NCSO® Educational Conference Resources

1st Annual Educational Conference

The NCSO® Educational Conference was well received last week with over 100 in attendance with many great questions and comprehensive discussion. The information received through the completed surveys is valuable in contributing to enhancements and we thank you for your participation.  Below we have included copies of the presentations for your reference and use in the workplace.

Session 1: Mental Health Communication

Hear from IHSA's Mental Health Specialist, Kathy Martin how to ensure psychological health and safety is part of your safety program and how to build a culture that supports total worker well-being. Learn about the value of communication and engagement in this process through talking and listening to workers at all levels. Discover IHSA’s new tools and resources to support you in your work.

Download Presentation - Session 1

Watch on Demand Recording - Session 1

Session 2: Records & Statistics

IHSA’s Health & Safety Management Systems, COR® Consultant David Dametto overviews the requirements under element 12 “Statistics & Records” in COR® and details what employers need to accomplish to meet the external audit requirements. Additionally, Ian Hunter, Senior Business Advisor, Analytics Portfolio Planning & Delivery from WSIB will review the importance of statistics and where an employer can find the information on the WSIB’s website.

Download Presentation - Session 2

Watch on Demand Recording - Session 2

Session 3: Compliance Initiatives

Jules Arntz-Gray, Director Occupational Health and Safety Branch of the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) discusses ongoing efforts to reduce workplace incidents through focused efforts in key high-hazard areas. Included is an overview of the upcoming Workplace compliance blitz initiatives and details on how you can access key resources to support both compliance and prevention back in the workplace to manage these hazards.

Download Presentation - Session 3

Watch on Demand recording - Session 3

Session 4: NCSO® Updates and Changes

Jennifer McKenzie, NCSO Committee Lead provides an update on the recent changes to the NCSO® certification and the upcoming changes, taking place on January 1, 2023.

Download Presentation - Session 4

Watch On Demand Recording - Session 4

Let us know - would you attend another conference in the future?
Yes - it was awesome!
No - it missed the mark
Maybe - depends on topics

To Learn More

To learn more about the NCSO® and NHSA™ certification please visit IHSA’s NCSO®/NHSA™ webpage


Michelle Roberts

Director, Stakeholder & Client Engagement


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