Official Grain Inspection

U.S. Drought Monitor
A series of storms came across the Canadian Prairies southeastward across the eastern half of the Nation during the week. Weekly temperatures in the High Plains averaged near to below normal with little or no precipitation falling during this week. However, the Midwest has seen a wet October. With light precipitation across Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and central Wisconsin some category improvements were made.

Looking ahead, well below-normal temperatures are expected in Montana and North Dakota. During November 7 to 11 above median precipitation is expected from Mississippi to the Ohio Valleys.

USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report - 11/06/2017
Illinois  | 83% of corn has been harvested compared to 94% in 2016

Indiana | 70% of corn has been harvested compared to 85% last year 

Minnesota | 60% of corn has been harvested compared to 84% last year 

North Dakota | 59% of corn has been harvested compared to 68% in 2016 

South Dakota | 61% of corn has been harvested compared to 78% in 2016 

Ohio  | 60% of corn has been harvested compared to 79% in 2016 

Illinois  | 92% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 94% in 2016

Indiana | 85% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 90% in 2016

Minnesota | 99% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 98% in last year

North Dakota | 98% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 98% in 2016

South Dakota | 99% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 97% in last year

Ohio  | 90% of soybeans have been harvested compared to 94% in 2016

Winter Wheat
Illinois  | 73% of winter wheat has emerged compared to 76% last year

Indiana | 67% of winter wheat has emerged compared to 75% in 2016

South Dakota | 95% of winter wheat has emerged compared to 92% in 2016

Ohio | 82% of winter wheat has emerged compared to 77% last year.

Mycotoxin Report for 11/06/2017
New this week, reports of aflatoxin in corn silage of greater than 100 ppm in both North Dakota and Iowa.