Take the Continuing Education Survey
We rely on your input for future workshop, webinar, and conference planning. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey about which offerings NEFLIN should include in our next fiscal year.

You'll have the option to enter our raffle for one of two $50 Amazon gift cards upon completion of the survey.
Don't miss out!
This survey closes Wednesday, May 31st.
Tech Conference 2023 Recap
Thanks to everyone who joined us for NEFLIN's 2023 Technology Conference!

To all those who presented breakout sessions or demonstrated tech gadgets, we appreciate all you did to make this day enlightening and innovative. And to everyone who attended - we hope you took home lots of new ideas and information!

You can see slides and handouts from the breakout sessions at
Congratulations to Richard Mott of Jacksonville Public Library for winning this year's Jim Morris Continuing Education Fund Raffle!

Richard is the proud new owner of a Home Theater Projector and 100" portable projector screen.

This year's raffle raised $627 for the JMCEF. That money will be used to provide financial support for NEFLIN members to attend conferences and other professional development opportunities.

Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets!
Florida Libraries Online
Register Now!
Florida Libraries Online is now open for registration!

This free, completely virtual conference will take place on Thursday, June 15th. You don't want to miss this daylong event featuring keynote speaker Dr. Michael Stephens, author of Wholehearted Librarianship: Finding Hope, Inspiration, and Balance.

Breakout tracks will feature Leadership, Customer Service, Outreach, Programming, and Physical Spaces. Find out more at
Save the Date
for the 2023 Annual Meeting!
This year's Annual Meeting will take place on Friday, September 15th, at UNF's Adam W. Herbert University Center. Make your plans now to join us!

If this will be your first Annual Meeting and you would like to receive a pair of the infamous NEFLIN SHOES, you will need to register early! Watch your email for updates - we plan to open registration in July.
Sunshine State
Library Leadership Institute
Apply now!

The deadline to apply for SSLLI Year 18
is June 2nd!

This 10-month program is designed to prepare library leaders who can meet today's needs and tomorrow's challenges.
We encourage you to consider applying for SSLLI Year 18 if you:
  • Work full-time in a Florida library.
  • Have a minimum of two years of successful professional library experience.
  • Are willing to lead transformation within your library.
  • Are committed to completing this rigorous professional development experience.
The application window will be open from April 5 through June 2, 2023.
Questions? Please reach out to us at [email protected] or to NEFLIN at [email protected].
Call for Mentors for SSLLI - Year 18
The Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute Year 18 will be underway soon, and we’re looking for a few good mentors to help our new participants succeed.

If you have experience serving in leadership roles and would like to be a part of this highly respected
program, we hope you’ll consider serving as a SSLLI Mentor.

Find out more about the SSLLI mentoring program here, and if you’re ready to add your name to the
Mentor Pool, submit your Mentor Interest Form.
Upcoming Interest Groups
Looking for a way to connect with others who share your interests? Maybe it's time to try an Interest Group! Check out our complete list of groups and add your name to their email lists so that you will stay in the loop about upcoming meetings.
Featured Webinar
Discord Servers? In My Library?

Join us to learn all about Discord, an online discussion platform that can be used for passive and active programs, marketing, reference, readers' advisory, and community building.

Why should you use Discord at your library? What types of channels and posts are useful to this age group? How can you manage arguments, prevent cyberbullying, and ensure that the server is a safe space for everyone? How can traditional library services like reference and readers' advisory be converted to a convenient virtual format? Discover the answers to these questions and more with the advice of two librarians who've been there.
Meet the Trainers: Jessie Bond and Emily Fogle
Jessie Bond is a youth services librarian who has been in the field for five years. In that time, she has shelved books, made countless recommendations, hired outside performers, collaborated with community organizations, run craft programs, and answered burning questions about dragons, princesses, and other important subjects. Currently, Jessie works at the Morton Grove Public Library, where she serves as School Liaison, working to connect teachers and children in grades K-8 with library resources.
Emily Fogle has spent over six years as a youth services librarian at the Glencoe Public Library. She is particularly passionate about teen and tween services, knows too much about Dog Man, and has convinced at least seven parents to let their kids dye their hair.
Innovation Project Spotlight
For the next few months, we'll be highlighting the 10 NEFLIN member libraries who are recipients of a 2023 Innovation Project Award. These libraries all submitted their innovative ideas to the NEFLIN Board, who then awarded up to $7,500 for each winning idea. All of the libraries are working now to put their projects into action, and at the NEFLIN Annual Meeting on September 15th, they will share their progress and results.
Our next featured project comes from Clay County Public Library. Their project is Access to Digital Magazines and Newspapers: "Through the use of iPads and Android Tablets, the Clay County Public Library will provide in house digital access to its collection of 3,672 digital newspapers and 4,368 digital magazine titles in each of its five branches. Patrons will be offered their choice of operating system to reduce knowledge and skill barriers in order to access these resources. Staff will provide any additional training for the patrons on an as needed basis."
From CCPL's Project Overview: "Over the past several years, the Clay County Public Library has been reducing its print collection of magazines and newspapers, while increasing its digital offerings....However, with this transition, the number of titles available inside the library – without a library card and access to a computer or personal mobile device – has been significantly reduced. This is in part due to the cancelling of print subscriptions as digital access to the same titles has been acquired. There is now a need, in terms of access, within the library’s walls. Even with the addition of digital materials, there is still a desire from patrons to come into the library to read the newspaper or magazines." 
Meanwhile, Oceanway Elementary School, part of Duval County Public Schools, is using their Innovation Project award to purchase a book vending machine for students:

"This project involves the acquisition of a book vending machine for our school library. The book vending machine will be filled with new books that the students can “purchase” with a token that they earn as a reward for good work and/or behavior (meeting expectations). The ultimate goal of using this machine is to get students excited about reading books. The books from the vending machine will belong to the students to become part of their home libraries."
Don't forget to attend the NEFLIN Annual Meeting to find out more about ALL of our 2023 Innovation Projects.
This project was funded either under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Library Cooperative Grant program. Florida’s LSTA and LCG programs are administered by the Department of State’s Division of Library and Information Services.
For FY2022-23, the total state and federal budgets for NEFLIN's programs are $688,109. 42% of the total costs ($288,109) are supported by federal funds, and 58% of this program ($400,000) is supported by state funds.
Jenny Eason | Member Services Coordinator | NEFLIN
2233 Park Avenue, Suite 402, Orange Park, FL. 32073
904.278.5620 | | [email protected]