A Message from the

NDPW SIG Newsletter & Upcoming Events


We have just returned from a phenomenal American Academy of Optometry Leadership Summit where we gathered to set goals for continued growth and advancement for this amazing organization. The mission of the Nutrition, Disease Prevention, and Wellness SIG is to “promote excellent patient care with lifestyle and nutritional support for prevention and management of eye diseases and related systemic disorders. This is accomplished through professional education, scientific investigation, and multidisciplinary collaboration. We strive to foster camaraderie and mentorship for students, doctors, and researchers interested in nutritional science as it relates to eye care.” This Leadership Summit helped us realize more than ever that the best way for us to fulfill our mission statement, and our goals for the NDPW SIG, is to work together as a team. We were amazed by the impressive team the Academy has working towards many different goals, large and small. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our NDPW SIG Leadership team. 

Our Program Chair is Monica Nguyen ([email protected]) who will take lead in planning and moderating the annual symposiums in 2023 and 2024. Our Symposium for 2023 has been accepted by the Academy and is entitled “The Impact of Sleep on Ocular Health,” with Lisa Ostrin, OD, PhD, FAAO, FARVO, Kaleb Abbott, OD, MS, FAAO, and Sherrol Reynolds, OD, FAAO. Julie Kathryn Torbit ([email protected]) is our Outreach Coordinator and will continue to grow our SIG via communication with optometry school faculty and students who have interest in our mission. Kallie Harrier ([email protected]) is our Social Media Coordinator who will regularly post relevant content to our new Facebook and Instagram pages. Jeff Anshel ([email protected]) will be acting as our OWNS (Ocular Wellness and Nutrition Society) Liaison and working towards synergizing our two organizations with overlapping missions.


We thank everyone who is working behind the scenes both for the Academy, and for our SIG.


Great things are coming,


Christine Winter-Rundell, FCOVD, FAAO                Kaleb Abbott, MS, FAAO

Chair                                                                           Vice Chair


Click https://www.facebook.com/NDPWSIG or search “AAO Nutrition, Disease Prevention, Wellness SIG” on Facebook and give us a like. On Instagram you can find us at https://www.instagram.com/ndpwsig/. Our SIG is new to the social media world and we would love it if you shared our page and your ideas for Facebook content with us. Please email ideas to our social media coordinator, [email protected].

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Berry Spinach Salad with Lime Olive Oil Dressing – This salad is super quick and easy and is a powerhouse of ocular nutrition. For even more antioxidants, substitute blackberries or raspberries for the strawberries.

Rainbow Salad Power Bowl With Salmon & Sesame Dressing – Talk about a delicious antioxidant powerhouse meal! This meal is literally a rainbow of nutrition that would make any NDPW OD proud, and delicious enough for picky kids to enjoy right along with you. 


Getting Better Sleep May Make It Easier to Stick to a Weight Loss Plan

In a study evaluating 125 overweight or obese subjects, increased sleep was linked with higher rates of attendance at group sessions, better adherence to caloric intake goals, and time spent on moderate to vigorous exercise. This study suggests that good sleep health may play a role in adapting to healthy lifestyle modifications and may result in weight loss and better overall health.



Poor Sleep Linked to A Common Cause of Blindness

This study evaluated over 400,000 people (ages 40-69) without glaucoma for 10 years and found that people with poor sleep patterns were significantly more likely to develop glaucoma when compared with individuals with healthy sleep habits. Those with insomnia had the greatest risk for developing glaucoma.



Alzheimer’s First Signs May Appear in Your Eyes

Retinal and brain tissues were collected over a period of 14 years from 86 donors to evaluate protein profiles as well as structural, molecular, and cellular changes. Molecular changes in the retina were noted in subjects who had minimal or pre-symptomology suggesting that changes in retina may be an early indicator of Alzheimer’s Disease.



If you have cases, studies, articles, or clinical pearls you would like to share with us, we want to hear from you. We would also love to hear your ideas for future NDPW SIG symposiums and newsletters. Please forward updates to [email protected].  


Are you sharing your NDPW knowledge at the upcoming AAO meeting or elsewhere? Please inform us of your accepted papers, posters, lectures, or other publications. We would also love to hear of your personal awards and accomplishments, and to include them in future newsletters. Please forward updates to [email protected].  


The mission of the Nutrition, Disease Prevention and Wellness SIG is to promote excellent patient care with lifestyle and nutritional support for prevention and management of eye diseases and related systemic disorders through professional education, scientific investigation, and multidisciplinary collaboration. We strive to foster camaraderie and mentorship for students, doctors, and researchers interested in nutritional science as it relates to eye care.


SIG Chair: 

Christine Winter-Rundell, OD, FCOVD, FAAO

[email protected]

SIG Vice Chair:

Kaleb Abbott, OD, MS, FAAO

[email protected]


SIG Program Chair:

Monica Nguyen, OD, FAAO

[email protected]

Immediate Past Chair: 

April M. Lewis, OD, FAAO, Dipl (CEC)

[email protected]

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