Message from the Director
To my fellow veterans, families, and veteran advocates,
In the three months since this global pandemic reached Nevada, we all have experienced changes in our lives and felt a lack of "connectedness." Our NDVS Team, however, remains committed to serving Nevada's heroes and their families, regardless of the circumstances. If you have ideas about how we might better support you, please shoot us a note!
Our team is certainly not the only ones looking out after our veteran family; I could write pages and pages about how veterans and their supporters are looking out for each other.
I do want to specifically call out and thank the Nevada Veterans Coalition and the Nevada Chapter of the National Order of the Trench Rats Dugout #421 for their support in modifying operations for this year's Memorial Day events. Their assistance was critical in protecting our communities, and, in helping our department put together Nevada's virtual Memorial Day and wreath laying ceremonies.
With veterans across the state, our team members were disappointed that we could not have large public events at our State Veterans Cemeteries, but we are very grateful to those who helped protect our visitors and staff by observing social distancing, and placing flowers and flags in a safe and respectful manner.
During a tremendously difficult time for Nevadans across the state, we saw the true meaning of Memorial Day shine through. While we all love the ceremonies and the patriotic display of flags, Memorial Day is, and will always be, about remembering the service and sacrifice of those who gave so much so Americans can live free. Thanks to all of you who remember and honor our Fallen-on Memorial Day and every day.
As we move forward to into June, keep the 76th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy (June 6th) and the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War (June 25th) on your calendars. Take the time to seek out our seasoned WWII and Korean War era veterans and thank them for their service and for their sacrifice.
Kat Miller