North Central Wisconsin
Regional Planning Commission
Serving Adams, Forest, Juneau, Langlade, Lincoln,
Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Vilas, and Wood Counties since 1973
Redesign of NCWRPC Website
NOW Live!
NCWRPC Completes North Central Region Industrial Park Inventory, Absorption, and Needs Study
NCWRPC Completes Wausau Metro Housing Assessment
Main Street Bounceback Grant Program Update
Applications Opening Soon: Dream Up! Childcare Supply-Building Grant Program
Road Rating 2023 Preview
2022 Economic Census is Underway!
EMSI Analyst Reports
NCWRPC Commissioners
Redesign of NCWRPC
Website NOW Live!
The redesign includes a new layout, improved functionality, and current projects are always displayed on the front page. We have made it easier to find documents and related projects with the improved layout.
The new website is mobile friendly and allows us to keep track of what pages are important to our website visitors. The new site allows us to update content in an efficient and timely manner. All reports created by NCWRPC can now be searched or sorted in the Document Library.
We will continue to add documents from our project archive and any new projects over the next few months. Please provide us with any comments or suggestions for us about our redesign of the website. If you have any questions please contact Andy Faust, GISP at 715-849-5510 extension 305 or afaust@ncwrpc.org.
NCWRPC Completes North Central Region Industrial Park Inventory, Absorption, and Needs Study
In 2022, the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (NCWRPC) researched and inventoried all industrial parks across its ten-county region and determined total, vacant, and developed acreage of each park. These locations and calculations were verified by local staff when possible. NCWRPC also analyzed air photos from 2000, 2010, and 2020 within the boundary of each identified park to determine the rate at which lots were developed to forecast future acreage demand.
This study was funded by the Economic Development Administration’s Recovery Assistance funding under the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) act. The goal of this project is to inventory industrial space and identify future need in the region. A variety of acreage calculations, maps for marketing purposes, and data to support industrial park-related infrastructure grant applications and planning decisions is provided.
For more information about the North Central Region Industrial Park Inventory, Absorption, and Needs Study, please contact Sam Wessel at swessel@ncwrpc.org or by calling 715-849-5510, Extension 303.
NCWRPC Completes Wausau Metro Housing Assessment
Eight communities in the Wausau Metropolitan Area and Marathon County worked with the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (NCWRPC) to produce this report in response to growing concerns over housing affordability. Housing affordability affects the region’s quality of life and ability to compete economically, and it affects the health, safety, and happiness of the region’s residents. This project consisted of robust data collection, public surveys, public open houses, and stakeholder interviews to understand which housing types are highest in demand, and what barriers prevent an adequate supply of desired housing. This assessment recommends a variety of strategies and programs that each individual community may explore depending on their own needs to encourage the construction and rehabilitation of needed housing.
For more information about the Wausau Metro Housing Assessment, please contact Sam Wessel at swessel@ncwrpc.org or by calling 715-849-5510, Extension 303.
Main Street Bounceback Grant Program Update
The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) partnered with the NCWRPC to administer the Main Street Bounceback Grants program which provided $10,000 grants to new or existing businesses and non-profit organizations moving into vacant properties in Wisconsin's downtowns and commercial corridors.
Over the course of the program, the NCWRPC received more than 650 applications for the Main Street Bounceback Grants program and awarded 560 applications throughout the ten-county Region.
Awarded businesses can use the grant funds for lease or mortgage payments, operating expenses, building repairs, tenant improvements, and other qualified expenses. Funds cannot be used on storage spaces or for residential uses.
Applications Opening Soon:
Dream Up! Childcare Supply-Building Grant Program
The competitive application period for Cohort 3 of the Dream Up! Grant Program will be open February 20 - March 17, 2023. Through this program, awarded communities will receive strategic planning support from First Children Finance (FCF), along with $75,000 in grant funding. Additional $5,000 stipends will be allocated to local, participating childcare providers who submit updated business plans during the strategic planning process. Through a collaborative community approach, teams of community stakeholders, will work to evaluate, plan, sustain, and expand existing childcare, and support new childcare programs.
You can preview the application questions now. The application preview document is for informational purposes only to get you to start thinking about how you and your community’s core team will complete the application when it is posted on February 20.
It is time once again for local governments in Wisconsin to submit surface condition ratings for all local roads under their jurisdiction. State statute 86.302(2) requires that the ratings be submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation every two years.
In 2021, the NCWRPC submitted the mandated condition ratings for 44 communities, including 2 counties, 2 cities, 4 villages and 36 towns. In total, over 2,300 miles of road were driven by Commission Staff. The next round of submissions will be due to WisDOT by December 15, 2023.
Commission Staff will be providing a variety of services to local units of government within the Region to meet their needs for pavement rating and submitting to WisDOT. Recognizing the impact of COVID-19 on local budgets, the NCWRPC will continue to offer most of these services free-of-charge to member communities. If you think your community would like to utilize the services of the NCWRPC to help you with this pavement rating mandate, please contact Eric Sonnleitner at 715-849-5510 extension 306 or esonnleitner@ncwrpc.org.
2022 Economic Census is Underway!
The U.S. Census Bureau recently announced the beginning of data collection for the 2022 Economic Census. Businesses across the nation will begin receiving invitations to respond online to the economic census and will have until March 15 to submit their responses.
The Economic Census is the official five-year measure of American business and the economy. Data provided by businesses fuels the most comprehensive economic statistics available, representing all U.S. industries and geographies.
If you’re one of the more than 4 million business locations that has been selected to respond to the economic census and are still wondering: What’s in it for me?
- How data from the economic census can help you
- Additional resources
The NCWRPC continues its partnership with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) to provide economic development analysis data throughout the Region. A comprehensive economic modeling program, called Analyst, developed by Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) is a tool that provides industry/ occupation data, impact assessments, and economic base analysis information.
Adams County
Rocky Gilner
Rick Pease
Jami Gebert
Juneau County
Jerry Niles
Kenneth Winters
Betty Manson
Lincoln County
Loretta Baughan
Gene Simon
Hans Breitenmoser
Oneida County
Ted Cushing
Harland Lee
Steven Schreier
Vilas County
Robert Hanson
Jay Verhulst
Appointment Pending
Forest County
Cindy Gretzinger
Paul Millan
William Chaney
Langlade County
Reinhardt Balcerzak
Angela Close
Ronald Nye
Marathon County
Daniel Guild
Craig McEwen
David Oberbeck
Portage County
Allen Haga Jr.
John Pavelski
Larry Raikowski
Wood County
Jason Grueneberg
Douglas Machon
Dave LaFontaine
North Central Wisconsin
Regional Planning Commission
210 McClellan Street, Suite 210
Wausau, WI 54403
Fax: 715-849-5110