NE Village Public Informational Meeting
Interested in learning more about the Village Movement in general, and the Northeast Village in particular? Come to our next "Village 101" get-together:
Saturday, March 28th
from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m
Where: Gregory Heights Library, 7921 NE Sandy Blvd
No reservation required, just show up!
Members & volunteers joining together to enhance our community
The January 19 meeting was a success,
thank you! It was wonderful to see so many willing to offer your time and talents to enhance our NEV community.
Here is the update: From the input of meeting attendees, we compiled a preliminary roster of your interests. Several are willing to initiate and organize a group or event, so the GovCo chairs Jane Braunger and Todd Coward contacted people with overlapping interests to connect and move ahead. We hope these groups will report at our Quarterly Meeting on March 11.
If you haven't yet been contacted, you aren't overlooked or unwanted! We're just getting started, and at our Quarterly Meeting on March 11 let's follow up and collaborate on launching the events, study groups, and presentations in the areas of interest you expressed in January. We look forward to an active Spring.
Quarterly Meeting & Potluck
Join us for the NEV Quarterly Meeting and a Potluck Supper. Chat with your fellow Villagers and catch up on all the latest happenings in the Village - including the promising results of our special meeting in January.
Our previous Quarterly Meeting had the largest turnout ever (more than 70).
Join us to break that record in March!
For the Potluck, please bring a dish to share; coffee, tea, plates, cups and utensils will be provided.
When: Wednesday March 11, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Where: Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Avenue
Coordinated by: NEV Governing Council
No reservation required.
Save the date to celebrate!
Mark your calendars:
Saturday, April 25: Villages Northwest ("VNW") and all 11 member Villages are having a huge afternoon party in southeast Portland and you're invited!
We are celebrating
who has helped us grow from a few Villages and a couple dozen members to
villages with over
members. That means
: members, volunteers and member-volunteers.
Festivities begin with a short VNW board meeting followed by refreshments, including an ice cream station staffed by VNW board members.
Because everyone is being celebrated, everyone will go home with a prize! Here's how that will work.
Everyone who attends will donate some "like new" item they once enjoyed but no longer use. Think kitchen gadget (spiralizer, immersion blender, etc); a decorative tray; a set of guest towels, etc. Don't buy anything; just look around to see something you've liked but are ready to pass on to someone else. The value of the donated item should be $50 or less. The items then will be raffled off, ensuring that everyone is a winner.
: Sat, April 25, 4-6 pm
: All Saints Episcopal Church (Parish Hall), 4033 SE Woodstock Blvd
: your raffle item to the NEV office, 5830 NE Alameda St,
by March 31
, or let us know when you RSVP if you need to have your item picked up.
We hope to see you and many other NEV members and volunteers at the celebration - you've earned it!
-- Jane Braunger, Co-Chair, Northeast Village PDX
New Event !
Breakfast Group
Come join me for breakfast at the
Eclectic Kitchen ! Wonderful omelettes with locally sourced veggies. Bacon and biscuits for a more hearty appetite, and much more.
Tues, March 31, 8:30 am
Where: Eclectic Kitchen,
4936 NE Fremont.
RSVP to the office 503-895-2750.
-- Margaret Baldwin
Advanced Care Planning Workshop for Advance Directives
Twenty-one NE Villagers attended an Advanced Care Planning workshop in February. Mary Anne Henry, Chaplain of the Providence Palliative Care Team, presented. The workshop focused on values and family conversations as we age.
A second workshop for past -- and new -- participants is planned. Mary Anne Henry will assist in preparation of Advance Directives.
: Monday, Mar 23, 4-6 pm
: Rose City Park United Methodist Church Parlor, 5830 NE Alameda St.
If you have an Advance Directive, please bring your current copy for review. New directive forms will be available. Village members and volunteers may bring a family member to participate.
Life Stories Writing Workshop
This writing workshop series is a safe space for participants to explore their life experience - the times, people, and events that helped shaped their lives - and to share written or verbal memoirs with each other. Questions will be provided to guide your reminiscences.
The VIEWS (Volunteers Involved for the Emotional Well Being of Seniors) facilitators are trained senior peer counselors.
: Every Thursday, March 19
- May 7, 1-3 pm
: Conference room upstairs, Rose City Park United Methodist Church, 5830 NE Alameda St
: Limited to the first 8 who sign up: call
NEV Office at 503-895-2750
"Yard party" dates for members this spring
"Do you need help with
yard clean up to be ready for spring?
When: Spring
party dates will be as follows:
March 31
April 4
April 8
April 14
April 18
April 19
April 30
May 2
May 16
May 21
Date options are first-come, first-serve and will be held rain or shine.
How do you sign up?
Member sign-ups will be held
the week of Monday, March 16, ending on Thursday, March 19.
Members can call the NEV office
at 503-895-2750 between
March 16 -19 to schedule a yard party
NEV founding member Bill Roberts passes away
"I'm coming back," NE Village volunteer Bill Roberts told member Nona Glazer after working in her yard. "But you've already done your two hours," Nona said, referring to the time limit on volunteer energy.
Bill didn't care. He came back later and finished the job to his satisfaction.
That spirit of dedication and generosity characterized Bill's involvement in NE Village from its inception. He was one of the first members to join when NEV opened its doors in 2016 and was also one of the first to sign up as a Village volunteer.
He served on several committees -
- Development, Marketing and Outreach, Programs, Resources --
as well as donating money and many hours of service doing minor home repairs and yard work. From collaborating on grant proposals to stuffing envelopes for a mass mailing, "Bill was always ready to lend a hand whenever something needed doing," said Joan Malling, Development Committee chair.
Born in 1938, Bill passed away on January 3, 2020, at the age of 81, surrounded by family and friends. With a master's degree in mechanical engineering and a PhD in neurophysiology, he had a rich and varied career, including serving as department head for the OHSU Department of Biomechanical Engineering. Bill will be deeply missed and warmly remembered by his many Village friends. Our condolences go to his family, including his former wife Susan Roberts, who is also a Village member and volunteer.
--Pat Vivian
Highlighting new members & volunteers
New members who have joined us since January:
Barbara and Thomas Ellicott (Alameda neighborhood)
Cathy and Don Robinson (Irvington neighborhood)
Bernetta Playford (Irvington neighborhood)
Susan Terry and Judy McLean (Alameda neighborhood)
Ann and Roger Crockett (Irvington neighborhood)
Mary Larkin (Grant Park neighborhood)
Louesa Islett (Rose City Park neighborhood)
Jacque and Jane Arnal (Alameda neighborhood)
New volunteers who have joined us since January:
Eldon Haines
Linda Rose
Brittany Andrus
Judy McLean
Elise Perri
We welcome all of you!
Highlighting Our 2019 Donors
Dear Supporters of Northeast Village PDX:
Thank you, thank you! Our Village could not exist without the time, money, talent, and various kinds of assistance you provide.
We gratefully acknowledge the generous financial contributions donors have made from January through December 2019. The "seed" anniversary campaign, subsidized memberships, and general donations will help us to continue to provide service and grow during 2020. We look forward to an even better 2020! Click here for list of donors.
If your name is inappropriately acknowledged or missing, please contact the NEV office at 503-895-2750.
-- Joan Malling, Chair, Development Committee
GovCo approves new volunteer and member benefits
The Northeast Village Governing Council ("GovCo") has recently approved new benefits, programs, and policies for our members and volunteers.
For our volunteers:
Our volunteers provide critical support to our Village and are recognized as an integral part of our community. Volunteers help to keep our Village operating smoothly and effectively, as well as providing direct personal support to our members. To recognize the importance of the contributions from all of our volunteers, GovCo has adopted the following new benefits:
- All Northeast Village-sponsored events will be open to both volunteers and members.
- Volunteers who experience short-term setbacks such as injury or illness may elect to receive any of our Village services by paying the monthly rate for "full service members" ($45) as long as needed.
For our associate members:
- You are now eligible for four 2-hour services per year, up from two services in the past.
- You can also elect to receive up to 2 months of services per year without cost due to short-term setbacks such as injury or illness. You can extend that time if needed by paying the "full service member" rate on a month-by-month basis.
And finally,
we encourage all our members to
invite guests to any of our calendar's events and general meetings.
This allows your friends & guests to get a sense of our Village, and for you to share
Village experience with them.
Todd Coward, Co-Chair, Northeast Village PDX
Website update is forthcoming
Work has been underway since last fall on updating the website for NE Village PDX (still
) with a new look and several new features.
- Individual Log-in:
Each member and volunteer will have a unique user ID and password to access sections of the website that are not open to the general public.
You can sign up for events directly from the Events calendar -- just click on the event you want to attend and complete the registration page. You will receive email confirmation that you are registered and an email reminder when the event date is near. (Note: members who do not use e-mail will continue to contact the NEV Office to reserve space at an event.)
- Discussion Forum:
Join conversations about topics that are important to you and others.
Development work is nearing completion, and we are working on materials to help you easily navigate the new site. Training sessions will begin in late March or early April after site testing is complete.
Watch for future e-mails with more information about training locations and what to expect as we get closer to launching this exciting new addition to the Village.
New Board Member Spotlight: Stephanie Sameh
Stephanie Sameh
"As a nurse I've seen some elderly people in dire straits," said Stephanie Sameh, one of the four newest members of Northeast Village PDX's Governing Council. This "will be a good learning experience" in planning for her own needs and letting friends know about Village resources, she said.
The associate member thought she lacked relevant experience and skills for the leadership team, but at a NEV potluck dinner was encouraged to sign up and run. The four were part of a slate of candidates unanimously elected at the Village's annual meeting in September.
"I want to learn more about the ins and outs of aging in place and the organization's mission," said Stephanie, who is 76. "As we age, we don't know what we might need."
The retired R.N. attends monthly council meetings, "listening, asking questions. I put my 2 cents in if I feel the least bit knowledgeable," she said. New members provide "fresh faces and fresh ideas." She also participated in a retreat aimed at improving communications within the organization.
Stephanie and member Dorothy Cox co-chair NEV's movie group; each month members pick two first-run films playing in local theaters. "Knives Out" and "1917" are scheduled for around-a-table discussion next. "Parasite" was well-received, said Stephanie. "Few knew about South Korean culture. All agreed the acting was superb and the director did a brilliant job."
For eight years Stephanie has belonged to a book group that originally was part of a peace and freedom organization. Instead of an entire book, members read and discuss designated chapters month-by-month. Recently they finished the nonfiction
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City
. Now they are diving into Zora Neale Hurston's 1942 autobiography
Dust Tracks on a Road.
-- Jo Mancuso
Monthly Calendar of Events:
March 10, 2020
Bimonthly Newsletter:
April 15, 2020
Submit to both people below: