Tar Heel Pest Management News
March  2017
New Video Launched: DIY Pest Prevention
NCPMA Video Series Available on YouTube

The latest addition to the NCPMA video series is now live on the association's  YouTube channel. The video provides DIY pest prevention tips for homeowners.  

Click below to view the video and don't forget to subscribe to NCPMA's YouTube channel.

NCPMA's DIY Pest Prevention Video

In This Issue
NCPMA's PestLine Returns
PestLine Opens April 1 for Pest Management Month

April is Pest Management Month! To celebrate, we will once again offer the NCPMA PestLine throughout the month of April to give members of the public a chance to get their pest questions answered for free.

Beginning April 1, we'll take pest questions through our website and social media pages to help the public identify their pest problems.  Visitors can also submit photos to get the pests identified by pest experts!

Keep an eye out on our Facebook and Twitter pages for more information!

NCPMA Visits NPMA Legislative Day
NCPMA Representatives Visit Capitol Hill

Members of the North Carolina Pest Management Association convened in Washington, DC for NPMA's annual Legislative Day March 12-14.  NCPMA leaders walked the halls of Congress meeting with North Carolina's elected leaders to discuss issues affecting the pest management industry.

Spring Workshops Completed

Spring Regional Workshops were held throughout late February and early March. Thanks to everyone who came out to these events statewide and everyone who helped plan and execute the events!
WDIR Accreditation
Training Our Members 

Did you know that NCPMA has a program created specifically to train Wood Destroying Insect Report Inspectors?

This state-of-the-art training program prepares each trainee to properly identify past or current infestations of wood-destroying insects. Each accredited inspector adheres to a strict code of ethics, completes regular training courses and has a special seal that he or she affixes to completed WDIR forms to show home buyers that they have been trained to properly identity signs of damage and infestation.

To learn more about NCPMA's WDIR Accreditation program, visit the NCPMA website.
NCPMA In the News

Check out these news stories from across the state and our industry featuring NCPMA.
Greensboro News & Record: 

PCT Magazine: 
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events. Click links to get more information or to register.
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