It's the most wonderful time of the year to be in western North Carolina! Winter has arrived to provide a beautiful landscape against which the holidays can be enjoyed throughout the region. We recently received a generous snowfall in Burke County on the order of seven inches and took the opportunity to view our new campus site under a blanket of white. The picture of Goodwin Hall at the top of our newsletter presents a snapshot of our winter wonderland.
As we rapidly approach the holidays and the end of 2017, it is a good time to pause and reflect on the incredible progress our campus planning has achieved. We appreciate the contributions from our friends, colleagues, and partners across North Carolina and look forward to beginning the next chapter of our work in early 2018.
I also want to acknowledge and express my appreciation to the other members of our planning office - Ms. Kelly Lookadoo and Ms. Blythe McNeely - and to the leadership of Western Piedmont Community College for continuing to host our operation on their campus. We are blessed with good fortune in identifying key contributors and supporters for this endeavor.
Finally, I want to thank you for your ongoing support of our emerging campus in western North Carolina. We benefit on a daily basis from the bridges you build to new partnerships and the contributions you make to realizing the vision for NCSSM-Morganton. To that end, we have received a number of questions about how to make financial contributions to support this work. We appreciate your participation in demonstrating support - at any level - and welcome financial contributions through our
website. I am also very happy to speak to you about opportunities to provide personal or corporate support at any time.
Please accept our warmest wishes as you celebrate the holiday season. May the new year be filled with health, happiness, and prosperity, for you and yours!
Best wishes,
Kevin Baxter
Director of Western Campus Planning
828.448.3540 (o)
301.520.0930 (m)