In This Issue

FAX 330-929-9018
September 21, 2018
Volume 31 - Issue 5
Published 6 Times a Year
Next Unified mailing: 
October 19
Deadline for articles: 
October 15
The e-Unified is sent to all E-news subscribers, and published on the Synod's web site, six times/year; submission deadlines are announced in each issue. Between e-Unified issues, the weekly E-news keeps you updated with news, events, and announcements. If you would like to begin receiving the E-news and our other electronic mailings you may sign-up on our website. Simply go to and click on Unified Newsletter; from there click on Join Our Electronic Mailings to sign-up. If you have articles or notices to publish in the Unified, please contact Marilyn Matevia at the Synod office, 
Please remember to let the Synod office know if your Unified job postings, equipment offers or requests, etc., have been filled!
SAVE THE DATE! 2019 PROFESSIONAL LEADERS RETREAT, JANUARY 22-24. Online registration begins October 1 for the 2019 Professional Leaders Retreat, January 22-24. Pastors, deacons and full-time church professionals from all three Ohio synods are invited to the retreat at Sawmill Creek Resort, 400 Sawmill Creek Dr., Huron, OH 44839. The early, discounted registration deadline is November 15, 2018. The final registration deadline is November 30, 2018 (NO exceptions due to venue contract considerations). The theme is "Spirituality," featuring Keynote Presenter Rev. Dr. Winston Persaud, professor of systematic theology, Wartburg Seminary, and Special Presenter Rev. Dr. Javier (Jay) Alanis, executive director, Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest. Both speakers will offer their unique insights into the Holy Spirit's work in creating enriching unity within diversity. Watch for additional information in the weekly e-news. 
Comment deadline approaching for the "Draft of a Social Statement on Women and Justice": September 30. The ELCA Task Force on Women and Justice: One in Christ invites you to read and evaluate the "Draft of a Social Statement on Women and Justice."  Receiving input from all spheres of the church is essential to create a strong social statement. Feedback is being gathered through Sept. 30th, 2018. The Social Statement will be presented for consideration by the Churchwide assembly in 2019. The document, information about the development of the social statements, biographies of the task force and resources for further study can be found at  You can provide feedback to the task force by email or mailing in the form at the back of the document. 
CTNY Lutheran Catholic Commemoration of the Reformation October 2017. View the Lutheran Catholic Commemoration of the Reformation, October 29, 2017, at St. Columba Cathedral in the Gallery of the Catholic Television Network of Youngstown (CTNY): Bishop George V. Murry, Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, presided at the Ecumenical Evening Prayer. Bishop Abraham Allende, Northeastern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, preached. For more Lutheran-Catholic information, visit .
Mark Your Calendars for the 2019 Tri-Synodical Professional Leaders Retreat. Preparations are underway for next year's Tri-Synodical Professional Leaders Retreat, January 22-24, 2019. The theme is "Spirituality," featuring Keynote Speaker The Rev. Dr. Winston Persaud, professor of systematic theology, Wartburg Seminary, and Special Speaker The Rev. Dr. Javier (Jay) Alanis, executive director, Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest. Both speakers will offer their unique insights into the Holy Spirit's work in creating enriching unity within diversity. This event will include for the third consecutive year all three Ohio synods at Sawmill Creek Resort, Huron, OH. Watch for registration information to come.
Foreign Mission Project (submitted by Marilyn Wilson): Two years ago, Faith Lutheran Church, in Fairlawn, OH, took on a foreign mission outreach commitment in Chang Mai, Thailand. House of Hope and the House of Grace , founded in 1996, is home to orphans and children who, through no fault of their own, have been neglected or abandoned by their parents and relatives.  The House of Grace has rescued many of these children and provides them with a safe home and a good Christian based education.  The foundation has to rely on the generosity of others to help provide for every day living expenses, school tuition, uniforms and school supplies.

The foundation's mission is to see the children grow, develop and strive for a better future despite their deprived and troubled past. House of Hope and Grace is a place where love endures regardless of the circumstances of the children's background.

Thanks to the generosity of our members, Faith is now supporting six children.  It is my hope that other ELCA congregations would want to take on a similar mission. I would be very happy to have these churches contact me and I would work with them so that they too can help these children lead a happy and productive life.

You can check the Youth Charity Foundation out at
My Contact Information:
Marilyn Wilson
Tel: 330.608.8817