March 2020 Veterans Voice Newsletter
Message from the Director
Message from the Director - March 2020
Across the United States, this month is recognized as "Women's History Month." But in Nevada, it is also "Women's Military History Month," proclaimed by Governor Sisolak last month during an NDVS-hosted Women Veterans Conference. NDVS is coming off the heels of this very successful conference. I wanted to thank everyone, from the attendees, to the vendors, our partners, as well as the Blue Star Moms, who provided daycare so moms could attend.
The title of the conference was "Making Connections," which pointed the way for women to make connections to health care, employment, benefits, self-care and more. As veterans, it is important to have those connections, as well as connections to each other. You can read more about this conference in this e-newsletter under Programs and Services.
Speaking of connections, there are important events coming up over the next few weeks you will not want to miss.
This month, NDVS, in partnership with the United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC), will host the 2020 Nevada Veterans Legislative Symposia. This event provides a platform for veterans and their families to speak up and be heard about issues and concerns of interest to the veterans' or military communities. The issues identified as high priority, are presented to our Nevada State lawmakers for potential legislation in the upcoming 2021 session. As you may know, the UVLC is the lobbying arm for Nevada's veterans. This platform paves the way for the UVLC to speak to lawmakers in one clear voice about the issues identified through this event.
In Reno, the symposium will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at the Washoe County Senior Center, located at 1155 East 9th Street inside the Multi-Purpose Room. The event starts with coffee and mingling at 8:00 AM. The symposium starts at 8:30 AM and runs through 11:30 AM. To save your seat, you're encouraged to pre-register by going here:
In North Las Vegas, there will be another legislative symposium on Saturday, March 28, 2020 at the VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System, located at 6900 North Pecos Road inside the Auditorium. Coffee and mingling begin at 8:00 AM with the event running from 8:30 AM through 11:30 AM. Preregister by going here:
In addition to the symposia, NDVS is also offering a free workshop in Reno to become a Nevada Veterans Advocate. This workshop will offer all 20 required modules of study during the two-day event. The NV Veterans Advocate workshop will be held at Harrah's in downtown Reno on April 18-19th. To learn more or register, go here:
Finally, this month also marks National Vietnam War Veterans Day on the 29th. Veterans service organizations across Nevada are honoring and remembering Vietnam veterans in a number of ways, including commemorative Vietnam War pins. If you have an event you would like to publicize, let us know and we will be happy to assist. Simply call 775-825-9848 or email at
Thank you for your continued support of veterans and their families. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event this month and next!
Kat Miller
Richard Dickerson Honored as Veteran of the Month - March 2020
United States Air Force and Army National Guard veteran Richard Dickerson was honored and recognized as Veteran of the Month during a special ceremony held in the Old Assembly Chambers in Carson City last month.
Attorney General Aaron Ford attended on behalf of Governor Sisolak. He told attendees this special recognition is near and dear to him as his brother, TJ, is serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Ford said, "I have seen firsthand the sacrifices my brother has made to protect all of our freedoms," adding, "Honoring you and your family is the very least we can do to say, 'thank you' for your service."
UNLV Military Center Recognized as Veteran Supporter of the Month - March 2020
By Chuck N. Baker
The UNLV Military Service Center was named Veteran Supporter of the Month during a special ceremony held last month.
Select members of the organization were present at the Grant Sawyer Building to accept the award. Director Ross Bryant, Melissa Barber, Dwayne Gordon and several others were congratulated by Governor Steve Sisolak and applauded by a cadre of attendees. Many of those honored are also members of Rebel Vets, an organization made up of UNLV students who are also veterans.
In presenting the award, the Governor briefly noted some of the accomplishments of those behind the service center, including a 370-mile, 11-day Ruck March from Carson City to Boulder City.
Click here to read more |
This year, National Vietnam War Veterans Day falls on Sunday, March 29, 2020.
In Carson City, the Vietnam Veterans of America, Carson Area Chapter 388 is planning a "Welcome Home!" Vietnam Veterans Day Celebration. The event will be held on Saturday, March 28th at 5:00 PM at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, located at the east end of Mills Park in Carson City. All Vietnam veterans, Vietnam Era veterans and the public are invited to attend. There will be a reception following the ceremony from 5:30 PM through 7:00 PM at the Carson City Veterans Hall, 2nd and Curry Street, in Carson City.
If you have an event planned for National Vietnam Veterans Day, we would be more than happy to assist in publicizing your event. Simply call Fanny Rizo at 775-825-9848 or email at
Click here to read more |
 Health and Wellness
Civilians Can Help Prevent Veterans Suicides
By Chuck N. Baker
The tragedy of military and veteran suicide remains in the spotlight. Last year, the Air Force alone registered 84 suicides, up from 60 in 2018.
Kim Donohue is the Veterans Suicide and Homelessness Prevention Manager with the Nevada Department of Veterans Services. The Silver State like others is faced with an epidemic of suicides by veterans and by active duty service people. Professionals like Donahue work with many organizations to find solutions to prevent suicide.
Click here to read more
 Programs and Services
Speak Up and Be Heard at the Veterans Legislative Symposia
Mark you calendar and join us for the 2020 Nevada Veterans Legislative Symposia!
This event provides a platform to identify and prioritize key areas or concerns in the veteran community. These identified issues are then brought before Nevada lawmakers for consideration to be addressed through legislation in the upcoming 2021 session of the Nevada Legislature. Federal issues are brought before Nevada's Congressional delegation for review and legislative consideration as well.
Veterans Advocacy (NVA) Workshop
NDVS is also offering a free workshop in Reno to become a Nevada Veterans Advocate. This workshop will offer all 20 required modules of study during the two-day event. The NV Veterans Advocate workshop will be held at Harrah's in downtown Reno on April 18-19th. To learn more or register, go here:
Kat Miller, "Speaking of Veterans!"
By Chuck N. Baker
In the world of sports journalism, the late Howard Cosell was named the All-Time Best Sportscaster in 1993. A former Army major, when broadcasting news items he famously opened his reports by saying, "Howard Cosell, Speaking of Sports!" I sometimes think about Cosell's words when Kat Miller, the Director of the Nevada Department of Veterans Services, stands up to deliver a speech. I'm tempted to blurt out, "Ladies and gentlemen, Kat Miller, Speaking of Veterans!" The lady knows her stuff.
Women Veterans Conference "Making Connections" 2020
More than 150 women veterans and vendors gathered in the conference hall at the Texas Station casino on the last Saturday in February. There were lots of hugs and handshakes as attendees gathered outside the conference room, next to the vendors. That hallway was packed with women who wanted to learn more about resources and services available to them as well as chat with others and network.
 News You can Use
Free Retreat for Post-9/11 Women Veterans
After Her Service
is a 2-day professional skill-building retreat, which also includes 12 one-on-one coaching sessions and a closed social media peer support group. This is a free program for Post-9/11 women veterans designed to foster resiliency, professional goals, and new career skills.
During the retreat you will build optimism, reduce stress and social isolation, challenge your negative thinking, and focus on new approaches to self-care.
Veterans with Vision Loss to Commemorate Notable Anniversary
Blinded veterans and their families across the United States are helping to organize local events in their respective regions this spring to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) on March 28, 1945.
The milestone anniversary remembers the approximately 78 young World War II veterans who had lost their sight in combat and gathered in an early morning meeting at Avon Old Farms Army Convalescent Hospital for the purpose of organizing themselves to help one another.
Black History Month: A Time to Extend the Dream
By Chuck N. Baker
February is Black History Month. It is a time to recognize and honor the achievements of black Americans in American history.
Each year the City of Los Angeles sponsors several events to honor Black History Month. At a luncheon held at the Derfelt Senior Center, several entertainers performed musical numbers that have been made famous by black entertainers.
Click here to read more
Terrific News Regarding Home Loans!
On January 1, 2020, it became easier for you to use your VA home loan benefit to purchase, refinance, or construct a home with no down payment, regardless of the cost of the home.
DAV Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship
Each year, DAV offers $75,000 in scholarships to be used toward any accredited institution of higher learning, including universities, colleges, community colleges and vocational schools.
The DAV Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship, named after the late Secretary of Veterans Affairs and former DAV leader, provides scholarships to volunteers age 21 or younger who have volunteered a minimum of 100 hours through the DAV Voluntary Service Program or DAV's Local Veterans Assistance Program (LVAP). Eligible hours must be credited to DAV.
Nominations for this award may be submitted by the Voluntary Services Program Manager at a VA medical center, DAV Departments and Chapters, or the student may complete a self-nomination form. For more information on eligibility or to submit an application visit:
This is a great way to gain professional experience, complete high school or educational requirements, possibly earn financial assistance toward higher education and make a positive change in the lives of our nation's heroes.
If you have an interest in volunteering as a part of the DAV team, please contact the DAV Voluntary Services Department by emailing or by calling 877-426-2838.
Did you know that the Clark County School District (CCSD) hires for virtually the same jobs as does any city; not just teaching and classroom aide positions?
In February, CCSD reached out to find quality candidates to fill job openings including; clerical, school police officers and recruits, bus drivers, vehicle maintenance techs, HVACR Techs, plumbers and more.
 Always Remember
Always Remember - Never Forget
The American Legion also marks a birthday March 15!
There are several dates and events to remember in March. The Navy Reserve marks a birthday on March 3rd. Learn more about the Navy Reserve here:
March 25 is National Medal of Honor Day.
March 25 is National Medal of Honor Day. Learn more here:
"Remember the Maine! To heck with Spain!"
"Remember the Maine! To heck with Spain!" became a rallying cry for action after the U.S. Navy Battleship Maine was sunk in Havana Harbor. The United States declared war on Spain in April of 1898.
 Mark Your Calendar
Las Vegas Veterans Stand Down
The Veterans Stand Down provides comprehensive services to veterans in our community ranging from basic needs assistance such as food, haircuts and clothing, to services that will lead to long-term outcomes. Services will include employment, education and benefits, dental and medical assistance, counseling, housing placement, and much more. Hundreds of community service providers will be in attendance.
No Appointments,
Walk-in only, veteran spouses/widowers welcome
Friday, April 3, 2020
Wednesday, July 1,2020 (Spartan Pledge)
Sat, March 14th @ 8:00 a.m. to
10:00 a.m, Nation of Patriots Third Annual Poker Run.
Pre-Register on our website:
4337 N. Las Vegas Blvd.
>Sat, March 28 @ 12:45 p.m. doors open at 12 noon. Vietnam War Veterans Remembrance Day & All Veterans Free appreciation concert. Event will be at 7000 Truckee Meadows Community College Student Center.
>Sat, March 28 @ 5:00 p.m. - Home Vietnam Veterans Day Celebration. Vietnam Veterans Memorial - East End of Mills Park Carson City, Nevada.