New England First Amendment Coalition
July 2020
The New England First Amendment Coalition will be hosting its 10th annual New England First Amendment Institute as a multi-day online program this fall.

The institute is typically offered over three days at Northeastern University in Boston. Due to health concerns related to COVID-19 and the limited ability of many journalists in the region to take extended time off, fellows this year will be attending remotely.

The program will consist of classes taught between Saturday, Sept. 26, and Saturday, Oct. 3. Weekday sessions will be in the morning with multiple sessions held each Saturday. [...]
Victor M. Hansen, a law professor at New England Law Boston, explains the constitutional authority allowing the federal government to send law enforcement agents to local protests and whether such deployment could occur in cities throughout the region.

Additional Coverage

The New England First Amendment Coalition recently sent a letter to Connecticut lawmakers recommending specific transparency requirements that should be included in recently proposed police accountability legislation.

“With those in Connecticut now discussing how law enforcement can best be structured and overseen by the public, this is an opportune time to make meaningful changes to our police departments,” wrote Justin Silverman, NEFAC’s executive director, in a July 17 letter to members of the state’s Judiciary Committee. [...]

Additional Coverage

Paul Cuno-Booth, a reporter for the Keene Sentinel, discusses how he obtained Use of Force policies from all law enforcement agencies in New Hampshire and how his public records requests led to two police chiefs reconsidering the use of chokeholds.
Liam Elder-Connors, a reporter for Vermont Public Radio, shares a surprising public records response involving the state’s attorney general, efforts to expose police misconduct and an appearance on NPRmageddon.
Hillary Davis at the Student Press Law Center and Susanna Serrano, student journalist at Oyster River High School (Durham, N.H.), describe the unique challenges facing student journalism and how the free press can be protected within New England schools.
NEFAC Executive Director Justin Silverman joined Jordan Frias of the Society of Professional Journalists New England Chapter and Todd Wallack of The Boston Globe to discuss open government challenges within the region during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We're now on Instagram: nefirstamendmentcoalition
Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, added he was “fairly certain there is no appetite” on Beacon Hill for any serious effort at reform. . . . Silverman, argued, “These types of records are used by community watchdogs, journalists, and concerned citizens throughout the country to keep their legislators accountable.” Silverman added that with the COVID-19 pandemic reducing access to government officials, being able to obtain records is more important than ever. [...]

Regional / National

Federal Law Enforcement, First Amendment

Protests, Police Reform

Press Rights




Juvenile Justice, Court Access



Internet Privacy



Police Reform, Transparency


New Hampshire

Police Reform, Transparency


Rhode Island
