January 2023 Newsletter
New Year, New Data!
Recap Of 2022 Highlights.
As we close 2022, we reflect on the data points we highlighted throughout the year. Each month North Dakota Compass uses the Data Highlight feature to present one data point that is most representative for a specific time frame. This feature keeps the website active and presents the opportunity to provide some context to the data for the users’ benefit. This month's article presents a recap of the 2022 Data Highlights.
The First Highlight Of The Year.
U.S. Census Bureau’s population estimates as of July 1st, 2022 (779,261 people), show an increase of 1,327 people in North Dakota’s population compared to July 1st, 2021.

This small increase in population comes after a slight decline in the previous year. While net migration stayed negative (more people leaving than entering the state), this recovery is due to a slight increase in the number of births, a smaller number of deaths, larger international in-migration and lower domestic out-migration as compared to the previous year.
Test Your Knowledge.
Less than half of North Dakota's voting age population voted in the 2022 mid-term election (43% overall). However, the voter turnout varies among the counties from 22 percent to 80 percent.

Which county had the highest voter turnout in North Dakota?
Celebrate New Releases!
The 2023 State Legislative District Profiles (SLDP) have been released! The demographic and socio-economic profiles for each of the 47 North Dakota legislative districts highlight 16 measures focusing on population, household, social and economic characteristics.

Please note that the 2023 SLDP are still based on the 2013-2022 North Dakota Legislative District boundaries. After the 2020 Census was completed, new boundaries for North Dakota districts were redrawn. Data for the new boundaries will be provided by the Census Bureau in December 2023 and will be available for the 2024 profiles. 
New Year, New Data!
The new year brings new data. Make sure you check back often for the newest data available!