March, 2023

NEECA Newsletter

NEECA General Meeting

Wednesday, March 15th at 7 p.m.

ABNC, 100 Main St., Athol (parking in back)

Please join us. Great opportunity to meet other NEECA members, review 2022 accomplishments, and preview 2023 events and goals. Refreshments provided, and be sure to sign up for the Door Prize!

All attendees will receive a Horse Vital Signs chart that provides guidelines on front and spot to record your horse's info on back.

Volunteer to help out at some events and get a FREE NEECA 2023 Calendar!

"Many Hands Make Light The Work"

Every year we have a Work Day to help get the park ready for the new season. The number of volunteers that show up determines how much we can get done. Please save the date and try to come up and help out, if just for a few hours. Saturday, April 8th, weather permitting, with April 22nd as a back-up date.

We will have volunteer sign up sheets available at the March General Meeting and everyone who signs up to volunteer at an event will receive a FREE 2023 NEECA Calendar!


We've got a LOT of great things lined up for 2023. Coming up soon after our March General Meeting and the Work Day on April 8th will be the first NEECA Drivers event of the year happening on Monday, April 17th, followed by the Poker Ride on April 29th and Pete Whitmore's Versatility Clinic scheduled for May 13th. Our clinics usually fill fast, and we'd love for our members to be able to take advantage of their NEECA membership discount and attend these events, so please let us know asap if you're interested.

To see ALL of our scheduled events, go to

NEECA Drivers - April 17th

These days are all about learning, camaraderie, and just having FUN! Includes instruction in: Pleasure, Cones, Dressage, and Obstacles

Contact for more info, or go to

Poker Ride - April 29th

Come join us for our Spring Poker Ride at the NEECA grounds in Athol.

• Registration opens at 9:30.

• Cost is $20.00 for members/$25 for non-members.

• You can ride out any time after 10:00 a.m.

• The fun will last till 3:00 p.m. (All riders must be checked back in and scored by 3:00 p.m.)

• Prizes awarded for top three hands.

• This is not a timed event so be safe and take your time.

Contact Stephanie at for more info

Versatility Clinic- May 13th

Pete Whitmore Versatility Clinic happening at NEECA Confidence Course on Sat, May 13th. Morning/Afternoon Sessions. 1st group goes 10 a.m. to Noon, 2nd group goes from 1-3 p.m. $75.00 NEECA member, $100 non-member. Limited spots. Pre-Registration required, please contact

We have nearly $1200 raised for the purchase of an Equine Rescue Kit that NEECA will be donating to our local fire department to aid in the rescue of downed horses. The importance of having equipment like this available in our area cannot be overstated. If you would like to help us reach our goal so that we can get the Kit ordered asap, please click here and choose option #3, Donate via PayPal link. And many thanks to all of you who have donated already. We've had donations from $10 all the way up to $500. It ALL helps. The horse it winds up helping some day may be your own.

Not an issue THIS weekend we realize, but as we head towards Spring we'd like to remind everyone that if they visit NEECA on a muddy day, please park in the Trailer Parking Driveway and DO NOT drive around the main arena or behind the grandstands. This will avoid deep ruts being created, and the chance of you getting your rig stuck.

Renew your NEECA membership today in order to receive your online issues of Community Horse Magazine. Another GREAT benefit of being a NEECA members. Deadline for us to submit our membership list is Feb. 28th!

Published each spring and autumn, featuring farms, horse people, trail riding locations and a comprehensive events calendar that's prepared exclusively for each state. Listings of horse products and horse related services. to renew.

Handy Links For Your Convenience

NEECA has so much going on already, way too much to fit into this newsletter. So for your convenience we've provided links to some information we thought you might might interested in. Just click on green highlighted links.

2023 Event Calendar

NEECA Trail Map

NEECA Membership / Renewal

NEECA FaceBook Page

NEECA Online Business Directory

2023 Gymkhana Dates & Info

2023 NEECA Drivers Dates & Info