What's Happening at NDCRC?
NDCRC at Drug Court U
Join NDCRC co-directors Dr. Kristen DeVall and Dr. Christina Lanier as they host Drug Court U with the National Drug Court Institute to focus on data collection. Have a burning question about how and what types of data to collect? Book your one-on-one appointment now!
Submissions Open for Drug Court Review
The NDCRC welcomes your submissions for the peer-reviewed journal, Drug Court Review. The Winter 2022 volume will include articles, research, and expert commentary on the experiences of women in treatment courts. Review the Call for Submissions and Author Guidelines at the link below before submitting pieces through the Drug Court Review portal.
Posting Date: March 22, 2022
Grants.gov Deadline: May 20, 2022, 8:59 pm Eastern
JustGrants Deadline: May 25, 2022, 8:59 pm Eastern
Posting Date: March 24, 2022
Grants.gov Deadline: May 20, 2022, 8:59 pm Eastern
JustGrants Deadline: May 25, 2022, 8:59 pm Eastern
Posted on Grants.gov: Thursday, March 10, 2022
Application Due Date: Monday, May 9, 2022
Posted on Grants.gov: Thursday, February 24, 2022
Application Due Date: Monday, April 25, 2022
Posted on Grants.gov: Monday, February 28, 2022
Application Due Date: Friday, April 29, 2022
TTA Collaborative Updates
The Training & Technical Assistance (TTA) Collaborative comprises four entities: The National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), Center for Court Innovation (CCI), Tribal Law & Policy Institute (TLPI), & the National Drug Court Resource Center (NDCRC). Monthly updates from our TTA Collaborative partners are featured below.
Tribal Law & Policy Institute
- Mitigate the effects of substance use among pregnant and parenting women, their infants and families
- Improve systems and services to reduce prenatal substance exposure
- Prevent the separation of families
- Support infant and family wellness
Center for Court Innovation
In 2019, BJA and the Center for Court Innovation selected five states to receive funding and technical assistance under the 2019 Veterans Treatment Court Strategic Planning Initiative to support statewide efforts to enhance their veterans treatment courts. Center staff worked intensively with the first cohort to develop individualized statewide strategic plans, which states used to identify and act on key priority areas. Areas of work included improved identification and screening of justice-involved veterans, training on veteran related topics, enhanced connection and engagement of veteran peer mentors, and improved definition of eligibility and target population.
The goal of the second cohort is to enhance, support, and strengthen veterans treatment courts around the country. This program will provide financial and technical assistance (TA) to support statewide enhancements and trainings for veterans treatment courts for up to five states. This will take the form of strategic planning and passthrough funding or strategic planning and follow-up TA. The goal is to encourage the strengthening of VTC adherence to best practice standards, readiness for states and local jurisdictions to apply for federal funding to support their programs, and successful replication of the VTC model and the application of VTC principles to wider populations.
Interested applicants can access the RFP using the link below. Please share with agencies who might want to participate! The Center will host an informational session on Friday, April 8 (registration link below) to answer questions and highlight work from the first cohort, but you can email nmagloire@nycourts.gov with immediate questions.
National Association of Drug Court Professionals
Registration is now open for NADCP’s RISE22! We can’t wait to see you July 25-28 in Nashville, Tennessee.
NADCP has launched a new series of cutting-edge training programs to help treatment courts to lead the way in equity and inclusion. Topics include caring for LGBTQ participants, conducting focus groups, and developing advisory boards.
NADCP’s National Center for DWI Courts (NCDC) is now accepting applications for operational tune-up training, advanced training for experienced DWI courts or hybrid drug/DWI courts. Our experts will travel to you! Apply by Friday, June 3.
Registration is open for 1- and 2-day training for substance use treatment providers through NADCP’s National Drug Court Institute. This world-class training is produced in partnership with the American Society of Addiction Medicine and designed specifically for treatment professionals working with justice-involved clients. All training events are free!
In 2021, Minnesota began a phased implementation of a statewide treatment court data management system after a three-year planning process. The system is now used across Minnesota’s 70 treatment court programs and allows coordinators to track important information about participants and their progress within a treatment court program. Minnesota has kindly shared the lessons they learned in the implementation process for states and territories that are looking to do the same.
Supreme Court Justices are divided on appropriate sanctioning of doctors who are convicted of unlawful drug distribution, referencing the Controlled Substances Act.
California governor Gavin Newsom has proposed a plan to implement Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Courts aimed at increasing access to treatment for people who have mental health or substance use disorders, sparking a conversation on the individual agency with which participants may enter the court.
Ohio specialty courts have partnered with Anchored to Hope, a platform which uses machine intelligence and VR meditation as mental health improvement opportunities for specialty court participants.