Heather Accepts New Position
I have accepted a new position and my last day with NEFLIN will be July 14th.
Though I will miss working with the staff here, and serving the entire membership, I am thrilled for the opportunity to remain a NEFLIN member! I will begin my new position with the St. Johns County Public Library System on July 17th.
I very much appreciate all of the support, guidance, and encouragement provided by NEFLIN staff and our wonderful members during my time here. I have learned so much, perhaps most importantly, that there are always new lessons to learn. It has been a pleasure to serve as your Continuing Education Coordinator.
C.E. Committee Members Needed
NEFLIN is looking for creative, dependable individuals who would like to contribute to the ongoing development of its Continuing Education program by serving on the Continuing Education Committee. The CE Committee is made up of library staff from NEFLIN's public, academic, special, and school libraries.
Responsibilities are articulated in the NEFLIN CE Committee Charge and include attendance at meetings, giving suggestions and input, making recommendations, and working closely with the CE Coordinator to help promote NEFLIN's training and support services mission.
Committee meetings are bi-monthly at the NEFLIN office. Two-year terms begin October 1st. Email office@neflin.org if you are interested in learning more.
Technology Conference Recap
NEFLIN's 2017 Technology Conference was a fun opportunity for us all to learn and connect.
Thanks to all who attended and participated throughout the day!
Call Your Friends, Wake Your Neighbors
One of the takeaways from the NEFLIN Annual Survey was that many members are not aware of NEFLIN's partnership with Amazon.
It's easy! Visit
http://www.neflin.org/amazon which will lead you to the
Amazon website. Then purchase any items for yourself or your library. Amazon will then provide NEFLIN with a percentage of any purchases you make.
You can also share this link with friends or family!
Anyone who makes a purchase after clicking on the link at
will help NEFLIN. Your privacy is maintained as all purchases are anonymous. Thank you for your support!
Spotlight on Clay County Public Schools
Walk into any school library in the School District of Clay County (SDCC), and you'll find a welcoming environment filled with printed and digital 21st Century materials. The vision of the Clay County library programs is to provide services, resources, instruction, collaboration, and innovation to empower students and faculty to connect with ideas and information, become informed decision-makers, and lifelong, information-literate learners. Library doors open before the school day begins and remain open to patrons after the last school bell rings.
Recognizing the current move to become "Future-Ready Librarians," SDCC library m
edia specialists have worked diligently to provide flexible spaces that promote inquiry, creativity, collaboration and community; to empower students as creators through the use of Makerspaces for STEM and STEAM, Hyperdoc projects and video production; to collaborate with teachers to design and implement evidence-based curricula that encourage students to practice critical thinking skills, to model digital citizenship, and to become information- literate.
You won't hear shushing in the SDCC Library Media Centers. Instead, you'll see interaction and excitement as children of all ages learn and grow.
Northeast Florida Library Information Network
2233 Park Avenue Suite 402 Orange Park, FL 32073
Featured Classes |
2 unique online training opportunities focusing on this important topic!
Founders of the Whole Person Librarianship model for serving patrons based on the social systems surrounding libraries will lead you to:
- Understand the logistics of building library-social work collaborations;
- Identify how to start building connections;
- Learn core social work concepts relevant to library practice; and
- Apply social work concepts within your libraries
Register for:
Whole Person Librarianship - Part 1
Tuesday, August 1st
10 am - 11 am Online
Whole Person Librarianship - Part 2
Thursday, August 3rd
10 am - 11 am Online
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