KidsLIB Mini-Con
Submit a proposal by October 28th
If you work in Children's Services, we hope you have already marked your calendar for February 10th because you don't want to miss the 2nd Annual KidsLIB Min-Con!

To make sure this day is information-packed, we need your help. Do you have a program, resource, service, or activity to share? Consider submitting a proposal to present at KidsLIB Mini-Con!

Presentations should be practical and timely for library staff members who work closely with children under 13 years old and their families.
Deadlines Approaching!
Apply for the MTI or COOP Project by October 21st
The deadline to apply for two of our 2022-23 projects is quickly approaching! Find out more about the MTI and COOP Projects below, and submit your applications by this Friday, October 21st.
Management Training Institute
The Management Training Institute (MTI) provides new skills and tools to prepare librarians for management roles. Participants attend eight monthly sessions (January-August 2023) at the NEFLIN Office in Orange Park. The Institute will be facilitated by Michael Clark, President/Owner of MRC Consulting.

Find out more about the MTI by reading the Program Overview.
COOP Planning Project
Continuity of Operating Procedures (COOP) Plan establishes procedures and guidance to ensure that essential functions for the library are continued in the event that man-made, natural, or technological emergencies disrupt normal operations. A COOP enables the library to operate with a significantly reduced workforce, diminished availability of resources, and to operate from an alternative work site should the primary facility become unusable.
A wide range of interruptions and disasters can be addressed in the COOP. This includes major disasters, localized acts of nature, accidents, technological emergencies, fires, power loss, mold and pest infestation, attack-related emergencies, hackers, active shooter, and more.

Participants in this project will work with Jamie LaRue to develop a COOP Plan for their library.
New NEFLIN Board Members
New NEFLIN Board members contribute fresh ideas and perspectives, and we always enjoy the opportunity to get to know them better. On that note, congratulations to our four new Board Members for 2022-23! We are looking forward to working with you!
Todd Booth
St. Johns County Public Library
Nancy Garmer
Florida Institute of Technology
Sarah Paige
Eastern Florida State College
Joe Saloom
Flagler County Public Library
2022 Continuing Education Awards
Each year at the Annual Meeting, we recognize our most active NEFLIN member libraries by awarding the coveted Golden Apple, along with the Making the Most of NEFLIN Award for our small, medium, and large systems. Congratulations to this year's winners!
The Golden Apple is given to recognize a library system for its commitment to training and staff development. It is presented to the NEFLIN Member Library who sends the most staff to training.

The 2022 Golden Apple Award winner is Suwannee River Regional Library!
The Making the Most of NEFLIN Continuing Education Award is given to the library member who makes the best use of all of NEFLIN’s many Continuing Education services. 
Making the Most of NEFLIN - Level 1
Level 1 NEFLIN libraries employ 1-4 staff members.

The 2022 Making the Most of NEFLIN Award winner for Level 1 is the New River Public Library Cooperative, represented by director Tricia Wylie.
Making the Most of NEFLIN - Level 2
St Johns River Logo
Level 2 NEFLIN libraries employ 5-24 staff members.

The 2022 Making the Most of NEFLIN Award winner for Level 2 is St. Johns River State College, represented by librarian Brittnee Fisher.
Making the Most of NEFLIN - Level 3
Level 3 NEFLIN libraries employ 25+ staff members.

The 2022 Making the Most of NEFLIN Award winner for Level 3 is the Suwannee River Regional Library, represented by director Betty Lawrence.
2022 NEFLIN Awards
Congratulations to this year's NEFLIN Award Winners!
These awards were presented at the 2022 NEFLIN Annual Meeting in September.
Congratulations to the staff at Volusia County Public Library for winning the 2022 NEFLIN Innovation Award for their project, "Recipe and Reads: Family Culinary Program"!

This is the third year in a row these innovators have won the award - there must be something in the water down in Volusia County!

Find out more about their project at
Congratulations to Laura Ann Fouraker-Gardner for winning this year's NEFLIN Library Champion Award! Ms. Fouraker- Gardner was nominated for this award by Katrina Evans, Director of the Columbia County Public Library. In her words, "Columbia County Public Library, and public libraries in general, truly could not ask for a better Friend."

Find out more about our Library Champion's work at
Lou Greco is a legend, and it was an honor to present him with the NEFLN Distinguished Career Award for 2022!

Lou is loved by the many students, teachers, and librarians who he has helped and influenced over his career with the St. Johns County School District, and he leaves a legacy that will last for many years.
Congratulations, Lou!

Find out more about Lou's work at
Congratulations to NEFLIN's 2022 Member of the Year, Holly Albanese!

Holly is the director of the Flagler County Public Library System and is dedicated to her staff, her community, her library, and her family and friends. She is the champion you want to have on your side, especially in a crisis. As the staff member who nominated her said, "it's hard to imagine a more deserving candidate" for NEFLIN's 2022 Member of the Year.

Find out more about Holly at
Featured Workshop
Emotional Intelligence and Generations in the Workplace
Thursday, December 15th
9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
NEFLIN Headquarters (Orange Park)

Emotional Intelligence – maybe you’ve heard the term, but what in the world does it mean? The short answer is simply being intelligent about emotions – yours and others’. The longer – and much more interesting – answer will fascinate you.
And as we’re dealing with emotions every single day – ours and theirs – we’re also dealing with the tension of how different generations move through their lives – and their workdays.
We’ve been hearing it for years ~ there are differences in the generations when it comes to how they perceive their work – and yours! And although we know it’s true, we really just wish we could avoid the whole topic.

Except…what if we had a place where we could openly discuss the differences and why they matter? What if we stopped to acknowledge weaknesses, but also celebrate and build on the strengths of each group? What if we examined our common values? What if…we opened the lines of communication??

Whether you’ve been in your job for a decade or more or have just begun your library journey, Emotional Intelligence and Generations in the Workplace will be eye-opening. What if…you decide to attend??
Trainer: Linda Bruno
Linda has been developing and conducting training workshops for libraries and other organizations for more than fifteen years. She offers workshops on topics ranging from Leadership Skills to Emotional Intelligence – and lots of areas in between!

Linda received her MBA from the University of Florida and has years of experience in hands-on management positions. She develops her workshops based on solid research and – more importantly – real-life application. Linda is also certified with DDI and Achieve Global.

Return on Investment
At the end of each fiscal year NEFLIN provides their member libraries with a personalized Return on Investment report.

The average return for a member library this year was $10,875.

This is many times what a library pays in membership dues ($500, $1,000, or $1,500)!  

Hats off to our libraries who continue to take advantage of the wide variety of NEFLIN services and have such a good return on their investment!
This project was funded either under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Library Cooperative Grant program. Florida’s LSTA and LCG programs are administered by the Department of State’s Division of Library and Information Services.
For FY2022-23, the total state and federal budgets for NEFLIN's programs are $688,109. 42% of the total costs ($288,109) are supported by federal funds, and 58% of this program ($400,000) is supported by state funds.
Jenny Eason | Member Services Coordinator | NEFLIN
2233 Park Avenue, Suite 402, Orange Park, FL. 32073
904.278.5620 | |