NCTI would like you to benefit as well. If you decide to pursue a college certificate and/or degree, we can guide you through the process, empower you with information, and help you achieve your goals.
What do I do next if I am just getting started and interested in basic information?
Visit us at:
What do I do next if I have completed courses and intend to pursue a college certificate and/or degree?
Log into the Amp learning platform with your credential and:
- Click/tap on your name in the upper lefthand corner
- Scroll down to the “Planning to Use your College Credits” section and activate your credits.
- Click/tap “Reports” on the lefthand navigation bar and run a Know Your Numbers report.
- Enroll into your next course.
Have general questions or prefer guidance?
In the Amp learning platform, use the live chat function or email The NCTI Care team is also available by phone at 866.575.7206. Support hours are 7 am-5 pm MST, Monday through Friday.