



We hope that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas Holidays, and we wish you nothing but health, wealth, and endless blessings in the New Year ahead.

A LOOK BACK AT 2024........

NEECA came roaring out of the Covid shutdown and the past few years have produced record-setting membership numbers, an increasing variety of events being hosted every year, and ongoing improvements to the park itself. And 2024 was certainly no exception to the trend!

Nearly 40 events were hosted at or by NEECA in 2024, and we ended the year with 275 members, over 80 of them being NEW to NEECA. With over 110 members already renewing their membership for 2025, or joining NEECA for the first time, we're already on track to top 2024's membership count! The good word continues to spread!!

Continuing improvements and expansion of what NEECA has to offer remain a top priority. In 2024, we dedicated the new Driving Area out back to Althea Bramhall, replaced the footing and entrance gate in the warm-up arena, removed some old trailers and debris that had been collecting over the years, relocated a storage shed, added driving obstacles, widened sections of the driveway between the main arena and Confidence Course, and installed speakers in the trailer parking driveway. And we're not nearly done!

Our new well was up and running for 2024 and wound up being of great benefit. We now have two hydrants conveniently located near the main arena for participants to get water from during events.

The NEECA Food Booth has proven to be a huge asset, and was open for all of the gymkhanas to provide food and drinks to the participants and spectators.

We introduced some fun new events this year: Soccer On Horseback Clinic, Luke Reinbold Clinic, Coney Baloney for the drivers, in addition to some oldies but goodies: Triathlon, Gymkhana series, Hunter Pace, etc.

2024 also saw the introduction of a dedicated Nature Trail at NEECA, due to the efforts of Board Member Linda LeBlanc. Linda secured a grant for the signage found on the Nature Trail and has already hosted a couple of local groups who visited NEECA to enjoy the trails.

In the past 3 years, we have invested close to $70,000 in ongoing improvements and maintenance at NEECA. Nearly all of the money used to fund these projects come from membership dues, event fees, and donations.

In 2024 alone, we had 4 donors ( who prefer to remain anonymous) that donated $4500 in support of our efforts to improve and expand NEECA. We appreciate their generosity and support so very much. The Fall Social Auctions brought in another $4000 in profit for the park's development. These funds will allow us to continue to expand and improve NEECA in the coming year(s).

As always, we are "eyes forward" in our continuing efforts to develop NEECA. We invite you to attend the March General Meeting on Wed., 3/19 to learn more about what we have planned for this year!

NEECA'S 2025 Calendar is Out!!

Be sure to check out all of the great events we have lined up for 2025 by going to the Calendar of Events page on our website:

Please note that right now we just have the dates listed for each event, so that you can "save the date" in your calendar, but we will be providing more information for each event in the coming weeks, and will also be posting when registration for various clinics, etc. opens up.So keep checking FB page!

Thank You, Terry!

As we look forward to welcoming two new Board members to NEECA in 2025, it is with deep regret that we received the news of long-time Board member Terry Lupien's resignation.

Terry has been a Board member for many years and has contributed much to NEECA and its membership during that time. We will miss her greatly and would like to thank her for the time she has given so freely and commitment she has shown in support of NEECA over these many years.

Please help us welcome two new incoming NEECA Board of Directors for 2025. We'd like to introduce you to Jane Peirce and DarylynnTracy Oberg, who will both be joining the Board as of January 2025. To learn a little more about each of these two wonderful ladies, just click on their names below their pictures.



Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that, effective January 1, 2025, NEECA membership rates will be increasing by $5.00. So an Individual membership will be $30, and a Family membership will be $50. This is the first increase in membership dues since NEECA's beginning nearly 25 years ago. At that time there was basically nothing up there and membership perks consisted of a lot of work days helping to get the park up and running.

Over the years NEECA has grown dramatically, and now offers a LOT of amenities to its membership. There is a 240 x 100 foot main arena, a 150 x 150 foot warm-up arena, Confidence Course, Round Pen, Driving Area, Food Booth, and 3+ miles of well marked trails available at NEECA now. While anyone can ride the trails, only NEECA members can avail themselves of the rings, Confidence Course, etc., in addition to getting discounted pricing on most of the 30+ NEECA events offered every year.

The challenging part is that the more we have, the more maintenance is involved in keeping things up and running. We're blessed to have a lot of volunteers help out throughout the year, but things break, equipment has to be serviced, trails need to be maintained, fuel/diesel needs to bought, insurance needs to be paid. And as we all know, everything has gotten a lot more expensive over the past couple of years. Most importantly of all, we always have our "heads up" on how to add on and improve NEECA for everyone's benefit.

Please know that every penny NEECA raises through membership dues and events goes towards the maintenance and improvement of the park. No one, other than the professionals that come in to do clinics/shows for us, receives financial compensation for their time. We are a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT all volunteer organization.

Remember, if you join/renew before the end of this year, you can pay the current membership fee of $25 AND get a free gift membership for 2025 for a friend. Just go to

About NEECA Membership Benefits.......

The following businesses and professionals support NEECA by offering special discounts to our members (current NEECA membership card most be shown to receive discounts):

Community Horse Magazine (spring/summer and fall/winter online issues)

Hardwick Farmers Co-op (3% Off All Purchases, add'l 7% off on special Members Sale Days)


Horseback & Body Massage ($10 off, 413-320-7690 )


Family Pet Vet Service ($15 off annual exam, 978-249-4626)

Déjà vu Women's Consignments (10 % off, Main Street, Athol)

Mending Fences Animal Wellness (Discount off Massage + MagnaWave Treatment for your horse. $180 value, only $155 for NEECA members, 508-864-9840 )

White Pickets Studio (10% off, Petersham, MA)

Plus NEECA members receive special rates on certain NEECA sponsored events throughout the year.

"The mission of NEECA is to preserve and protect land for equine interests while promoting good horsemanship and educating equestrians for the betterment of the horse now, and for the generations to follow."