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December 2024 Newsletter

NDMTSS Overview

By Jennifer Glasheen, NDMTSS Director

North Dakota’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (NDMTSS) is a framework designed through the lens of continuous improvement to guide school districts, schools, and all educators to ensure each and every student has access to learning experiences that enhance their educational outcomes. Our mission is to empower schools to support and prepare ND students for success!

If MTSS is everything, where do we start? 

Much of the work that we do with schools and educators is around helping them LEARN what MTSS is/isn’t; EMPOWER them to effectively make data-based decisions; and to GROW outcomes for both students and educators. Sounds simple, right?! But what we have found is that this foundational learning is essential, takes time, and results in the clarity needed to ensure we are all talking about the same things... Read the rest of the article here!

Research & Policy Report

We're excited to see further support at the federal level for the work being done in ND through our NDMTSS Behavior Supports Trainings, Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports, and collaboration with Behavior Advantage. The U.S. Department of Education recently released new guidance around FBA's and BIP's; check out a summary from Behavior Advantage.

Purpose and Context

The document underscores the importance of Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIPs) in fostering safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environments for all students, not just those with disabilities. It calls for schools to shift from exclusionary discipline practices to evidence-based, proactive approaches.

Full Resource from the Dept. of Education: Using Functional Behavioral Assessments to Create Supportive Learning Environments (November 2024)

ND School Journey Stories

Oak Grove Elementary School is in the third year of their MTSS journey and presented on their experiences as a small school at the NDMTSS conference last June. In their first year, Oak Grove formed their MTSS team and attended the "Building Your System" training which focused on both academics and behavior (no longer offered). In their second year, they separated behavior and academics into two tracks with fall, winter, and spring goals.

Oak Grove's behavior goals for their second year included developing expectations (3-4 words), administering a student survey for grades 2-5, communicating with stakeholders, and using a behavior data collection tool. At the end of the year, Oak Grove evaluated both successes and things to work on. One of their successes was creating simplified common language while one of their challenges was the timing of their culture surveys (too late).

Their behavior goals for the current school year (year 3 of MTSS journey) split into Tier 1 goals and Tier 2 goals. Tier 1 goals include: teacher-led lesson plans to support Tier 1 expectations and common area routines teaching tools. Tier 2 goals include: analyzing data for Tier 2 intervention planning 3x/year and implementing Tier 2 interventions/progress monitoring.

Oak Grove began their focus on academics by adding an academic interventionist position. After evaluating their first year academic journey, one of their successes was creating a pathway to guide academic decision making in reading while one challenge was changing the schedule to better provide support opportunities. In year two, Oak Grove attended "Evaluating Your System" training, rolled out Fastbridge, and added data days to weekly PLC time. One success they identified was their Fastbridge implementation for reading (screening, diagnostics, intervention, progress monitoring). One challenge they identified was ensuring that all teams were using interventions, progress monitoring, and data. Their Tier 1 goals for the current school year (year 3) include more Fastbridge training and scheduling more MTSS team data, walk through, and data share out days. Oak Grove's Tier 2 goals are to determine interventions for math and to complete the academic pathway for math. Access Oak Grove's conference presentation here.

overall successes: everyone knows what MTSS is and how it is supporting our students, we are formally communicating with all stakeholders, and we have a dedicated team and leadership committed to year 3

Training Recap

Check out some of the highlights from December in-person trainings!

a group of people sitting around a table talking and looking at papers
picture of a slide focused on implementation
picture of training participants at training

NDMTSS Foundations: System Change & Refinement

This month, teams learned about the problem-solving model and RIOT/ICEL to evaluate their schoolwide data and determine their areas of strengths and growth. They also focused on the topic of instructional hierarchy and high leverage practices to develop schoolwide standards of practice to implement with all students and staff. 

Special shoutout to this group for their flexibility! North Dakota winter weather returned with a vengeance, so we had to switch from an in-person day to a virtual day. Despite the weather, there were great conversations around current data and the need for more data all with the focus of making their systems more effective and efficient. 

Who was there?

Milnor | Tioga | New England | Mandaree High School | North Star

Tier 2 Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

Teams continued to work through their behavior data in December. They also shared ideas on how to report out data to all stakeholders in an effort to meet students where they are and to encourage social and emotional growth with check-in, check-out and social skills. 

All participating teams in this cohort are from the same district which led to rich conversation around how to make things more consistent with data and reporting to help students grow. This also discussed how to consistently communicate with parents regarding ongoing progress.

Who was there?

Louis L'Amour Elementary (Jamestown) | Washington Elementary (Jamestown) | Roosevelt Elementary (Jamestown)

NDMTSS Website Highlight

screenshot preview of the Essential Components page on the NDMTSS website

This month, we're highlighting the Essential Components page on our website. This page provides a brief description of the 5 essential components of MTSS:

  • Assessment
  • Data-Based Decision Making
  • Multi-Tiered Instruction
  • Infrastructure & Support Mechanisms
  • Fidelity & Evaluation

Each box leads to more in-depth information including an overview, statement on why it is essential to MTSS, and a link to additional resources.

View the Essential Components Page

Upcoming Trainings

NORTH DAKOTA STANDARDS-BASED LEARNING CHARTING THE COURSE: Navigating Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom DESCRIPTION Educators will navigate the use of assessments to guide students in learning, provide ongoing feedback, plan growth opportunities, evaluate achievement, and advance students to the next level. To navigate assessment processes, participants will: Apply learned concepts to classroom instruction for quality assessment. Improve assessment practices. Self-assess learning through reflection and goal-setting for improvement. Integrate and synthesize assessment knowledge to implement formative & summative practices. COURSE TOPICS How do Educators Define Formative and Summative Assessment? Assessment: Purpose, Process & Strategies S COPE + SEQUENCE PART 1 Tuesday, January 14, 2025 10:00am-11:00am CST PART 2 Tuesday, February 4, 2025 10:00am-11:00am CST PART 3 Tuesday, February 25, 2025 10:00am-11:00am CST Click to register and join virtually! F ACILITATOR Melissa Stanley Associate Director of High Quality Instruction Central Region Education Association Most Effective Assessment Practices Alignment of Assessments to North Dakota Standards Steps to Implement Quality Assessments This virtual series is offered at NO COST through ND Regional Education Association collaboration and is supported by the ND Department of Public Instruction. ndsbl.info@k12.nd.us
Announcing the Annual Innovations in Education Conference: 6 Habits of High Impact MTSS (A Virtual Event). February 6, 2025 - 10:00-4:00 EST, featuring opening session presentation by Dr. Terrie Noland, National Thought Leader


 Winter Break Resources for Elementary, Secondary, and Educators

Discover CharacterStrong's Winter Break Resources centered on empathy—designed to support elementary and secondary students, as well as educators. These resources include engaging classroom activities in English and Spanish, inspiring connection, kindness, and giving back during the holiday season. Educators can also find tools to recharge and reflect, fostering self-care and community ahead of winter break. Bring the spirit of empathy into your classroom and staffroom with these meaningful, easy-to-use activities!

Access Free Resources

 Daily Highlights & Sticky Note System

Looking to implement a system to help your students feel seen and appreciated? Check out this two minute video on two low-burden, high-impact systems from CharacterStrong!

IEP Tip Sheet Series

This series of tip sheets introduce key components of the individualized education program (IEP). They include brief summaries of federal regulations, tips for implementation, and resources. Check with your state for additional requirements.

Access Free Resources Here

Stories from the Classroom: Finding Belonging

In this video, Xuan Truong reflects upon how difficult school was for her as a student with a disability. She shared how she felt isolated and as if she was on the outside looking at a world that seemed inaccessible to her, until someone included her in a significant and meaningful way. Having key figures in her life to point out that she was capable made all the difference.

Watch Video

To help facilitate reflection and discussion using this video, explore the finding belonging discussion guide or quick guide. The quick guide can be used if you have about 15 minutes to view the video and facilitate a discussion. The discussion guide can be used for a longer and more in-depth discussion.

NDMTSS PARTNER: BEHAVIOR ADVANTAGE Designed to build capacity and promote consistency across all staff, this high quality series of videos and resources provides a foundation for any educator utilizing behavior supports and interventions to support students. A variety of topics are presented to enhance the ability to understand, effectively address, and positively change student behavior. Training modules, designed and presented by Board Certified Behavior Analysts, are perfect for training new staff, refreshing educator perspectives, and school or classroom teams looking for solutions! We’re thrilled to introduce the NEW Behavior Advantage Professional Development Platform—designed to make learning easier, more engaging, and impactful. What’s new? PD Video Series: Organized into topic categories, our video series now follows a course-like format. Complete quizzes to earn a Certificate and ‘microbadge’ for your professional growth. Topics include: Foundations Understanding Student Behavior Behavior Plans Practical Data Collection & Progress Monitoring Check-In Check-Out & Related Interventions Celebrating Success & Promoting Independence *Behavior Support for Transportation (separate course) Practical Strategies: Explore animated videos offering practical, effective strategies that you can immediately apply in the classroom. Webinar Replays: Missed a session from our Behavior Advantage Partner Webinar Series? Catch up anytime! Each session covers how to leverage our Behavior Planning Platform in various student scenarios. Changing Behaviors with a Plan: Learn how to create effective, individualized behavior plans that address root causes, outline clear goals, and include actionable strategies for measurable results. This content is designed to streamline your approach to addressing challenging behaviors and supporting positive student outcomes.

Specially Designed Services (SPED) Courses - ND Ed Hub

The ND Educational Hub has a catalog of free courses which go towards CEU hours. We encourage you to peruse the list of courses.

Course Highlights

Difference vs. Disability

It's all Related

Access all Courses

Jennifer Glasheen

South East Education Cooperative


Brandie Ulland

South East Education Cooperative


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