An Important Message for NCFlex Participants

January 2025

Reminder: Check Paystub and Address

Benefit elections made during Open Enrollment for NCFlex 2025 benefits went into effect on January 1 and should be deducted from your January pay. Review your pay stub to verify all premium amounts and plans for which you enrolled. See our NCFlex summary of benefits for rates:

University Employees

Non-University Employees

Contact your Human Resources office if there's an error in your benefits or deductions.

Recently moved? While in your HR portal, make sure your mailing address is accurate. Your HR portal sends your address to the enrollment platform which in turn sends the address to each NCFlex vendor. This helps ensure you receive important benefits information.

Vitamin D and the Winter Blues

The January blues, the winter blahs, or, in more serious cases, seasonal depression—whatever you call it, the winter months can be an emotionally difficult time for many. You may be less likely to partake in self-care and social activities—both contributors to positive mental health—because of colder temperatures, fewer hours of daylight or the threat of hazardous driving conditions. But did you know your mood this time of year may also be affected by a drop in vitamin D levels?

The body produces vitamin D when exposed to the sun and is important for "bone health, muscle movement, nerve connections to the brain and immune system function." Since many of us are dressed in layers and stay bundled up inside as much as possible in the wintertime, we're more at risk of a vitamin D deficiency, which is linked to seasonal affective disorder.

Don't worry though, there are ways to help prevent a deficiency in "the sunshine vitamin" even on the darkest winter days.

Eat foods naturally rich in vitamin D. Fatty fish, lean proteins and egg yolks are all great sources of the vitamin, so consider adding more egg dishes to your breakfast rotation or add baked salmon to your next salad, pasta or grain bowl. Need a vegan option? Mushrooms grown in ultraviolet light are one of the few plant-based sources of naturally occurring vitamin D. Bonus: This slow cooker mushroom soup is perfect for staying warm and cozy.

Add in foods fortified with vitamin D. Let's face it, not everyone is a fan of fish. Or eggs. Or mushrooms. Want more options? Many dairy products and plant-based dairy substitutes are fortified with vitamin D. Breakfast cereals often have added vitamin D as well, so a bowl of your favorite kid cereal with milk may be an easy and nostalgic way of incorporating more of this vital vitamin into your diet.

Ask a doctor or dietitian about supplements. Though not for everyone, if you're still concerned about your vitamin D consumption, connect with a trusted medical professional to see if a supplement or daily multivitamin might do the trick. Vitamin D can interact with certain prescription medications and overconsumption can be dangerous so always consult a medical professional before adding a supplement to your daily routine. Remember, dietitian visits are covered at 100 percent for members of the State Health Plan when seeing an in-network provider.

Want to learn more? Review the warning signs of a vitamin D deficiency

Flexible Spending Account Updates and Reminders

Health Care FSA

  • If you have elected a new amount for 2025, funds were loaded onto your convenience card effective Jan.1 and can be used immediately.
  • The election you've made for 2025 should not be used for prior year expenses, but for dates of service dated Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2025 only (outside of any rollover).
  • If you have funds that rolled over from 2024, these funds will be used for 2024 claims first. These claims have a filing deadline of March 31, 2025. Funds left after March 31 become available to use for 2025 expenses (dated Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) once any 2025 funds are depleted.
  • Learn more about what's covered by viewing the NCFlex sample list of FSA eligible items and the interactive eligibility list at


Dependent Day Care FSA

  • Funds elected for the 2025 plan year are not available for reimbursement until they have been payroll deducted.
  • This account has a grace period instead of a rollover. You have until March 15 to use any remaining 2024 funds and until March 31 to file claims on the 2024 account (for expenses dated Jan. 1, 2024 - March 15, 2025).
  • Follow IRS guidelines! If you and your spouse are both eligible to contribute to a DDCFSA, the maximum family contribution amount is $5,000 per plan year. If you are both contributing the max, contact your HR office as soon as possible to find out how to correct this.
  • If you experience a change in day care needs, you can use the life event "Day Care change" within 30 days of the event to adjust the amount you contribute, cancel the plan or start the plan.


For more information, claim forms, and how to file a claim, visit the FSA section of Access your account(s) at or through the P&A Group MyBenefits mobile app. For questions about your account, contact P&A Group at 1-866-916-3475. 

Critical Illness and Accident Plan Participants - 1099 Forms

If you were paid a benefit of over $600 from your Critical Illness and/or Accident Plan in 2024, you will receive a 1099 from Voya. These 1099s will be mailed no later than Friday, January 31.

Please consult a tax professional as to whether the amount received is fully subject to income tax. Since the premium is deducted on a pre-tax basis, the benefit received is only subject to income tax to the extent that your unreimbursed medical expenses (for which Health Care FSA funds were not used to pay) are less than the benefit payment.

For example, if the Accident Plan pays $200 for a medical office visit, but the covered individual has an unreimbursed medical cost of $30 from a copay the HCFSA was not used for, then only $170 would be taxable.

More information can be found in this article about taxation and fixed indemnity plans which discusses an IRS Memo released in 2017.

Upcoming Webinar Opportunities

Benefits Webinars:

In February, we will discuss our Term Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Plans through Voya. Did you know the Group Term Life Plan includes free benefits such as funeral planning services for you or a loved one? It also includes an accelerated death benefit and disability waiver of premiums, in certain scenarios. Our AD&D Plan includes a free Travel Assistance benefit, whether you have the free Core Plan and/or the Voluntary Plan.

Keep in mind, if you are a university employee, you are offered a separate Term Life and AD&D product through your employer. Please check with your HR department on what you may be eligible for.

Learn about these features as well as continuation options of these plans, during one of our February sessions:

Wednesday, Feb. 12, 12 - 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 12 - 1 p.m.

Worksite Wellness Webinars:

Join us for 10 Healthy Eating Habits to Adopt Now!

In this free Lunch and Learn, you'll discover the best eating habits to adopt according to a registered dietitian and how to approach habit change from a realistic perspective so the changes you make become a permanent part of your lifestyle.

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.