NCSSM-Morganton Update

Greetings Ashley,


It's hard to believe that students have now called NCSSM-Morganton home for more than 100 days. It's been quite a ride, and one that's made possible by our community of supporters. Your collective pride in the institution and our Morganton campus fills my heart with joy and serves as a daily point of inspiration to our students and workforce.

On this Giving Tuesday, I'm so grateful and appreciative to each of you who support our campus with your gifts of time, treasure and advocacy. Over the past month, we've enjoyed shining a light on several of our donors, partners and friends in our annual thank-a-thon — I hope you can invest a few moments to check out the highlight reel.

Warm wishes to you and yours for a wonderful holiday season!

Kevin Baxter

Vice Chancellor and Chief Campus Officer for NCSSM-Morganton


NCSSM-Morganton Selects Athletic Mascot: The Dragons

Our campuses are united as one big NCSSM family but distinct when it comes to sports. So congratulations to the NCSSM-Morganton Class of 2024 for selecting the Dragons as the mascot for the NCSSM-Morganton teams. After the announcement, the women’s and men’s basketball teams both won their home games to chants of “Let’s Go Dragons!” This year’s Morganton students follow in the footsteps of their forebears, the Class of 1982, who chose the Unicorn mascot in 1980 as the first class to arrive on the Durham Campus. The Unicorns are happy to add another mythical mascot creature to the storied lore of NCSSM! Go Dragons, and Go Unis!

Today is #GivingTuesday

Join the NCSSM community for #GivingTuesday to make a big difference collectively for our school’s students! Unicorn and Dragon students, alumni, families, and friends are invited to take part in fun challenges for participation and dollars raised. Last year we raised over $171,000 from 339 donors in ONE DAY! Will you help us reach our Giving Tuesday goal of $125,000? 

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SHRA Career Opportunities

EHRA Career Opportunities

Faculty Career Opportunities

Temporary Employment Opportunities

Booker’s translation named National Book Award finalist

Public invited to reading in Morganton on December 8

Dr. Sarah Booker’s translation from Spanish of Mónica Ojeda’s “Jawbone” was honored as a finalist for the National Book Award in the category of Translated Literature for Jawbone by Monica Ojeda. Booker is Instructor of Spanish and Interim Chair of Humanities at NCSSM-Morganton.

She sat down for a quick video interview to describe the experience. To celebrate Dr. Booker's success, the public is invited to a reading and signing at Thornwell Books on Thursday December 8 at 6pm.

NCSSM-Morganton Gives Thanks on Giving Tuesday

Eric Hunsley, Assistant Director of Human Resources at NCSSM-Morganton, is one of hundreds of donors that buoy the new campus through financial contributions. Hear him describe in his own words why he contributes monthly. On this Giving Tuesday, we are so grateful for our community of supporters and hopeful that a few new folks will step up today with a personally meaningful gift.

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Public Invited to First Winter Concert at Historic Barn

NCSSM-Morganton Music Instructor Jim Kirkpatrick cordially invites the public to attend the first Winter Concert!

The concert will take place Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 1:00pm in the NCSSM-Morganton Historic Barn.

Admission is free, and families with children are encouraged to attend!


Percussion Ensemble

Solo Repertory

Full Orchestra

Jazz Band

Community Spotlight

Downtown Morganton Carriage Rides

December 2-23, 2022

It's that time of year.. the air is crisp, you are drinking pumpkin flavored beverages, your coats are are in rotation and you want to take a lovely carriage ride through the center of downtown Morganton! Well you are in for a treat as the ever popular carriage rides return for the holidays. Beginning on Saturday, November 19th and operating every Friday and Saturday through December 23rd plus Thursday, December 22nd from 5:30-9:00pm.

Tickets for carriage rides will be available for purchase each evening. No call ahead reservations are accepted. To book your carriage ride, visit the Courthouse Square in downtown Morganton beginning at 5:00pm to book your ride for that same night, $5 for adults and $3 for children. Carriages will depart from the Courthouse Square (food truck court location) and meander through downtown Morganton. Enjoy the lights and scenery while snuggled up on a romantic horse and carriage!

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Winter Wonderland

December 3, 2022

Join with the Town of Franklin for this most wonderful time of year as Historic Downtown Franklin is transformed into a "Winter Wonderland" featuring: enhanced holiday decor, live sounds of the season outdoors at the downtown gazebo and inside stores, FREE holiday attractions (weather permitting), great sales from downtown merchants and much more.

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901 Burkemont Avenue
Morganton, NC 28655
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