NCWRPC News | Summer 2024 | Issue 84

North Central Wisconsin
Regional Planning Commission
Serving Adams, Forest, Juneau, Langlade, Lincoln,
Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Vilas, and Wood Counties since 1973







NCWRPC Receives SPARK Award

WEDC Vibrant Spaces Grant

WROC Update

Adams County Housing Study Survey

HUD - PRO Housing Program

Comprehensive Plan Updates

EMSI Analyst Reports

NCWRPC Commissioners

NCWRPC Receives SPARK Award

NCWRPC recently received the “Spark Award” for its efforts on the Lincoln County Broadband Plan at the American Planning Association-Wisconsin’s annual conference in Madison, Wisconsin. The award’s criteria emphasized community involvement, the project's positive impact and contribution to the community, and the plan's success in meeting long-term goals and addressing local needs. This plan marked a significant advancement toward Lincoln County's goal of expanding reliable and affordable internet access to its rural areas.

Read the Plan

WEDC Vibrant Spaces Grant

WEDC recently launched a new round of Vibrant Spaces grants for communities to beautify and enhance little-used spaces in their downtowns. Communities with a vacant or underutilized space within a key commercial corridor are encouraged to apply for grants ranging from $25,000 to $50,000 under the Vibrant Spaces Grant Program.

Competitive Projects will:

  • Incorporate multiple improvements within or associated with one public space
  • Demonstrate community engagement and support via community document/plan and/or letters of support from public, private, and civic partners
  • Be ready to begin construction during 2025
  • Increase the number and types of audiences using the space
  • Create visible and lasting transformation that fosters public activity

This grant program is available to municipalities of all sizes. The deadline to submit an application is December 9th, and awards will be announced in Spring 2025.

For more information, please visit WEDC's Vibrant Spaces Grant page.

Wisconsin Regional Orthoimagery Consortium (WROC)

The Wisconsin Regional Orthophotography Consortium (WROC), organized by the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, has once again chosen Ayres Associates as the program management team for WROC. Ayres will subcontract NV5 Geospatial for the imagery acquisition.

The approach for WROC will be similar to the methods used in 2010, 2015, and 2020. We'll start from the ground up, organizing local projects into regional ones while seeking state, federal, and private partners to help offset local project costs.

The main difference this time is that we will be flying in 2023, 2024, and 2025, offering members more frequent update opportunities. We will also see higher-resolution imagery acquired this cycle. All imagery will be compiled into regional and state datasets for our partners.

More details are available here.

For more information contact Andy Faust at 715-849-5510 extension 305, or

Adams County Housing Study Survey

In response to growing concerns over housing affordability, the NCWRPC has partnered with Adams County Economic Development, the Adams County Housing Committee and the USDA- Rural Partners Network to conduct a housing study for Adams County. This housing study will recommend a variety of strategies and programs that each individual community may explore depending on their own needs to encourage the construction and rehabilitation of needed housing.

As part of the Adams County Housing Study planning process, the NCWRPC has partnered with Adams County to produce the Adams Housing Study Survey, which is open now. Data collected from the survey will be used to provide some recommendations on how to make it easier for housing to be built in Adams County at prices residents can afford.

To take the survey please click below. For more information about the Adams County Housing Study, please contact Sam Wessel at 715-849-5510 extension 303 or

Take the Survey

HUD - Pathways to Removing

Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) Program

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced the availability of $100 million in competitive grant funding to cut red tape, build more homes, and lower the costs of renting and buying a home. Through HUD’s Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) program, communities across the nation are eligible to apply for funding to remove barriers to local housing production.

Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) supports communities who are actively taking steps to remove barriers to affordable housing, such as:

  • Barriers caused by outdated zoning, land use policies, or regulations;
  • Inefficient procedures;
  • Gaps in available resources for development;
  • Deteriorating or inadequate infrastructure;
  • Lack of neighborhood amenities; or
  • Challenges to preserving existing housing stock such as increasing threats from natural hazards, redevelopment pressures, or expiration of affordability requirements.

Grantees may use awards to further develop, evaluate, and implement housing policy plans, improve housing strategies, and facilitate affordable housing production and preservation. Eligible applicants are local and state governments, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and multijurisdictional entities. The application deadline is October 15th 2024, at 11:59pm ET on

PRO Housing Program Overview

Is it Time to Update Your Comprehensive Plan?

Every ten years your comprehensive plan needs to be updated. So every plan completed in 2014 or earlier is due for an update. An update can range from a total rewrite to a simple map amendment.

NCWRPC staff has substantial experience working with communities to develop and update comprehensive plans. Since 2000, we have completed over 100 comprehensive plans in our ten-county region. The NCWRPC website provides a variety of information and contains links to many of the plans that have been completed. Visit

We can help. Give our office a call and we can discuss the best approach for your community. Contact Dennis Lawrence at 715-849-5510 extension 304 or

EMSI Analyst Reports
The NCWRPC continues its partnership with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) to provide economic development analysis data throughout the Region. A comprehensive economic modeling program, called Analyst, developed by Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) is a tool that provides industry/ occupation data, impact assessments, and economic base analysis information.

Detailed quarterly summary economic reports have been prepared for each county. Those are available on our website. Requests for additional data can also be made on the website.

2024 3rd Quarter Economic Overviews

Adams County

Forest County

Juneau County

Langlade County

Lincoln County

Marathon County

Oneida County

Portage County

Vilas County

Wood County


Centergy Region

Grow North Region

NCWRPC Commissioners

Adams County

Rocky Gilner

Rick Pease

Appointment Pending

Juneau County

Kenneth Winters

Betty Manson

Dennis Krejci

Lincoln County

Loretta Baughan

Alan Bishop

Hans Breitenmoser

Oneida County

Robb Jensen

Harland Lee

Steven Schreier

Vilas County

Holly Tomlanovich

Appointment Pending

Appointment Pending

Forest County

Cindy Gretzinger

Paul Millan

William Chaney

Langlade County

Reinhardt Balcerzak

Angela Close

Ronald Nye

Marathon County

Randy Fifrick

Jami Gebert

Joshua Klingbeil

Portage County

Allen Haga Jr.

John Pavelski

Larry Raikowski

Wood County

Jason Grueneberg

Douglas Machon

Dave LaFontaine

North Central Wisconsin
Regional Planning Commission
210 McClellan Street, Suite 210
Wausau, WI 54403
Fax: 715-849-5110