June 2019
Where to Find Us at the NADCP RISE19 Conference
Justice Programs Office’s National Drug Court Resource Center team and Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Training and Technical Assistance team will host several sessions this year at NADCP’s RISE19 Conference . If you plan on attending, you can find us at these sessions below. Read the abbreviated session abstract to learn more, and if you have not registered for the conference yet, register here !

Rural Treatment Courts: The Challenge of Meeting National Standards
Sunday, July 14, 9:15 to 12:15 PM
In this skill-building session, several rural drug court representatives will describe their approach to meeting the challenges and overcoming the barriers of specific Best Practice Standards that have proven the most difficult for rural drug courts.
The 2019 Drug Court Review: A Discussion with the Authors
Sunday, July 14, 5:45 to 7:00 PM
In this session, select authors in a special issue of the Drug Court Review on innovative practices and strategies in treatment courts will discuss their articles.

Color in the Court: Exploring Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Treatment Courts
Monday, July 15, 4:00 to 5:15 PM
This session will provide an overview of the research literature on Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) in treatment courts, a discussion on how to use the recently created RED Program Assessment Tool, and a summary of a few case studies about treatment courts’ experiences using the assessment tool.

NIJ’s Multisite Evaluation of Veterans Treatment Courts: Sanctions and Incentives Research
Tuesday, July 16, 3:00 to 4:15 PM
The majority of veterans treatment courts (VTCs) across the US report using a system of sanctions and incentives in their programs. However, these systems remain largely unexamined. In this session, NIJ’s Multisite Evaluation of VTCs provides an opportunity to empirically examine these systems.
Webinar on Veterans Treatment Courts: Exploring Operations and Issues to Inform the Future
Tuesday, June 25 at 1:00 PM, EDT
We are hosting a webinar on June 25 that examines the various aspects of veterans treatment courts (VTCs). The expert panel will discuss the VTC concept and its relationship to drug courts and mental health courts. It will delve into the variation in the implementation of VTC programs across the United States, addressing target populations, stakeholders, services available, program requirements, and military culture. Implications of these programmatic variations will be explored in conjunction with lessons learned and recommendations for the future of VTC policy, practice, and research. Register now !
Call for Papers
The Drug Court Review invites manuscript submissions for the Winter 2019 issue focusing on tribal healing to wellness court programs and rural treatment court programs. The deadline for submissions is July 21, 2019, with a publication date of January 2020.

The Drug Court Review is a peer-reviewed journal established to promote research on issues relevant to the treatment court field and to foster a wider understanding of the programs and participants, identifying challenges faced and successes achieved.
News from the Center for Court Innovation
The Center for Court Innovation is excited to announce their new training content on Treatment Courts Online , including new video lessons: PTSD and Substance Use by Dr. Brian Meyer and Tools of Drug Testing and Dinosaurs, Elephants, and Fentanyl, Oh My! by Dominique Delagnes, Chief Operating Officer of Averhealth. Also new this month are role-based drug court practitioner interviews with Chief Judge Tina Nadeau of New Hampshire, probation officer Deborah Palmieri of Connecticut, and prosecutor Mike Loeffler of Oklahoma. All of these videos can be found under the Adult Drug Court Course .
News from the National Association of Drug Court Professionals
The NADCP Conference registration is still open! Registration and hotel information for RISE19, NADCP’s annual training conference, is also now available. This year the conference will be held in the Washington, D.C. area from July 14-17. Don’t miss your opportunity to take part in the world’s largest conference on addiction, mental health, recovery, and justice system reform. Learn more about RISE19 !
News from the Tribal Law and Policy Institute
A tribal specific wellness court track is being offered at the RISE19 treatment court professional conference. The tribal track will include the Tribal Nations Forum on Sunday, July 14, 2019, bringing together tribal representatives, tribal judges, attorneys, treatment professionals, law enforcement, academics, and other experts to discuss the latest developments in tribal healing to wellness courts. Additional conference presentations and topics of discussion will include special issues in tribal healing to wellness courts, cultural specific wellness court components, infusing the wellness court model into family courts, and judicial leadership in tribal wellness courts. View the detailed training schedule here !
The National Drug Court Resource, Policy, and Evidence-Based Practice Center ’s mission is to equip the drug court field with open access to a wide variety of resources and research, helping treatment courts run more effectively.
The  National Drug Court Resource, Policy, and Evidence-Based Practice Center is funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance and operated by the Justice Programs Office (JPO) at American University. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse the content of this newsletter

Please email  ndcrc@american.edu  with any inquiries. 
National Drug Court Resource Center | Justice Programs Office