Announcing the Call for Abstracts

Submission Deadline: Friday, September 1, 2023

The National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration (NCER) will be held April 14-19, 2024 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

NCER is a premier gathering of ecosystem restoration professionals, bringing together scientists, engineers, policy makers, planners, and partners from across the country.

We invite those working in large scale or small scale ecosystem restoration to submit an abstract describing efforts, science, projects and results. This is a great opportunity to share your work, your experience and research results concerning ecosystem restoration.

Our goal is to:
  • ensure sessions represent restoration at every scale, in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems throughout the U.S.
  • feature sessions that are integrative and cross- system, and that promote the transfer of regional-based knowledge to a broader audience
  • present sessions that share best practices, successful methods, and solutions to challenges affecting ecosystem restoration throughout the U.S. and beyond.

ATTENTION STUDENTS: NCER will feature a student competition sponsored by the Society for Ecological Restoration. Winners will receive an Award Certificate and a $100 prize during the closing plenary. NCER is also a great opportunity to expand your connections around the country and start laying the groundwork for future job opportunities.
Abstracts are due September 1. Start working on your abstract today and make plans to join us.
Visit the NCER web site to download the official abstract template and
to review submission guidelines:
Call for Sponsors
Organizations, private sector firms and government agencies are invited to become supporting partners in hosting the National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration.

Take advantage of this occasion to generate visibility for your organization and make new contacts.
Benefits of Sponsorship:
  • Exhibit in the poster hall and showcase your services
  • Interact with attendees and decisions makers
  • Generate leads for new projects and potential contracts
  • Enhance your prominence as a leader in the ecosystem restoration community

Multiple sponsorship levels and accompanying benefits are available. You can also spread sponsorship over two fiscal years, so don't delay. Visit our web site today to learn more!
NCER Planning Committee
Nicholas G. Aumen, Regional Science Advisor, South Florida Region, U.S. Geological Survey, Davie, FL

Darcy Austin, Science Manager, State Water Contractors (SWC), Sacramento, CA

Ryan Clark, Program Manager, Halff Associates, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA

Matt Grabau, NCER Conference Chair, Past President, Society for Ecological Restoration, Large Scale Ecosystem Restoration Section (LERS), Science Coordinator, Science Applications Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Tucson, AZ

Howard H. Gonzales, Jr., Deputy District Engineer, Department of Programs & Project Management (DPM), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville, FL

Matthew C. Harwell, Supervisor, Pacific Coastal Ecology Branch, Pacific Ecological Systems Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Newport, OR

Amber Inggs, Civil Engineer/Hydrologist, Environmental Science Associates (ESA) and Past President, Large Scale Ecosystem Restoration Section (LERS), Santa Barbara, CA

Fahmida Khatun, Hydrologist/H&H Modeler, Restoration Sciences Branch, South Florida Natural Resources Center, National Park Service, Boynton Beach, FL

Beth Miller-Tipton, NCER Conference Coordinator, Director, UF/IFAS Office of Conferences & Institutes (OCI), Gainesville, FL

Jennifer Owen-White, Refuge Manager, Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, Albuquerque, NM

Chad Smith, President, Headwaters Corporation, Kearney, NE

Questions about NCER?
Matt Grabau
NCER Conference Chair

Beth Miller-Tipton
NCER Conference Coordinator
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