In This Issue:
Purchase your JMCEF Raffle Tickets!
Nominate a Colleague for a NEFLIN Award
Meet and Greet your Colleagues at the Academic Libraries Interest Group
Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute - Apply Now!
Featured Workshop: A Peek at Personalities
Scholarships for Conference Registration and Travel Now Available
Innovation Project Spotlight
School Libraries Mini-Institute Wrap-up
Our April newsletter is filled with many opportunities we want you to take advantage of...but if there is ONE opportunity we want everyone to notice, it is the 2022 NEFLIN Awards.
We all know that librarians and library staff don't always get the accolades they deserve. When good work is recognized, though, we all benefit. The NEFLIN Awards provide an excellent opportunity to honor a colleague or community member by nominating them for a 2022 award. Categories include Member of the Year, Distinguished Career, Innovation, and Library Champion. Find out more below and submit your nominations by Friday, April 29th.
Jenny Eason
Member Services Coordinator
Purchase your JMCEF Raffle Tickets!
All money from the sale of raffle tickets will be added to the Jim Morris Continuing Education Fund, which provides financial support for NEFLIN members to attend conferences and other professional development opportunities (read more about the JMCEF below!).
Purchase your tickets online by Tuesday, April 26th or in person at the conference.
**You must be a NEFLIN member to participate.
Nominate a Colleague for a
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2022 NEFLIN Awards! This is the perfect opportunity to honor a colleague whose work and dedication deserve to be noticed.
Nominations are due by Friday, April 29th, 2022, and award winners will be announced at the 2022 NEFLIN Annual Meeting. Download applications by clicking on the links below.
Member of the Year - The NEFLIN Member of the Year Award recognizes a current employee of a NEFLIN library who has made a significant positive impact on his/her library and the community it serves.
Distinguished Career Award - The Distinguished Career Award is for an individual who has displayed exemplary achievement and leadership throughout his/her career in the library field.
Library Innovation Award - The NEFLIN Innovation Award recognizes an innovative program or service that has demonstrated impact on the community a NEFLIN library serves.
Library Champion Award - This award is for any individual who has demonstrated exceptional support for a NEFLIN library. (Current employees of NEFLIN libraries are not eligible.)
See past NEFLIN Award winners here.
Meet and Greet your Colleagues at the Academic Libraries Interest Group
Exciting news! The next Academic Libraries Interest Group meeting will be an in-person opportunity to interact and network with your colleagues!
St. Johns River State College has opened a beautiful new library at their Orange Park campus, so we'll start with a tour of this space. NEFLIN will be on hand to introduce resources and services beneficial to the academic library professional. The heart of the day will be a discussion of current topics and informal networking. Be sure to bring your business cards!
9:30 - Arrival, Check-in, light refreshments, Informal Networking
10:00 - Welcome & OPC Library Tour
10:30 - NEFLIN Presentation
11:00 - Discussion and Informal Networking
11:30- Release for the day and lunch on your own
Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute - Apply Now!
The Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute has been transformative for many NEFLIN members. If you're ready to lean in to your leadership journey, SSLLI might be just the opportunity you're looking for.
SSLLI is a 10-month program designed for library professionals at any point of their career who want to develop their leadership skills. Participants will gather once a month between October 2022 and June 2023 for daylong cohort sessions led by a leadership expert. Between sessions, participants work one-on-one with a mentor, complete practical application assignments, and develop a leadership project that addresses a need within the participant's library or community. Upon completion, participants travel to Tallahassee for a graduation celebration at the Division of Library and Information Services.
The 2022-23 Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute will take place at two cohort locations: the Eastside Branch Library in Leon County and the Riverview Public Library in Hillsborough County. The application period closes on May 15th, so there's no time to waste - find out more on the DLIS website and send your questions to
Featured Workshop:
A Peek at Personalities with Linda Bruno
Are you an employee? A manager? Do you have a spouse? Children? Friends? Acquaintances? Do you volunteer in an organization? Are you on committees? Do you ever deal with people in any context at all? Of course you do! This half-day workshop is an invaluable tool in understanding your own personality style, as well as understanding those with whom you interact.
We’ll look at common characteristics of the four primary styles – the good, the bad, and the ugly! You’ll find out how we are all so different... and yet so alike. Why do they do the things they do and why do you react the way you do?
None of us “fits” one category exactly, which is what makes life so (ahem!) interesting. But all of us have attributes that are inherent in who we are. Our personalities affect every single area of life. The more we know, the better life goes!
As you learn about yourself, you’ll undoubtedly experience an “aha!” moment regarding someone else (or several “someone elses”!). This is an opportunity to discover what makes them – and us – tick – and how we can use the strengths of our personalities to maneuver this thing we call life!
Meet the Trainer: Linda Bruno
Linda has been developing and conducting training workshops for libraries and other organizations for more than fifteen years. She offers workshops on topics ranging from Leadership Skills to Emotional Intelligence – and lots of areas in between!
Linda received her MBA from the University of Florida and has years of experience in hands-on management positions. She develops her workshops based on solid research and – more importantly – real-life application. Linda is also certified with DDI and Achieve Global.
Scholarships for Conference Registration and Travel Now Available
The Jim Morris Continuing Education Fund helps NEFLIN members attend conferences and other professional development opportunities. NEFLIN members are eligible to apply for up to $500 for out-of-state travel and $250 for in-state travel. For events happening between June 1st and December 31st, 2022, submit your application by April 30th.
We also welcome donations to help this program thrive! Make your tax-deductible donation here.
Innovation Project Spotlight
Over the next few months, we'll be highlighting the 8 NEFLIN member libraries who are recipients of a 2022 Innovation Project Award. These libraries all submitted their innovative ideas to the NEFLIN Board, who then awarded up to $10,000 for each winning idea. All of the libraries are working now to put their projects into action, and at the NEFLIN Annual Meeting on September 16th, they will share their progress and results.
Our featured project for this month comes from NEFLIN's neighbor to the east, the St. Johns County Public Library System. Culinary Literacy @ SJCPLS allows participants to obtain, interpret, and understand basic food, nutrition, and cooking information.
The program provides participatory hands-on food preparation and teaches the competence to use this information in health-enhancing ways. It teaches nutritious foods, healthy eating, and how to identify food insecurities to avoid disruptive food patterns caused by a lack of resources. Workshops build competencies in communication, teamwork, and problem solving. This project provides equipment, curriculum, and supplies needed for participants to gain knowledge and use new skills outside the library.
School Libraries Mini-Institute
Beginning in October 2021, NEFLIN kicked off a new venture: The School Libraries Mini-Institute. Between October and April, participants in this program attended five cohort sessions built around the theme of "Leadership and Rebuilding Post-Covid School Libraries." The Institute was led by Dr. Christopher Harris, Director of the School Library System for the Genesee Valley Board of Cooperative Educational Services in New York and an expert in using a game-based approach in learning.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, school libraries across the country made changes to procedures, spaces, and instructional practices out of necessity. Across the many models of in-person, hybrid, and remote instruction adopted by districts around the country, there were even more models for school librarians and the services they provide. This Institute gave participants the opportunity after the immediate pressure of the pandemic emergency to reflect, understand, and evaluate those modified practices.
A huge thanks goes out to the 19 participants, who represented six public school districts and two independent schools in our region. We hope your experience in the School Libraries Mini-Institute gave you many new tools to use in your libraries, as well as a new support system of colleagues to call upon to share ideas and problem-solving techniques.
These training opportunities have been funded in part under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State, Division
of Library and Information Services.
For FY2021-22, the total state and federal budgets for NEFLIN's programs are $676,872. 41% of the total costs ($276,872) are supported by federal funds, and 59% of this program ($400,000) is supported by state funds.
Jenny Eason | Member Services Coordinator | NEFLIN
2233 Park Avenue, Suite 402, Orange Park, FL. 32073