The weekly digest from
and other news from the New England Board of Higher Education
April 15, 2020
As the COVID-19 outbreak intensified in March, residential college and university campuses across New England abruptly closed their doors. Many students found themselves at home or in new environments waiting to see how their education would proceed remotely. Amid the chaos and stress, a lack of direct access to learning materials like textbooks arose as one of the major roadblocks to student learning. NEBHE Fellow for Open Education Lindsey Gumb examines the confluence of the pandemic and NEBHE's ongoing work on Open Educational Resources (OER) as part of its focus on cost-saving collaborations. Future NEJHE pieces will feature perspectives from OER experts including Thomas College Provost Tom Edwards, Connecticut State Colleges & Universities Executive Director of Digital Learning Kevin Corcoran and Roger Williams University adjunct professor Heather Miceli.
The cohort of people shaped by the Great Depression and World War II was called The Greatest Generation . In a heartfelt note, NEBHE Senior Fellow Charles F. Desmond, a decorated veteran of the U.S. Army, suggests a current cohort of young people should be called The Amazing Generation in honor of their fight against COVID-19. “I see a generation who were not drafted and who did not enlist to serve in this war but who have stepped forward in cities and towns, hospitals and schools and everywhere else where they are needed in the national campaign to eradicate this virus from our country,” he writes. “I have watched in wonder and pride as doctors, nurses, researchers, emergency medical personnel, police, fire and military service members, truck drivers and grocery store cashiers who all have put their personal and family safety aside and, under unimaginable conditions, fearlessly faced this horrific disease in an effort to serve, support and save their fellow Americans who, without them, would surely fall victim to a virus that does not discriminate by race, color, age or economic status.”
More from The New England Journal of Higher Education
Two Boston attorneys explain how federal and state governments are quickly drafting laws and regulations that are impacting colleges and universities, and their employees in the age of COVID-19. Key changes affect paid sick leave, reduced hours and access to unemployment insurance.
Before COVID-19, colleges and universities were already facing enormous pressures on their bottom lines, writes healthcare consultant Cynthia E. McGrath. To close their budget gaps, she suggests that colleges and universities not only boost student recruitment efforts, but also look at cost-curbing strategies, especially in compensation and benefits. Health insurance for faculty, staff and family members comprises as much as two-thirds of an HEI’s budget, McGrath notes.
Tracking Coronavirus
NEBHE's Tracking Coronavirus web resource features an easy-to-use visual showing institutions' COVID-19 responses including current info on campus closures and shifts to online operations. I nfo on refund strategies for students' room and board charges and commencement statuses is being added as it is made available . The page also features: COVID-19 News; Governmental Responses, Guidance & Advocacy; Distance Education Resources & Compliance; Institutional Finance Information; and Admissions and Enrollment Information. Please s hare updates from your institution at: [email protected] .
Susan Huard named interim chancellor of CCSNH
NEJHE's Comings and Goings highlights key appointments and job changes in New England higher education and beyond.
Read the latest from NEJHE's DC Shuttle, featuring national news drawn from our friends at the New England Council.
State-by-state implementation of aggressive social distancing measures to mitigate the further spread of COVID-19 effectively ended most states’ 2020 legislative sessions. Besides dealing with the health emergency, several of the states were looking at issues such as work-based learning, free tuition and compensation for student athletes.
News around NEBHE
NEJHE NewsBlast is a summary of NEJHE content and other news around NEBHE prepared weekly by NEJHE Executive Editor John O. Harney and emailed every Wednesday to opinion leaders and practitioners. When responding to NEJHE content, please make sure that your remarks are relevant, courteous and engaging. Individuals are responsible for their comments, which do not represent the opinions of the New England Board of Higher Education. We urge commenters to briefly note their occupational or other interest in the topic at hand. Please refrain from offensive language, personal attacks and distasteful comments or they may be deleted. Comments may not appear immediately. Thank you for staying engaged.
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