Greetings, everyone!
The NCVPS staff wishes you a very happy holiday season and great prosperity in the new year!
Thank you for partnering with us and making us the second largest state-led virtual school in the nation. More than 35,000 students earned over 56,000 credits with us last year. We were able to help students from all walks of life. From the student in the school's lab to students in recovery and treatment programs to professional singers and cricket players. It was an honor to help every one of them.
During the past year, our Flex Learning and Math 1 and 2 Intervention programs continued to grow. We are now piloting an English 2 Intervention course. NCVPS added three new honors courses this year: Japanese 3, Accounting 1, and Computer Programming. We also added Workforce Ready, an elective course that prepares high school students for the workforce of the future. Our OCS catalog expanded with the addition of OCS American History.
NCVPS has a number of new ventures coming your way in 2019! We look forward to partnering with you again.
Thank you for your continued support, partnership, and advocacy!
-The North Carolina Virtual Public School