Join Us for a Virtual Professional Development Opportunity
We are excited to announce the 2nd round of our Statewide Education and Funding Initiative! NCRPA, GameTime, Cunningham Recreation, and PlayCore are aligning resources to promote best practices in parks and recreation and provide quality education and evidence-based resources to meet your communities needs in new and innovative ways!

Join us virtually on June 28th at 9:00AM for a professional development session that will showcase leadership case examples that have utilized the 7 Principles of Inclusive Playground Design to demonstrate health and wellness outcomes. This virtual professional development opportunity is designed to support NCRPA members’ efforts in applying for the Accessibility for Parks (AFP) Grant Program, to help break down barriers for both physical access and social participation to occur to the greatest extent.

GameTime will also share information on how to apply for 100% matching funds to bring these destinations to your community!

CEUs, and evidence-based resources will be provided at no cost. Attendees will receive a virtual Starbucks gift card to enjoy a cup of coffee on us during the presentation!
June 28, 2022 - 9 am
Inclusive Playground Design Professional Development (virtual event)
****If you have already registered previously, no need to do so again.
Accredited By
In Partnership
Cunningham Recreation | 800.438.2780 |