National News

June 6, 2023

To: Active and New Members, Chapter Leaders and National Leaders


to the 2023-2024 NCL, Inc. year! These National News communications from NCL, Inc. include pertinent information for all NCL members, including Chapter Leaders.

Whether you are joining a new chapter or are starting the Core Program as a 7th grader, we know you'll have a wonderful experience! To get started, access our brand new NCL, Inc. Resources tab to check out the latest tools you'll need! We have refreshed our resources page to make it easier to find what you need, when you need it. Check it out today!

Upcoming Events

View the master calendar on the member website under Calendar > Virtual Events. All events will be listed in Central Time. Click on the event name to register!

Update Your Profile

It's a new fiscal year! Make sure to update your profile and ensure all of your contact information is correct so that you continue to receive these important communications throughout the year. If you have any issues or if you are not receiving communications from NCL, Inc., please email Please note we are seeing a high volume of traffic on the website that is causing delays, so please be patient as you may experience longer wait times for the system to update. Thank you for your patience and leadership!

You've Helped Us Reach Our Halfway Mark!

This fund is an exciting opportunity to implement the Ticktocker voice. Ticktockers will practice philanthropy, develop programs, submit grant applications, and come together to showcase their thoughts and ideas to bring them to life. We’ve already reached our halfway mark by raising over $125,000Will you help shape the future of our organization and the communities we serve? Find out how here.

Our NCL Family is Growing

NCL has grown to over 295 chapters, and we welcome our newest chapters that activated this year. The Spirit of St. Louis Chapter serves the greater St. Louis, MO area; the Pittsburgh Linxx becomes the first NCL chapter in Pittsburgh and the third in Pennsylvania; and the Prosper TX Chapter adds to our Texas presence. Welcome to the NCL family!

NCL, Inc. is Hiring!

We are looking to fill two positions at NCL, Inc.: a Membership Operations Coordinator to support our Member Services Operations and the member experience, as well as a part-time Administrative Coordinator to coordinate various office tasks and functions. Both of these positions are hybrid-remote, based in Texas or California. Please review the job descriptions on the member website under NCL, Inc. Resources > Corporate Tools > Employment and submit a letter of interest/cover letter and resume to Note: Active members cannot apply for the roles above.

Chapter Leaders

Access Your Resources

We hope you were able to participate in our 2023 Spring Training to learn about your position. Continue your learning by viewing our Training page, which includes leadership module courses on conflict management, diversity, equity and inclusion, ambassadorship and more!

July 1st Deadline for Accurate Membership Data

Calling all Presidents, VPs Membership, Treasurers, VP Communications & Webmasters! Chapters have begun a new fiscal year and it is essential that your membership data is accurately recorded in Digital Cheetah by July 1st. Please see the links below for more resources.

Simplify Your Chapter Finances

Billhighway is NCL's best practice solution for chapter financial management to streamline invoicing, spend management, and financial reporting. All chapters shall adopt and implement Billhighway by 2025.

If your chapter is interested in learning more:

Need Support?

We have a wonderful Chapter Support Team, which is comprised of staff and national volunteers (Chapter Coordinators, Subject Matter Experts, Leadership Development Team, Sustainer Support Team) ready to assist you with any questions or concerns. Remember to first check your chapter governing documents, as well as NCL, Inc. Resources on the website. If you need further assistance, visit the chapter support page to submit your request for support.

Position-Specific Reminders


Affiliation Agreement - The NCL, Inc. Affiliation Agreement affirms the chapter's understanding of the requirements to remain in good standing with NCL, Inc. and to flourish as a chapter. The chapter president has the responsibility and authority to sign and execute this agreement. Please review and discuss this document as a chapter board, and then use this link to complete your agreement by September 15th.

National Council Delegate - As per our NCL, Inc. bylaws, each chartered chapter must appoint a national council delegate as the member representative of the chartered chapter and an alternate. Chartered chapter presidents, there is a new position in your Position Manager which you can use to designate your chapter’s delegate and alternate for the 2023-2024 year. Review the Best Practices for National Council Delegates. 

Compliance Officer - Per chapter policies and procedures, each year, the chapter board shall appoint the chapter’s Compliance Officer and document the appointment in the minutes of the first board meeting of the fiscal year. The Compliance Officer role is critical for every chapter. There is also a new global position for "Compliance Officer" in your Position Manager. Please assign this position to your chosen officer by July 1st so that they can receive communications, get access to a new NCL, Inc.-provided chapter compliance email address, and register for a training in the Fall.

VP Communications

Website Updates - Make sure profiles are updated and that all board positions have been assigned for the new year. Complete any last steps in the Transitioning Your Website to a New Chapter Year User Guide and checklist to ensure your chapter is set up properly for the fiscal year. If you have any questions, review the resources in our Help Center or submit a request.

Technology Training - We will hold technology trainings for chapter leaders and website administrators to review features of the website and discuss any new updates. We encourage you to attend our first call on June 14th, where we will review the latest website enhancements, such as leadership hours and how to use the new member access group.


Billhighway Users - All fiscal year-end Billhighway entries must be recorded on or before June 30 when the books close for the year. If your chapter collected dues before May 31st for this fiscal year (2023-2024) and you used the 4000 accounts instead of the 2000 accounts, please attend the Billhighway Instructional Session on Year-End Journal Entries for Deferred Revenue tonight, June 6th, at 6pm Central to learn more. For additional questions, contact Billhighway Customer Care. 

Have questions? Contact
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