January 2020 Veterans Voice Newsletter
Message Message from the Director
Message from the Director - January 2020
Happy New Year!

During this holiday season I have been reading of the many acts of kindness that members of our veterans' community have performed in support of others.  Blue and Gold Star Family organizations sending care packages to those deployed away from family and friends.  Fisher House and Guest house supporters preparing special meals for veterans and families facing difficult times.  Honor flight organizers and volunteers helping our older veterans see their monuments at our Nation's Capital, veterans' organizations preparing meals for those with no family close by, and so many, many more.  As the ultimate act of caring for others, Marine veteran Don Bennet ran into a burning Las Vegas apartment in the face of flame and billowing smoke last week to wake people up and give them the chance to escape.  Don died in that fire so others might live. His act of heroism reflects the very best of the United States Marine Corps, and indeed, of all of those who served in, or who are serving in, the uniform of our Nation. 

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Andy LePeilbet and Paul Anderson
Receive Special Honor and Recognition
U.S. Army veteran Andy LePeilbet received two special honors and recognition last month. LePeilbet was named Veteran of the Month (VOM), and he also received a second Silver Star for gallantry in action in the Vietnam War. During the special ceremony held inside the Old Assembly Chamber in Carson City, Sparks City Councilman Paul Anderson was also honored as Veteran Supporter of the Month (VSM).
During the ceremony, Governor Steve Sisolak noted the many affiliations and work of LePeilbet to benefit Nevada's veterans and military members. He also acknowledged the hard work and dedication of Councilman Anderson to benefit veterans and military members across the State. Both men received framed, special certificates, signed by the Governor as well as specially made pins before handshakes, congratulations and photos were taken. 

Wreaths Across America
Thousands of volunteers showed up early Saturday morning on December 14, 2019 at both the Northern and Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemeteries. Wreaths Across America has become an annual tradition for many Nevadans.

This year, the Nevada Wing of the Civil Air Patrol sponsored the events at both Veterans Memorial Cemeteries in Nevada.

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Family Members Help Preserve Pearl Harbor History
By Chuck N. Baker

It's no secret that veterans of the Pearl Harbor conflict are quickly passing away. In some cases, along with the veterans themselves, we are also losing their personal stories. But in some cases, their history is being preserved by family members.
That is the case with Las Vegas resident Kenneth Hill. He and his brother Bert were peripherally involved with Pearl Harbor history. 

Free Gift for Gulf War Veterans
Christmas may be over, but the giving will continue this month to Americans who served in the Gulf War.

The State of Kuwait is providing a special "thank you" to the men and women who served in Operation Desert Storm. Gulf War veterans may receive a free commemorative, first-edition book, The Liberation of Kuwait. It includes a companion, feature-length documentary on DVD. The set retails for $49.95 but is yours, free, because of your service.

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Korean War Veteran? This Free Gift is For You!
For a limited time, and for the first time ever, the nationally acclaimed book Korea Reborn: A Grateful Nation Honors War Veterans for 60 Years of Growth and The Remembered War, a 2014 GI Film Festival-selected documentary, are being bundled together in a collector's edition commemorative book and DVD set.

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HealthHealth and Wellness
In Case You Missed It
Governor Sisolak Announces Participation in National Strategy to Prevent Veteran Suicide
In Case You Missed It
The holidays are a busy time and it might be easy to miss a news story or two! Last month Governor Sisolak announced the State of Nevada had been invited to participate in the Governor's Challenge to Prevent Veteran Suicide Among Service Members, Veterans and Their Families! It is a tremendous honor to be invited as this initiative builds on two years of hard work by local, State, federal, nonprofits and others who participated in the Las Vegas and Truckee Meadows Mayor's Challenges to Prevent Suicide. NDVS is proud to be a leading partner and play a role in this significant endeavor to better understand suicide and find answers on how to prevent it. Just in case you missed the announcement last month, you may view the following press release.  

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ProgramsPrograms and Services
Hours Expanded at Fallon and Pahrump Veteran Service Offices
And New Woman Veteran Service Officer Now Onboard  

Veterans and their families in Fallon, Pahrump and surrounding communities now have a more convenient way to connect to benefits and programs earned through military service. Additionally, women veterans in Nevada now have a new resource too.
Veterans Villages Continue to Grow

By Chuck N. Baker

In Las Vegas, Veterans Villages are a lot like Starbucks. Every time you look, there seems to be a new one. Recently, city officials helped Director Arnold Stalk open a fourth Veterans Village to provide emergency, transitional and permanent housing residence for veterans.

The on-site services include: 24/7 crisis intervention center, medical and mental health services, job referral and training. Also included at the locations are nutritional services from Three Square Regional Food Bank and other contributory accommodations aimed at the elimination of homelessness and poverty in southern Nevada. Veterans Village is a collaborative between the City of Las Vegas and SHARE Family Housing Corporation. Veterans Village headquarters are located in the Travelodge building. 

Veterans Are Welcome to Horse Around
by Chuck  N. Baker

Horses4Heroes is a wonderful resource for veterans and their families.  
Director Sydney Knott said, "I like to call it a YMCA with horses. It is that place where you can go with your family and learn how to ride a horse, have fun with horses, relax and have a great time." Knott's ranch is open to the public, but it works most diligently to help veterans and active duty military and their families by offering discount rates and, in many cases, free services. "We also serve law enforcement officers, firefighters, schoolteachers and nurses," she said. "You know it's expensive to ride a horse and it's expensive to have kids take horseback riding lessons." She explained children who want to learn to ride are like others who want to play soccer, football, baseball or other sports. "There are kids who want to ride and compete. So, we cater to children who have parents who put on a uniform each day."

NewsNews You can Use
Memorial Location Project - We Could Use Your Help!
NDVS is launching an exciting statewide initiative to locate every veteran, military or war memorial across the State! We are partnering with Veteran/Military reporter, Chuck N. Baker, who is performing all the leg work.

Baker is currently identifying these memorials and documenting their location. He is also collecting photos and conducting research on each memorial to write any existing history to provide a better understanding of the men and women honored.
There are four State veterans' memorials: the Battle Born Memorial to Nevada's Fallen in Carson City, the Nevada State Veterans Memorial at the Grant Sawyer Building in Las Vegas. The Nevada Veterans Memorial Wall on the State Capitol Grounds in Carson City and the Mustang 22 Memorial in Reno at the Stead Airport.

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2020 Making Connections - Women Veterans Conference
If you're a woman who has served in the U.S. Armed Forces, we'd love for you to spend a Saturday with us! You're invited to attend the 2020 Making Connections - Women Veterans Conference on Saturday, February 29, 2020.
This day-long, FREE event is called "Making Connections" because you will learn about making connections to resources, programs and services in the following areas: health care, earned benefits, employment, and volunteer opportunities. You will also learn about making connections for a better you in the New Year!

Becoming a Patriot Employer!
The Patriot Employer Program provides employers with the tools and knowledge to hire and retain veterans. Just as important, it also demonstrates the benefits of utilizing the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces.

The benefit of hiring veterans goes far beyond tax breaks and incentives. Anyone who has served in the military is familiar with discipline and teamwork. They have respect for policies and procedures and they know the importance of overcoming adversity to complete the mission.

Most former military members are comfortable with technology and have been in positions where they had to learn new skills or adapt quickly. They also come with a set of values that includes integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness. These are all the attributes of an employee who would make any business or company proud. Veterans know what it means to put in a "good, honest day of work."

The Patriot Employer Program provides a "toolkit for hiring veterans" to human resources professionals who complete the Patriot Employer online course. Upon completion, the business is eligible to receive a certificate, signed by the Governor, presented in a special ceremony. The certificate and Patriot Employer decal are meant to be proudly displayed.

For more information on the Patriot Employer Program click here:

Be A 2020 U.S. Census Taker
RememberAlways Remember
27 Years Ago, in Somalia
This month marks an important anniversary. Do you remember when the US invaded Panama? Read all about it here:

Click here to read more:

Remembering the Gulf Wars - Differences and Similarities
The U.S. military was deployed to the same country. Their target was the same man - Saddam Hussein. But they deployed years apart.  The Gulf War in 1991 and the Iraq War in 2003.


During the Cold War, the nation of Iraq was an ally to the Soviet Union. Because of this and rising tensions with neighboring countries in the late 1980s, the United States placed Saddam Hussein and Iraq on its list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.
Around that same time and into the 1990s, Iraq became increasingly aggressive toward the nation of Kuwait, which occupied land Hussein claimed belonged to Iraq.

CalendarMark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar - January 2020
Click here for some events happening in January!
Mark Your Calendar - January 2020
Click here for the ROVER January 2020 Schedule
Nevada Department of Veterans Services