music PLC in Granville!

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Visit our website for updates on professional development being offered statewide.

Science of Reading

NCEC Science of Reading (SoR) Sponsored Events

Plans are underway for next school year's science of reading PD opportunities.

See flyer here

Registration for all of the courses offered within NCEC will be available soon on the ND Educational Hub, so watch for information about that prior to the end of the school year.

At NCEC, we are working hard to bring a variety of opportunities to sites closer to home. We are also trying to learn more about what each of our districts needs as teachers' understanding and implementation of SOR continues. Leah is available for literacy consulting and coaching in all schools—just ask!

If you have any requests, questions, or concerns, please let Leah Johnson know.

Check DPI Science of Reading page often for updates and resources.

Student Activities

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NCEC Presents "Hidden Images" at Marketplace for Kids

Students from around the region attended Marketplace for Kids Monday, March 13 at Dakota College at Bottineau.

NCEC staff Katie and Aimee led the students through an activity to exercise their creativity and build their imaginations. The students were given a 6 x 6 inch square with random color patterns and tasked with finding "hidden images" within the paintings.

Students found everything from jellyfish and sharks to a strand of DNA. In total, 73 students took part in the activity.

Save the date!

  • Water Festival - April 19 & 20 at DCB and May 11 in Drake
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Site Coordinators' Corner

The next NCEC 21st CCLC Site Coordinator monthly meeting is Thursday, March 24th at 3:30 pm.  

Parent, Student, and Partner Surveys should be completed by March 31st. Teacher surveys can be entered now in Youth Services.

Thank you for your help with this important data collection!

Statewide Partner News & Resources
Visit our website