Cave and Karst News for November 2023

Upcoming online events and deadlines:

October was filled with many conferences and outreach events. NCKRI staff presented their research, engaged with families and furthered their understanding. If you would like add any upcoming events, deadlines or news, email us at or reply to this email. Read on to find out more about upcoming deadlines.


Southwestern Region of the NSS Winter Technical

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

December 2, 2023

6th Rocky Mountain Geobiology Symposium

Socorro, New Mexico, USA

April 20, 2024



December 1, 2023


12 weeks



To Apply

Job Opportunity:

GeoCorps Watershed and Geology Program Assistant

The GeoCorps participant will primarily be working with the Forest Geologist and the supervisor’s office biological and physical resources staff. Under the Geology Program, the GeoCorps participant will conduct inventory and monitoring of abandoned mine lands (AML), karst resources and geologic hazards. Duties will include conducting field assessments and monitoring throughout the national forest. Underground entry for conducting cave health assessments will be part of these duties. Additional duties may include project management of specific reclamation projects along with fossil location and identification. The participant will work under the guidance of the Forest Geologist. 

For more information


November 30, 2023


3,000 Euro



Funding Opportunity:

Speleological Events Support 2023

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

We are glad to inform you, about the new call for speleological events support. Granted can be

international expeditions or other events, focused on the exploration, study, or protection of caves

and karst, with emphasis on educational, technical, and/or scientific cooperation.

All requests should show explicitly, that the proposed event is in agreement with the Statutes,

Internal Regulations and Code of Ethics of the UIS. In addition, speleological expeditions must

involve participants from at least three different countries. Requests which do not meet this

requirements will not be accepted. Conditions and more details about speleological events support

can be found in the Speleological Events Support Guidelines. D not hesitate to ask UIS Vice President of Administration Zdenek Motycka at .

The deadline for this call is November 30, 2023.

All request received till deadline, will be evaluated by the UIS Bureau and the best projects will be

supported. For this call, the UIS Bureau has decided to dedicate a max. amount of 3000,‐ EUR, it

means, that this amount is maximum what can be split betwen ALL supported projects. All requests

received after the deadline will not be accepted, but can be submitted for the next call in 2024.

Your requests must be sent before deadline to the UIS via Secretary General Johannes Mattes at

Applicants will be notified about the outcome of their proposal by the end of January 2024.

Best regards,

Zdenek Motycka

UIS Vice President of Administration


February 15, 2024





Funding Opportunity:

William L. Wilson and Diane C. Wilson Scholarship in Karst Science

The scholarship ($2500) is open to any student who is currently enrolled in, or has been accepted into, a master’s degree program at an institution of higher education in the United States. This year’s deadline for all application materials is February 15, 2024.


Conferences and Outreach

New Mexico Geological Society's Fall Field Conference

From October 4-7th, National Cave & Karst Research Institute was a co-sponsor of the New Mexico Geological Society’s annual Fall Field Conference in the Carlsbad region of southeastern New Mexico. This year’s conference, organized by the Institute’s Dr. Lewis Land, focused on regional geology, stratigraphy, and hydrogeology of the Guadalupe Mountains and Delaware Basin, and more specifically on evaporite karst phenomena of the lower Pecos region of southeastern New Mexico. 89 people attended the conference, which included two pre-conference field trips, one to Carlsbad Caverns National Park, and another to Guadalupe Mountains National Park. One trip involved a hike to the crest of Guadalupe Peak, which is 2667m, the highest point in the state of Texas; the other involves a trek that descends 229m below the surface.

The NMGS FFC is attended by geology enthusiasts and students all over the state of New Mexico. Many of the students (photo above left) received financial support in order to attend. During the conference the participants went to a variety of sites such as Bottomless Lakes, New Mexico's first state park, where subject matter experts such as NCKRI's Dr. Lewis Land (photo above) explains about the significant geology.

Solar Eclipse Watch Party

On October 14th, a free Carlsbad community Solar Eclipse Watch Party was hosted by Inspired by Science at NCKRI headquarters. Over 400 people attended to build solar cars, look through an eclipse viewing card or telescope. NCKRI staff and other community science partners also participated in the event.

Geological Society of America

From October 14-18, many NCKRI staff attended the Geological Society of America Connects 2023 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In total NCKRI had 12 abstracts, 9 of them oral presentations and 3 posters. NCKRI also chaired two oral sessions and 3 posters sessions. All of NCKRI's NPS Scientist in Parks presented on their work. NCKRI also attended several short courses to learn about resistivity survey techniques and virtual reality in geoscience education.

Photos Descriptions Clockwise: 1. Raquel Lugo and Lewis Land at the NCKRI booth sharing daily cave themed trivia. 2. L to R, NMT Graduate Students from the NMT- NCKRI Geobiology Lab: Katelyn Green, Abigail Brown (SIP), Joseph Hoberg (SIP), Mackenzie Best and Zoe Havlena stand in front of the NCKRI banner after their oral presentations. 3. Raquel Lugo (SIP) presents her poster on science communication and accessibility.

Dr. Lewis Land Recognized by the GSA Karst Division

During the the GSA convention, Dr. Land was honored by the GSA Karst Division with the Distinguished Service award. He was delighted to find that he was an invited speaker in a technical session on biogeochemistry and climate change, a subject outside of his normal field. He gave a presentation entitled “Humans as geomorphic agents: Anthropogenic sinkholes as a type of pseudokarst , which was well-received.

Help Us in Our Search: Consider Nominating

Director Search NCKRI Headquarters in Carlsbad, NM

Help us in our search by nominating qualified individuals.

New Mexico Tech seeks a dynamic and entrepreneurial-minded leader to serve as the Director of the National Cave and Kast Research Institute (NCKRI). The leader will ensure the Institute’s focus in the following functional areas: further the science of speleology; centralize and standardize speleological information; foster interdisciplinary cooperation in cave and karst research programs; promote public education; promote national and international cooperation in protecting the environment for the benefit of cave and karst land forms; and promote and develop environmentally sound and sustainable resource management practices. Reporting to the Associate Vice President for Research the selected hire will oversee all facets of Institute management and planning.

To learn the specific responsibilities:


Here are some of the upcoming cave and karst related events. You can also add this google calendar. If you would like an event added, contact

November 2023

3rd International Congress of Karst, Speleology and Enhancement of Natural Heritage,

2-5 November 2023

Rabat, Morocco

Cave Research Foundation Annual Meeting,

3-4 November 2023,

Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA

La Union Mexicana De Agrupaciones Espeleologicas

3-5 November 2023

San Luis Potosi, Mexico

CaveMAB Network:

Sustainable Tourism Solutions in Cave and Karst Biosphere Reserves

6-7 November 2023

Online Event

National Cave and Karst Management Symposium

6-10 November 2023

Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Speleological Events Support 2023 Call for Proposals

30 November 2023


December 2023

Asian Trans-Disciplinary Karst Conference Call for Papers

31 December 2023


Cleveland Grotto 2024 Science Grant

31 December 2023


January 2024

Fort Stanton Call for Proposals

8 January 2024


February 2024

National Speleological Society Board of Director Nominations

1 February 2024


The William L. Wilson and Diane C. Wilson Scholarship in Karst Science

15 February 2024


Special Issue for International Journal of Speleology

28 February 2024

Request for Submissions

To see more go to our online calendar

Send Us News

If you have cave and karst news that you want to share, please send an email to or click the link above. Include your contact information and details that you would like us to share such as an event, date, pertinent links, and a short description.

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The National Cave and Karst Institute is a research center of New Mexico Tech. NCKRI was created in partnership with the National Park Service, State of New Mexico, and the City of Carlsbad to be a nexus of research, stewardship, information and outreach for caves and karst while fostering interdisciplinary collaborations. Our mission is to promote and facilitate cave and karst research, education and sustainability.

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