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On this 45th anniversary, NCFH would like to acknowledge Daniel Cardenas for his leadership with the farmworker population. NCFH was originally founded as the National Migrant Referral Project (NMRP) in 1975, under the direction of then Executive Director, Daniel Cardenas. Mr. Cardenas was a strong advocate of the poor, and he began his work on behalf of farmworkers by implementing the (NMRP). He was a visionary in his time and brought together community migrant health clinics and community health centers to help farmworkers access health care. Mr. Cardenas continued his advocacy for farmworkers through his work with the President’s Commission on Mental Health and his work with the Governor’s Migrant Fuel Allocation Task Force. He was a true believer in helping others overcome barriers. NCFH is grateful for the work and contributions
Mr. Cardenas provided
, and we continue his work today.
In collaboration with the Latino Research Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico, Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) and the National Center for Farmworkers Health (NCFH) are conducting an important study on the wellbeing of health workers (physicians, nurses, social workers, and community health workers) serving vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your participation in this
brief online survey
(approximately 15 minutes) will better inform MCN, NCFH, and other agencies on how to address the mental health needs of health providers during a national health crisis. Thank you!
En colaboración con el Instituto de Investigación para Latinos de la Universidad de Texas en Austin, El Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de Mexico, la Red de Clínicos para Migrantes (MCN) y el Centro Nacional para la Salud de los Trabajadores de la Agricultura (NCFH) estamos llevando a cabo un importante estudio sobre el bienestar de los trabajadores de la salud (médicos, enfermeras, trabajadores sociales y trabajadores comunitarios de la salud) que prestan servicios a los grupos vulnerables durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Su participación en esta
breve encuesta en línea
(aproximadamente 15 minutos) informará mejor a MCN, NCFH, y otras agencias e instituciones sobre cómo abordar las necesidades de salud mental de los prestadores de servicios de salud durante esta crisis nacional. Gracias!
New: A Guide to Implementing
Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services
The National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards are a set of 15 action steps intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities by providing a blueprint for individuals and health and health care organizations to implement culturally and linguistically appropriate services. Any organization that receives funding from the Federal government is required to understand and have a plan to address the fifteen standards.
This guide provides an overview of how to integrate a CLAS initiative into your organization. It is important to note that while many organizations are already implementing many of these standards, the intent of this guide is to assist an organization in developing and documenting a strategic approach that will add value to the work already being done to support your health equity efforts. The accompanying tools will help an organization be able to critically assess if CLAS services are being provided, identify areas for improvement, and provide guidance in creating an action plan with specific steps to meet identified goals.
Click here to download the new guide.
Additional tools:
If you would like to learn more about these tools contact
Patricia Horton
at 512.312.5466 or email.
Updated! Ag Worker Population Estimates
Implementing a Language Access Program
Health centers are required to take reasonable steps to provide Language Access Services (LAS) to all patients with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). NCFH has created this step by step guide to implement a language access program at your health center.
Download it today!
Join the Increase Access to Care for
Ag Workers Learning Collaborative
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to join our IAC Learning Collaborative! We will be starting our new year of training and peer-to-peer exchange of information and resources in the next few weeks. Please contact our
IAC Coordinator
for more information.
National Health Center Week &
Agricultural Worker Health Center Day
National Health Center Week is quickly approaching! This year’s celebration will be held August 9-15, 2020, with a theme of “Community Health Centers: Lighting the Way for Healthier Communities Today and in the Future!”
Find out more here.
Join us in commemorating Agricultural Worker Health Center Day on Tuesday, August 11th. Join the Ag Worker Access Campaign.
- Share your story – Let us know why increasing access to care for Ag workers and their families is important to you
- Include the Campaign in your Ag Worker Health Center Day activities
- Download our tools and resources here
- Be sure to use #AgWorkerAccess and tag us in your social media posts
NCFH has curated this compilation of Questions and Answers gathered from past Increase Access to Care workshops, webinars, and trainings. This Q&A Packet for Increasing Access to Care provides Health Centers a one stop shop for information related to the accurate identification and classification of agricultural workers. Information has been categorized by familiar topics in order to enable the user to find related information quickly.
FHN COVID-19 Biweekly Update
The Farmworker Health Network (FHN) stands with everyone impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), especially health care providers and patients from special and vulnerable populations. In a consolidated effort to bring to you the latest resources and information, the FHN developed five biweekly updates to keep you informed and assist you in continuing to serve your patient population. Check out the updates
This Summer, Make Health a Family Focus
For many families across the country, warm weather means time spent with family – whether it’s backyard cookouts, picnics at the park, family reunions, family vacations or even family get-togethers over Zoom! These events are a time for families to reconnect and reflect on traditions. Family functions are also a time to talk about family health.
In the United States, all too often a family’s health history includes prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes is a condition that affects 88 million American adults – or 1 in 3 – and means that a person’s blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough yet for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. The good news is prediabetes often can be reversed with a healthy diet and more physical activity.
When spending time with family this summer, think about ways you can get healthier together. Here are some ideas to help you get started:
- Prepare healthier food for barbecues and picnics. Think about healthier options you can contribute to family meals such as fruits, vegetables, and low-sugar and low-calorie beverages.
- Get the family moving. Add a family soccer, basketball, softball, or kickball game to the day’s activities. Incorporate a dance contest or crank up the music and share some new line dances. Or just go for a good, brisk family walk.
- Create a family health buddy program. Accountability works. Encourage family members to pick a “health buddy” who they can talk to or text when they feel like they’re slipping into unhealthy behaviors or when they want to celebrate a health win.
Summer is a time to have fun with family, but it’s also a time to help take care of them. Encourage family members at risk for type 2 diabetes to understand their risk and learn that they can prevent or delay it if they take steps to change their lifestyle. Help them get started today!
Looking for a Resource? We Have You Covered!
- A new, HRSA-funded online resource repository of training and technical assistance materials for health centers.
- Contains resources produced by the 20 HRSA-funded National Cooperative Agreement organizations serving health centers.
- Resource topics include finance, operations, workforce, quality improvement, capital development, HIT/data, governance, and emerging issues.
Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Contact Us!
Don't forget to check out our
Our Mission: To improve the health status of farmworker families through the provision of
innovative training, technical assistance, and information services to Migrant and
Community Health Centers.
Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
This project was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under U30CS0 9737, Technical Assistance to
Community and Migrant Health Centers and Homeless, ($1,583,856). This information or content and
conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of,
nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.