Listening Sessions: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
March & April, 2022 | Virtual
Many of you work with individuals who use Medicaid's Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) services or provide the rides for these individuals' transportation needs. It is important to attend and comment at the four listening sessions hosted by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to tell your story at the Federal level. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard as to what works or doesn’t work for your transportation program and your customers. 

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will host four listening sessions focused on non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT). Each session is open to the public, and registration is required.

Through these listening sessions, CMS is seeking your input regarding potential improvements for Medicaid's NEMT programs. In support of this goal, there will be one session on each of the following topics. Dates and registration outlined below:

Session 1: Provider Enrollment Requirements and Eligibility Determinations for Providers and Drivers | March 10, 2:30 - 4 PM EST | Register Here

  • Topics include: driver background screenings, patient abuse/neglect, driver and subcontracted transportation company identification.

Session 2: Program Integrity, Correct Billing Concerns, Documentation and Data Requirements for NEMT Providers | March 31, 2 - 3:30 PM EST | Register Here

  • Topics include: no-shows (payment/rides/drivers), non-loaded trips and miles, trips to nowhere, late pick-ups or driver no-shows, non-medical trips, unapproved trips for family members, patient brokerage, kickbacks, etc.

Session 3: Economic Factors and Cost Containment Challenges in NEMT
April 7, 2 - 3:30 PM EST | Register Here

  • Topics include: transportation related expenses, direct payments to beneficiaries or family, meals and lodging for care attendant, beneficiaries with challenging behaviors, broker conflict of interest, broker prohibition.

Session 4: NEMT Coordination – Brokers, MCO’s, Community Transportation and Paratransit Services | April 13, 2 - 3:30 PM EST | Register Here

  • Topics include: access to services, timely arrival and drop-off, rural and tribal land issues, coverage of services not provided by Medicaid.

After registering for each session, you will receive a confirmation email with additional information. For questions or concerns, please contact
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center 
 Washington, DC | 866.983.3222 
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and administered by USAging and Easterseals with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.