Weekly Insights
Providing the information you need, when you need it!
State Legislative Updates
AB 1436: Proposal Could Delay Rent Even Longer
A bill introduced in the California Legislature this week would force landlords to delay rents for tenants who've been unable — or unwilling — to pay for housing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The rent-deferral period would last until 15 months after a state or local state of emergency is lifted.
Local Legislative Updates
Stockton City Council Approves Tenant Eviction Eviction Extension
Vote: Motion carried 7-0

To view the agenda click the button!
NCRPA News & Updates
Guidance on Uploading & Retrieving Forms From Our Website!
How To Upload Files To Our Website
  1. Sign in with your username and password
  2. Click the choose file button under the "Upload Files Here" title
  3. Select your tenants application from your computer
  4. To send, click the "Upload File" button
  5. Logout of your account
  6. At that point an email will be sent to NCRPA and one of your staff members will start to process your documents
How To Retrieve Files After They're Completed
  1. Log Back into your account with the same username and password
  2. You can view your documents under the "Your Files" title
  3. You can do 3 three things with your documents
  • Print your documents out to keep for your records (recommended)
  • Download these documents to your computer
  • Leave them in your NCRPA online file cabinet (Please note files will be archived annually)
Below is a brief video showing you exactly how to do it!
Our Evictions Department