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May 2024 Newsletter

NDMTSS Overview


By Jennifer Glasheen, NDMTSS Director

As we near the end of the 2023-24 school year, I am amazed at the successes achieved by our ND schools through the support of our NDMTSS Team and Liaisons! As I reflect on over 15 years of collaboration to develop ND’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (NDMTSS) – we take a moment for a little Pomp & Circumstance, Gratitude, and to share an Opportunity to GROW this June!  

Celebrating Our Schools: 

For more than a decade, NDMTSS Trainings have provided school-based leadership teams the opportunity to LEARN together those data-driven processes inherent in creating efficient and effective school systems. 

This year 335 educators on 26 teams* from 23 districts participated in 6 different training courses (21 days | 18 Coaching Calls | 11 Site Visits | 7 SANDs) equaling thousands of hours of learning with the potential to impact nearly 10,000 students! We would like to congratulate, thank, and celebrate the following teams on all of their hard work and progress!





Killdeer Elem*

Killdeer Secondary*



Park River*




Bismarck Centennial Elem Eight Mile - Trenton


Jamestown Admin

Jamestown Washington

Jamestown Roosevelt

Oak Grove**

Tate Topa Tribal


Ojibwa Indian School



Central Cass


*Participated in Building Your System and Developing Academic Pathways

**Participated in both Academic and Behavior trainings

Thankful for Our Team: 

The NDMTSS Team & NDMTSS REA Liaisons are committed educators with experience working in schools as teachers, MTSS/data coaches, interventionists, and performance strategists. They EMPOWER school-based leadership teams with implementation support through coaching, technical assistance, site visits, and self-assessment of their assessment, intervention, and MTSS system. 

A special THANK YOU to our NDMTSS Lead Team – Cheryl Hoggarth, Brandie Ulland, and Kayla Durkin – who (with me) are responsible for design, planning, communication, coaching, logistics, and technical assistance for all NDMTSS trainings. Their passion to serve, adapt, learn, and advance our support for schools is evident in the relationships they build and their attention to detail! 

Cheryl Hoggarth

Brandie Ulland

Kayla Durkin

In addition, we are grateful for the continued collaboration of our NDMTSS REA Liaisons – Cheryl (SEEC), Brandie (SEEC), Kayla (CREA), Erin Lacina (NESC), Kaye Andersen (WERC), Katie Tamburrino (NCEC), and Sarah McFadden (RESP) – who have supported the teams from their regions in on-site planning, barrier-busting, and technical assistance. It takes a village, and I am thankful for the NDMTSS team! 

Moving Forward Together:  

The NDMTSS Team & Liaisons learn alongside ND school-based teams throughout the year in our NDMTSS Trainings, Extended Learning Opportunities, and Leadership & Coaching sessions. The insights and ideas gathered throughout the year are used to inform the development of the annual NDMTSS Conference in Fargo and further GROW our shared capacity. 

The 2024 NDMTSS Conference | June 10-12 brings together national experts, collaborative partners, and ND schools to LEARN more, EMPOWER Leaders, and GROW our own networks of support. We encourage you to take the time to review the Conference Schedule and website. For those looking to GROW in a specific role, content area, or topic such as: LEADERSHIP, MATH, STANDARDS-BASED LEARNING, BEHAVIOR, EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION, ASSESSMENT, and LITERACY, you may customize your conference experience at registration. Looking to learn more from other schools? We have ND Schools sharing their unique experience and NDMTSS story, lessons learned, creative solutions, additional initiatives, and next steps! This conference is designed with YOU in mind and has something for everyone. We hope you will join us!

NDMTSS News & Updates

2024 NDMTSS Conference

The NDMTSS Conference is a unique professional development opportunity for all educators, school leadership teams, and administrators. This 3-day opportunity will have keynotes and breakout sessions that pertain to each and every attendee!

The conference planning committee works collaboratively to bring the hot topics, needs, and wants from the field in order to create and develop a GREAT experience every year ensuring you get the quality professional learning you NEED and DESERVE!

We hope you take advantage of this conference to expand your own network of support by meeting and learning with others from across the state and across the country on how to further develop systems that support all learners academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally.

More information is available on the 2024 NDMTSS Conference webpage, such as keynote presenters, session descriptions, daily schedules, credit, and registration!

Register Now!

NDMTSS Roadmap for 2024-25 Trainings

The 2024-25 NDMTSS Academic and Behavior Dates are set! All trainings, and info about each, are on the 2024-25 NDMTSS Roadmap above- dates included!

MOUs for each training are linked directly to the Roadmap. If you have any questions regarding any of them, please reach out to Brandie Ulland or Cheryl Hoggarth. We'd love for you to join us in your learning journey!

NDMTSS Rundown

Brief yet exciting recaps of our PD Trainings that happened around our region!

Site Visits: The Big Picture

Weather cooperated beautifully and ALL of the 23-24 Phase 1A: Developing Academic Pathways site visits with Wayne Callender took place as scheduled! As Wayne crisscrossed his way across the state starting in Killdeer (April 15th), and ending in Drayton (April 23rd), each of the NDMTSS REA Liaisons took turns connecting with him and joining him for each of their schools, to further support the implementation of MTSS and their overall school improvement.

Several of the site visits included protected time for Wayne to visit with their whole staff to strengthen staff understanding of MTSS. At one school, the School Board President paused Spring work to hear from Wayne and requested a copy of his presentation to share with their entire school board.

Self-Assessment of ND (SAND) MTSS Implementation:

From the Field to the School!

As the 23-24 school year is winding down, our NDMTSS REA liaisons are scheduling 1/2 day visits to facilitate the Self-Assessment of ND MTSS Implementation (SAND) with their schools that just completed Phase 2A: Evaluating Your System.

The SAND focuses on six (6) domains: Leadership, Building the Capacity/Infrastructure for Implementation, Communication & Collaboration, Data-Based Decision Making, Multi-tiered Instructional & Intervention Model, and Data & Evaluation. It is important for schools to monitor not only student outcomes, but also how assessments, instruction, interventions, and data-based decision making are put into place. This tool allows us to help schools action plan along the way.

Behavior Advantage Webinar Series

We've wrapped up our webinar series with Behavior Advantage. The first three sessions in the series were led by Aaron Stabel and Charlie Hill of Behavior Advantage, the last session was led by the SEEC team, and series includes the following topics:

  • Supporting Student Behavior at Tier 1
  • Using Check-In/Check-Out and Related Interventions as Tier 2 Interventions
  • Developing Simple Behavior Plans as Tier 2 Intervention
  • Planning for Behavior Supports

Remember that you have access to the Behavior Advantage PD Series through 2025! All you need to do is email Brandie Ulland or Cheryl Hoggarth with your name, email address, school district, school building, and position within your school- and they will get you access!

Some additional resources...

CharacterStrong: Free Virtual Trainings in May:

3 Strategies to Reduce Escalating Behavior & Boost Engagement

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 @ 11 am CT

Looking to address escalating behavior in the classroom while enhancing student engagement? Join Dr. Alisha Hill and Halli Roussell for “3 Strategies to Reduce Escalating Behavior & Boost Engagement” as they share techniques that can be easily implemented to create a positive learning environment. You’ll learn how to identify triggers of disruptive behavior, methods to de-escalate situations, and strategies to promote active engagement among students. This session is suitable for educators across all grade levels.

Click Here to Register!

10 Ways to Prioritize Your Mental Health as an Educator

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 @ 1 pm CT

In this webinar, we delve into the crucial topic of mental health, particularly for those in the education sector. As an educator, it's easy to put the needs of your students first, but self-care is paramount to maintaining a healthy and productive teaching environment. We will explore 10 practical strategies to prioritize your mental health, from mindfulness exercises and stress management techniques to setting boundaries and seeking support when needed. This session aims to provide educators with the tools they need to take care of their mental wellbeing while effectively carrying out their teaching responsibilities.

Click Here to Register!

The CharacterStrong Tier 3 Solution From Start to Finish

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 @ 2 pm CT

With the increase in students with challenging behaviors and mental health needs, schools are confronted with the reality of needing to improve the quality of Tier 3 supports for students with complex needs. This is why CharacterStrong has been working on a Tier 3 solution to equip educators with the tools, intervention resources, and professional development needed to bring to life an effective Tier 3 system of support. This webinar will discuss the CharacterStrong Tier 3 (CST3) as a practical approach grounded in the best available science to meet the needs of students who require this level of support.

Click Here to Register!

Jennifer Glasheen

South East Education Cooperative

Brandie Ulland

South East Education Cooperative

Cheryl Hoggarth

South East Education Cooperative

Kayla Durkin

Central Regional Education Association