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November 2024 Newsletter

NDMTSS Overview

By Jennifer Glasheen, NDMTSS Director

North Dakota’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (NDMTSS) is a framework designed through the lens of continuous improvement to guide school districts, schools, and all educators to ensure each and every student has access to learning experiences that enhance their educational outcomes. Our mission is to empower schools to support and prepare ND students for success!

map of north dakota indicating NDMTSS training participation across the state from 2014-2024. year-to-date participation numbers (110 school districts, 7 new from last year; 224 schools, 8 new from last year; 6 special education units; 5 career and tech centers)

Since 2014, more that 60% of the school districts in ND have begun the process of enhancing their own systems of support in their schools by participating in NDMTSS academic and behavior trainings. These trainings EMPOWER leadership, establish processes for teaming and looking at data, and systematize protocols for using data to inform decision-making, while leveraging effective, evidence-based instructional practices and implementation fidelity to ensure positive outcomes for students.


As we model continuous improvement ourselves, we have expanded, refined, and focused NDMTSS trainings, resources, and supports available to HELP YOU meet the needs of your learners and educators. This is based on our ongoing work with schools across ND - from Trenton to Hankinson, to Glenburn, to Kulm, to Jamestown, to Cavalier, to St. John, and lots and lots of places in between!! We listen and lean into our national partners to leverage evidence-based instructional supports and implementation science to guide schools to determine their current state and the unique situations, challenges, structures, and opportunities to move toward a system that supports all students, educators, and school improvement goals. This becomes a WAY of THINKING about LEADING CHANGE!! It is not one more thing!  

To be clear….MTSS is about ALL kids! General Ed, Special Ed, EL, every single one….and how systems are working to support ALL of them to achieve grade level and behavioral expectations! This work is about everything we do in schools.

Learn more at www.NDMTSS.org . Reach out to the NDMTSS Team with any questions.

Mapping your NDMTSS Journey – Using the SAND to chart a course for continuous improvement. 

The Self-Assessment of ND (SAND) – ATTACHED - is a tool used by many schools to monitor their systems on an annual basis. Specifically, it looks at instruction, intervention, curriculum, resource allocation, data-based decision making, assessments, monitoring systems, etc. Take a peek!

In addition to serving as an initial self-assessment, it is used to create an action plan for improvement, as well as monitor progress toward that goal each year. It covers the following domains:

  1. Leadership
  2. Building the Capacity and Infrastructure for Implementation
  3. Communication and Collaboration
  4. Data-Based Decision-Making (DBDM)
  5. Multi-tiered instructional and intervention model
  6. Data and Evaluation

While our NDMTSS trainings are designed to support schools in addressing all of these areas throughout the course of the training series, the SAND is available to everyone, is research based (has been adapted from the SAMI (Iowa) and SAM (Florida)), and FREE!! We have more information on our new website here: https://ndmtss.org/self-assessment/ and most REAs have someone who has been trained to facilitate this process if a school is interested. This could become your formalized process!

We hope this EMPOWERS your school to focus in and feel supported with the tools, resources, and people to help you GROW your systems of support! 

ND School Journey Stories

Barnes County North (BCN) began their MTSS journey five years ago and recently presented on this journey at the NDMTSS Conference in June. Implementation is no small process, and BCN is focused on two key steps: effective Tier 1 instruction and training ALL team members.

flow chart with Key Steps at the top with the goal of successful implementation. This leads to key step 1: effective tier 1 instruction and key step 2: train ALL team members. Under Key Step 1 are two actions. Action 1: review essential components (assessment, data-based decision making, differentiated instruction, alignment, and fidelity) and action 2: identify systems to support vision (best practices, purpose/culture, schedule). Under Key step 2 there are two actions. action 1: developing pathways (ELA, math , SEL) and action 2: continuous evaluation (needs assessment, planning, implementing, evaluating)

They use three strategies to support planning, execution, and ongoing evaluation: developing a timeline for implementation, designing pathways as a team, and identifying non-negotiables as a team. Over their journey, BCN has continually used assessment to overcome gaps in implementation. This has resulted in practice adjustments like adding MTSS meetings to PLC meetings.

strategies include timeline (plan for implementation: determine team, trainings, where are you starting, meetings), pathways (design pathways as a team: ELA, math, SEL, working documents, guidelines established - benchmarks, transfer levels, progress monitoring), and non-negotiables (identify non-negotiables as a team: tiered instruction, use of Bison Block - WIN time, fidelity with interventions, and requirements to change placements)

BCN is not done with their NDMTSS journey; building and refining systems is a continuous process. They encounter challenges covering time & space, inconsistent meetings, staff changes/buy-in, and consistency. BCN is working to tackle these hurdles with a growth mindset, explicit communication, and an emphasis on teamwork. We look forward to seeing how BCN's NDMTSS journey continues to unfold!

Questions on BCN's NDMTSS journey?

BCN Contacts

Training Recap

North Dakota schools have been busy attending MTSS trainings over the past two months. Check out some of the highlights and takeaways from the last months!

Phase 1 Trainings - Plan for Success

a group of people sitting around a table talking and looking at papers
picture of a slide focused on implementation
picture of training participants at training

NDMTSS Foundations: System Change & Refinement

Recently revamped, NDMTSS Foundations: System Change & Refinement introduced participants to the essential components of a Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS):

  • Assessment
  • Data-Based Decision Making
  • Multi-Tiered Instruction
  • Infrastructure & Support Mechanisms
  • Fidelity & Evaluation

In October, school teams worked through the Self-Assessment of North Dakota (SAND) to evaluate their current system and collaborated with other schools both in person and over coaching calls!

Who was there?

Milnor | Tioga | New England Mandaree High School | North Star

Developing School-Wide Behavior Expectations

Over the course of the year, schools will develop plans for active supervision, problem behavior identification, classroom management, data collection, and data systems.

In October, participants spent time either building or rebuilding their leadership teams.

Two important takeaways:

  • All voices and perspectives should be heard while building expectations. Prioritize discussing what perspectives might be needed that aren't currently represented.
  • Teaching expected behaviors among all stakeholders is vital.

Who was there?

Jamestown High School | Eight Mile Trenton | Glen Ullin

Phase 2 Trainings - Implement

Evaluating Your System

Data isn't just a buzzword; it's needed for innovation! School teams took a look at the overall health of their system by digging into data at each tier of instruction.

Participants also discussed how to create a data meeting protocol that works for their specific team.

This session was so valuable. I greatly appreciate the time we were given to work on our plans. Thank you! (Special Ed. Teacher – Mandaree Public School)

Who was there?

Alexander | Cavalier | Drayton Mandaree Elementary | McClusky-Goodrich | Minnewauken | Killdeer

School-Wide Behavior Expectations Coaching & Refining

In October, school teams were given intentional, structured time to build on their foundation for teaching behavior and to refine tracking both positive and unexpected behaviors to target areas of improvement. There is no perfect system, so learning to evaluate and refine is crucial to sustainability.

One of our favorite parts of this training is watching participants collaborate within their own teams and with other schools in the state!

Who was there?

Carrington High School | Glenburn | Hankinson | Sawyer

Phase 3 Training - Sustain and Expand

Tier 2 Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

Participants looked at data to help them understand which students will need more targeted support with Tier 2 strategies. They also learned the basics of the Check-In Check-Out strategy and how to track progress. 

Who was there?

Louis L'Amour Elementary (Jamestown) | Washington Elementary (Jamestown) | Roosevelt Elementary (Jamestown)

NDMTSS Website Highlight

We recently transitioned to a new website! Easier to navigate and full of resources to help your school on its MTSS journey, we encourage you to tour our site.

This month, we're highlighting the homepage. The homepage aims to answer the question, "What is NDMTSS?" in a concise, easy-to-understand manner. In addition to a definition of MTSS, the homepage lays out the five essential components, why we do this work, and links to resources like the NDMTSS playbook and roadmap!

Upcoming Trainings

Features of Effective Math Instruction: Retention

Mark your calendars for March 17th (Grades K-5) and March 18th (Grades 6-12) as we dive into learner retention and retrieval practices for math!


Contact Ryan Lyson


Problem-Solving Blueprint for Chronic Absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism is a problem that warrants intentional problem-solving, and Character Strong created a tool to help guide this process. This is an evidence-based process that facilitates a solution-oriented approach rather than getting stuck admiring the problem by focusing on factors that go beyond educators’ control.

Download the Blueprint

What is the Lead IDEA Center?

New resource alert! Funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), the Lead IDEA Center provides knowledge and professional learning services that help leaders fully realize IDEA's opportunity to enhance services and improve outcomes for children with disabilities. 


The Center provides resources and training to support Early Intervention and PreK—12 school leaders in creating educational opportunities tailored to the individual needs of children eligible for early intervention and special education services, prioritizing equitable environments and ensuring adherence to both the letter and spirit of IDEA.

Check out their website for a rich library of free resources like a recent episode of the National Association of Elementary School Principals Principal Podcast where the Lead IDEA team discuss how school leaders can ensure special education receives the attention it deserves.

Call for input! The Lead IDEA Center is asking for your input on how to make messaging clear, compelling, and accessible to leaders! Complete the survey, and share your voice!

Sign Up for Lead IDEA Quarterly Newsletter Here

Leading the Way: Fostering Collaboration Between General and Special Education

The PROGRESS Center also provides a wide library of free resources with the intention of promoting progress for students with disabilities. The Center hosted a free, virtual event in July covering a variety of important topics. One we wanted to highlight is the session Leading the Way: Fostering Collaboration Between General and Special Education.

Students receiving special education services are general education students first. That’s why it is so important for general and special education leaders and educators to collaborate to provide high-quality educational programming for students with disabilities. This session will focus on the importance of the partnership between general and special education and the role of leaders in that collaboration.

Access Free Resources Here

Specially Designed Services (SPED) Courses - ND Ed Hub

The ND Educational Hub has a catalog of free courses which go towards CEU hours. We encourage you to peruse the list of courses.

Course Highlights

Difference vs. Disability

It's all Related

Access all Courses

Jennifer Glasheen

South East Education Cooperative


Brandie Ulland

South East Education Cooperative


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