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June 2020
The staff at the National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH) is ​deeply saddened by the recent unjust and violent events impacting our country.  Since the enslavement of indigenous and African peoples in the early days of America, racism has had deep roots in agriculture. Throughout the 20th century,  Black farmers had to battle institutional racism  in farm lending and land opportunities as they were  systematically pushed off their farms . In the early 1900s, Black farmers made up 14% of farm owners and many were thriving economically, but 100 years later only 1.5% of farm owners were Black and the size of their farms had shrunk dramatically. As a nation, we owe so much to the Black agriculturalists who drove innovation and success on American farms: from  Antoine , the Louisiana slave horticulturalist who cultivated the first domesticated pecans, to  George Washington Carver , whose brilliant ideas on regenerative agriculture are still innovative today, to  Leah Penniman , who is fiercely fighting to end racism and injustice in farming today. 

 In affirming our mission to improve the health of farmworkers and their families, we strive to dismantle all types of barriers and challenges to quality healthcare, including racism. We are committed to advancing and supporting actions that are grounded in respect, inclusivity, and health equality. NCFH stands in solidarity with those devoted to and who seek equality, oppose racism, and demand justice for those subject to health disparities, poverty, and violence.

IAC Promising Practices Award
NCFH is pleased to announce that Ampla Health based in Yuba City, California, is this year’s Increase Access to Care for Ag Workers Promising Practices Award recipient.

The IAC Network Promising Practices Award was established in 2018 in order to showcase promising practices, and acknowledge Increase Access to Care for Agricultural Workers Network members’ efforts of continuously identifying ways to increase access to quality health care for the Ag worker population. Read more about this year’s awa rdee here.
Increase Access to Care for
Ag Workers Training Opportunities
Customized Increase Access To Care for Agricultural Workers (IAC) virtual trainings and Migrant Health Action Planning consultations are available to assist you in meeting your staff development goals. Both can be tailored to the needs of your health centers and the communities you serve.

Contact our Increase Access Campaign Coordinator for more information about staff training focused on properly identifying and reporting and to start planning your next steps toward ensuring access to quality healthcare for your Ag worker patients, especially during this time of crisis.
New IAC Knowledge Base Tool
NCFH recently created the Increase Access to Care Knowledge Base for Health Centers to provide them a one stop shop for information on increasing access to care and promising practices. Information has been categorized by familiar topics in order to enable the user to find related information quickly. Click here to view.
Check Out Our Latest Archived Webinar!
Thanks to our guest speaker, Dr. Stacy Ogbeide, Associate Professor/Director of Behavioral Health Education, Family Residency at UT Health San Antonio, for the very informative webinar on 6/2/20, “Taking Action to Change: Brief Motivational Interviewing Techniques for Better Health Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes”. The webinar provided an overview of the use of Brief Motivational Interviewing (BMI) in patient care, with a focus on diabetes. The spirit and principles of BMI within patient-provider communication were highlighted, as well as an introduction to BMI components such as change talk and commitment talk.

In case you missed it, you can find it on our website , along with other archived webinars .
COVID-19 Education and Prevention Resources
Best Practices/Adaptations
As we navigate through these challenging times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are especially grateful to all the Ag Worker Health Champions that continue to work to ensure access to quality healthcare for Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural workers (MSAWs) and their families. It is more important than ever to share promising practices with our peers.
Family Health La Clinica, the only MHC in the state of Wisconsin, has developed information and resources related to their program for COVID-19 education and prevention for MSAW populations, and has generously shared it with us for dissemination.

  • This health center has established partnerships with State Public Health and the Wisconsin Farmworker’s Coalition to provide education and testing to all MSAW employers in WI and with the National Guard for testing.


Please email your best practices/adaptations to .

For additional resources, please visit our website.
FHN Biweekly Update
The latest biweekly updates related to COVID-19 from the Farmworker Health Network (FHN) are available now on our website !
Agriculture Workers and Employers Interim Guidance from CDC and the U.S. Department of Labor
We are pleased to share that CDC and the Department of Labor jointly developed and have released new interim COVID-19 guidance for agricultural workers and employers. It is available at 
This guidance provides a template of action to protect agriculture workers from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Agricultural employers can adapt these recommendations to protect workers at their particular work sites or in specific work operations.
Questions concerning this guidance may be directed to
Men’s Health Month Is For You!
Nowadays it seems like there’s a month for everything – but this month is for you! June is Men’s Health Month, the perfect time to make an appointment with your doctor. It’s easy to take your health for granted, but there is something you can do now, today – take a quick online test to learn if you might have prediabetes.

To take the 1-minute test, visit You’ll be asked a few simple questions about your health such as how active you are, whether you have a family history of diabetes, and how much you weigh. Then the website will tally your points and tell you whether you’re likely to have prediabetes and be at high risk for type 2 diabetes.

Prediabetes is a condition that affects 88 million Americans – or 1 in 3 people – and it means that a person’s blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough yet for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Men are more likely to have prediabetes than women, which means it’s important for you to know your risk – and for your buddies to know their risk too. The good news is prediabetes can often be reversed with a healthier diet and more physical activity.

If you find out you may be at risk, you will want to make that appointment with your doctor. But for now, just taking the test can let you know where you stand. If you do have prediabetes, your doctor might refer you to a CDC-recognized lifestyle change program like the National Diabetes Prevention Program. In this lifestyle change program, you can learn ways to lower your chances for getting type 2 diabetes.

This month is for you! Take the one-minute prediabetes risk test at . And tell a buddy or two to do the same.
HRSA Requests for Information
HPSA Scoring Criteria
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) seeks public input and feedback to inform policy considerations related to changes to scoring criteria for Health Professional Shortage Areas, as described in this Request for Information (RFI), and to solicit additional ideas and suggestions from the public. HRSA seeks stakeholder input regarding current scoring found in a notice published in the Federal Register, 68 Fed. Reg. 32531 (May 30, 2003).

HRSA also seeks stakeholder input on possible additions or alternative approaches to HPSA scoring. These would include, but are not limited to, new factors, components, or point weighting. HRSA will not accept proposals to expand NHSC eligibility to new provider types or proposals that otherwise go beyond the purview of HPSA scoring. Feedback on the areas of consideration outlined in the RFI, as well as more general feedback or suggestions will be collected through September 18, 2020.
Maternity Care Health Professional Target Areas
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) seeks public input and feedback to inform policy considerations related to the establishment of criteria for Maternity Care Health Professional Target Areas, as described in this Request for Information (RFI), and to solicit additional ideas and suggestions from the public related to the RFI’s topic areas. The requirements of the Public Health Service Act, Section 332(k)(5); (42 USC §254e(k)(5)) define the term “full scope maternity care” as health services provided during labor care, birthing, prenatal care, and postpartum care. Feedback on the areas of consideration outlined in the RFI, as well as more general feedback or suggestions will be collected through September 18, 2020.
Looking for a Resource? We Have You Covered!
  • A new, HRSA-funded online resource repository of training and technical assistance materials for health centers.
  • Contains resources produced by the 20 HRSA-funded National Cooperative Agreement organizations serving health centers.
  • Resource topics include finance, operations, workforce, quality improvement, capital development, HIT/data, governance, and emerging issues.

Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Contact Us!
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Our Mission: To improve the health status of farmworker families through the provision of
innovative training, technical assistance, and information services to Migrant and
Community Health Centers.
Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.

This project was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under U30CS0 9737, Technical Assistance to
Community and Migrant Health Centers and Homeless, ($1,583,856). This information or content and
conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of,
nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.