In This Issue:
Apply for the 2022 Management Training Institute
Making Your Membership Count
Welcome, new NEFLIN Board Members!
Equipment Loan Update: Courier Service
Featured Webinar: Starting a Local History/Community Project
Update your NEFLIN Email Lists
New NEFLIN Member: The Bolles School
This is the time of year when we start number crunching here in the NEFLIN office...calculating statistics, writing annual reports, and, most importantly, figuring out each member library's Return On Investment. Good times!
Read on to find out more about the average ROI for our NEFLIN libraries. If you're interested in beefing up your library's stats, you'll find several opportunities to do that here, including having a staff member participate in the 2022 Management Training Institute. The MTI and other NEFLIN programs provide great ways to maximize your NEFLIN membership.
Remember that we're here to answer your questions - don't hesitate to reach out!
Jenny Eason
Member Services Coordinator
Apply for the 2022
Management Training Institute
Leading your fellow library staff by taking on a management role is both a privilege and a challenge. If you find yourself in this role - or if you aspire to become a library manager - the Management Training Institute will give you the tools you need to thrive.
Participants of the MTI will be part of a cohort that works with Michael Clark of MRC Consulting at the NEFLIN office once a month from January to August 2022 . Graduates will leave prepared to excel as library managers.
The MTI is consistently named one of NEFLIN's most effective programs - don't miss the chance to be a part of this year's Institute!
Applications are due by 5:00 PM on
Friday, October 22, 2021.
MTI session dates and topics include:
January 13: Basic Employee Management
February 10: Emotional Intelligence
March 3: How to Manage Change Effectively at Work
April 7: Creating a Culture of Employee Engagement
May 5: Dealing Effectively With Employee Performance Issues
June 2: How to Effectively Coach/Mentor/Train Your Employees
July 7: How to Build a Team Environment
August 11: How to Transition Into a Lean Environment
Making Your Membership Count
At the end of each fiscal year NEFLIN provides their member libraries with a personalized Return on Investment report.
The average return for a member library this year was $6,043.
This is many times what a library pays in membership dues ($500, $1,000, or $1,500)!
Hats off to our libraries who continue to take advantage of the wide variety of NEFLIN services and have such a good return on their investment!
Welcome, New NEFLIN Board Members!
Beginning their terms are:
The nine members of the NEFLIN Board represent member libraries of all sizes, types, and locations. Each member volunteers to serve a three-year term, and the time they commit helps NEFLIN grow, thrive, and meet the needs our libraries have. Thank you, NEFLIN Board, and good luck to our new members!
Wendi Bost
Brevard County Public Library
Julie Evener
University of St. Augustine
Brent Mai
University of North Florida
Equipment Loan Update:
Courier Service
Many of you know that the statewide courier delivery program, better known as DLLI, has recently transitioned to a contract with UPS. Because of this change, we are now able to send a few of our equipment loan items out to those of you who participate in the delivery program instead of you picking them up at the NEFLIN office. There are currently only four items (see below!) in the collection that are small enough to be sent, but we hope some of you will be able to take advantage of this change. And don't forget to check out our complete list of equipment loan items here.
R2-D2 & BB-8 Sphero Droids
Featured Webinar:
Starting a Local History/
Community Project
Have you thought about how your library can partner with local community groups to archive & share community history? Not only are local history projects a great outreach opportunity, but they also help us archive important pieces of our cultural history.
In this 1 hour lunch n' learn, we'll talk about how to get started - groups to connect with, tips for organizing and prioritizing projects, making digitization and content plans, tips for metadata collection (especially by volunteers or noncatalogers), rights issues/questions, as well as a brief overview of technology.
A resource sheet and instructions for scanning will be provided. This webinar is aimed at all library audiences.
Virtual Trainer: Robin Fay
Join Robin Fay, metadata and cataloger expert trainer for this engaging bite sized lunch n’ learn. With over 15 years’ cataloging and metadata experience including for the Library of Congress, University of Georgia Libraries, University System of Georgia Documentation Group, Orbis Cascade Alliance, among others, Robin combines real life experience with a warm and enthusiastic training style. Robin is a sought after speaker and trainer, having trained staff at all levels in public and academic libraries, in addition to archives and special collections.
Update Your NEFLIN Email Lists
To help you plug in to the NEFLIN opportunities that are most beneficial to you, we've created a few email lists that are targeted to specific interests, types of libraries, and roles within the library. Many of these lists are for our interest groups, but by adding your name, you won't just find out about upcoming interest group meetings, but also about training and other relevant continuing education programs.
Thank you, and we look forward to keeping in touch!
New NEFLIN Member: The Bolles School
It's a great day when we are able to welcome a new member, so we're thrilled to announce that The Bolles School in Jacksonville is now part of NEFLIN!
If you live in the Jacksonville area, you know of the excellent reputation Bolles has, and we're pretty sure that is mostly due to their librarians. The school boasts four campuses with a library at each: two K-5 campuses (Whitehurst and Ponte Vedra Beach; one middle school (Bartram campus); and one upper school (San Jose). Each of the four librarians not only direct their libraries, but they also teach classes on their respective campuses and are involved with student clubs and organizations. Find out more about the Bolles School libraries at
Welcome, Bolles! We are looking forward to getting to know you better.
Photos from the Swisher Library at the
Bolles Upper School campus.
These training opportunities have been funded in part under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State, Division
of Library and Information Services.
For FY2021-22, the total state and federal budgets for NEFLIN's programs are $676,872. 41% of the total costs ($276,872) are supported by federal funds, and 59% of this program ($400,000) is supported by state funds.
Jenny Eason | Member Services Coordinator | NEFLIN
2233 Park Avenue, Suite 402, Orange Park, FL. 32073