Message from the Director
To My Fellow Veterans, Families and Friends, As I write this letter, it is with sorrow that I share with you that one of our Southern Nevada State Veterans Home residents died from COVID-19 complications while hospitalized last Saturday. All of us at the Nevada Department of Veterans Services are grieving the passing of this Navy Korean War veteran. He served our nation with honor and dignity in its hour of need. He was also a beloved member of our Home community and is already deeply missed.
Please know that we, along with the entire State of Nevada team, are doing everything in our power to protect our residents and continue to take aggressive steps to stop the spread of the virus. I want to thank each one of our team members at the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home for their bravery, dedication and professionalism during this COVID-19 crisis.
Not only the staff at our home, but medical and medical support staff around Nevada are taking heroic actions to protect victims of this disease, to include many of our veteran brothers and sisters. Every one of these health care providers is a hero to the veterans and family members they are treating and caring for.
As I shared with my staff, I do not take the word "hero" lightly. I have had friends grievously injured and killed in the defense of our nation. I understand the sacrifices that our men and women make on behalf of their neighbors. So, when I say our health care providers are heroes, believe that I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Each one of them is on the front lines of the State's response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
As this situation continues to evolve, I wanted to make you aware, we have set up a 24-hour, 7-day a week COVID-19 update line. The number is 702-332-6705. A new, updated message is recorded every day to keep you informed.
The COVID-19 crisis has upended life as we know it, and as such, all of us are doing things differently than we did just a few short weeks ago. That includes the way we are doing business at NDVS as we continue to serve you and your families.
Our Veterans Service Officers (VSO) are assisting veterans and their families via teleconferencing or phone. Simply call 702-830-2000 to make arrangements to talk with a VSO. Our cemeteries are working with families to delay many services. Many events such as our Veterans Legislative Symposia, National Vietnam War Veterans Day, even Veteran of the Month, Veteran Supporter of the Month ceremonies have all been postponed.
Please keep this newsletter handy. It is full of information on changes at NDVS, resources, programs and more, that will help you and your family better handle this crisis.
As veterans, we are no strangers to sacrifice or adversity. When faced with challenging times, we do what we have always done. We stand together and support each other. We face it and together, we fight it until we defeat it. This situation is no different.
Kat Miller