2021 NEFLIN Annual Meeting Recap
The agenda for this year's Annual Meeting included Annual Reports from the NEFLIN staff, presentations of the NEFLIN Awards, breakout and lightning round sessions from your fellow NEFLIN members, and a sneak peek at "What's New in 2021-22". Recordings, slides, and takeaways from the presentations are all posted at

If you haven't already completed your Annual Meeting Action Sheet, we'd love to have this feedback from you (even if you didn't attend the meeting). Your Action Sheet responses will help us communicate with you more effectively and connect you with the opportunities you're most interested in.
First-time attendees at this year's meeting were entered into a drawing for one of five pairs of NEFLIN shoes. Here are the lucky winners!
Wendi Bost
Brevard County Public Library
Mary Collins
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Jolene DuBray
Flagler College
Courtney Pyche
Alachua County Library District
Victoria Slaughter
Clay County Public Library
School Library Mini-Institute
The School Library Mini-Institute provides school librarians the opportunity to build knowledge and leadership skills through a series of five face-to-face workshops throughout the school year. In addition, participants will connect and network with a cohort of school librarians from the NEFLIN region.

Led by Dr. Christopher Harris, the overall theme of this Institute is Leadership and Rebuilding Post-Covid School Libraries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, school libraries across the country made changes to procedures, spaces, and instructional practices out of necessity. Across the many models of in-person, hybrid, and remote instruction adopted by districts around the country, there were even more models for school librarians and the services they provide. It is essential that we take time after the immediate pressure of the pandemic emergency to reflect, understand, and evaluate those modified practices. In fact, Dr. Harris and the School Library System of the Genesee Valley Board of Cooperative Educational Services have recently been awarded a National Leadership Grant for Libraries to lead four national forums on this topic.  

Download more details about this program, including detailed session descriptions. The first session takes place on Friday, October 15th.

Questions?  Email Jenny Eason at
Cataloging and Tech Services Institute
The Cataloging and Technical Services Certification Institute will provide staff at NEFLIN member libraries a certificate in Cataloging and Technical Services from Library Juice Academy. Ten people will be selected to take part in the program. Participants in this program must complete eight asynchronous courses over the course of twelve months (November 1, 2021 – October 31, 2022). As of September 2021, Library Juice Academy has nineteen courses which qualify for the certificate program. Current courses are listed on the Library Juice Academy website. Individual course instructors are employed by Library Juice Academy.

Once accepted, participants will choose the courses they wish to take so that a schedule can be created. Participants will have four weeks to complete a course. Courses begin at the start of a given month. Instructors release assignments weekly until the course is over.

Applications for the Institute are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, October 8, 2021.
Management Training Institute
The purpose of the Management Training Institute (MTI) is to provide new skills and tools to prepare librarians for management roles.

The MTI will be held at the NEFLIN Office in Orange Park. Applications for the Institute are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, October 22, 2021.

Michael Clark of MRC Consulting will lead the eight sessions:

January 13: Basic Employee Management
February 10: Emotional Intelligence
March 3: How to Manage Change Effectively at Work
April 7: Creating a Culture of Employee Engagement
May 5: Dealing Effectively With Employee Performance Issues
June 2: How to Effectively Coach/Mentor/Train Your Employees
July 7: How to Build a Team Environment
August 11: How to Transition Into a Lean Environment
Innovation Projects
The Innovation Projects provide up to $10,000 for NEFLIN member libraries to turn an innovative idea into a reality. Start brainstorming now - and remember: every library is different, so focus on a project that is innovative for YOUR library and your situation.

This year, in order to assist libraries that have never received Innovation Project funding before, the NEFLIN Board of Directors will add points to those applications during the evaluation process.

The deadline to apply is January 5, 2022, which will be here before you know it. Start innovating today!
NED Policies and Procedures
One great tool you have for connecting with your fellow NEFLIN members is the NEFLIN Expertise Database (NED). NED is a collaborative resource where our members can share their own expertise and find help from others. If you aren't already a part of NED, why not submit your profile now?

In the next few months, we'll also be building a new feature in NED: The Policy and Procedure Resource Center. If your library has written policies or procedures that others in our region could use as examples, we'd love for you to submit those documents to NED.
Jenny Eason | Member Services Coordinator | NEFLIN
2233 Park Avenue, Suite 402, Orange Park, FL. 32073
904.278.5620 | |