Navigating Excellence - Parent Center Assistance & Collaboration Team
Region A E-News
Inspirational Quote
"If you feel like giving up, just look back on how far you are already."
Message from Carolyn & Diana
One of the great things about improvement and implementation science is that they both give you the opportunity to reflect on how far you have come in trying to make changes in your organization and your impact on children, youth and families and on child- and family-serving systems. In the coming year, we will be providing you with more information and support about how to use improvement and implementation science in your work to enhance your outcomes. From a few webinars presented by our external evaluator Pam Kelley, to follow-up webinars from the TA&D Centers who presented at the conference, to our spring follow-up forum, to individual technical assistance at your request, you will have multiple opportunities to become more knowledgeable users of improvement and implementation science!
SPAN Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN):
Join SPAN's NJ Inclusive Child Care Project for their webinar series on inclusion of young children in child care. Or attend our Early Childhood Parent Leadership Summit on December 7th. More interested in transition to adult life events? Then register for the next REACH webinar, Developing Independence: Supported Decision-Making Part 2: Incorporating Skills into the IEP, on December 3rd, from 12-1 pm.
Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember
Monthly Drop In Call: The next Region A Drop In Call will take place on Tuesday, December 3rd, from 10:00am -
12:00pm. Our calls take place monthly on the first Tuesday of every month. A calendar invite has been
sent out with additional details.
Join the call
Non-Profit Management Resources
Becoming an Evidence-Based Organization: 5 Key Components to Consider: Becoming a comprehensive Evidence-Based Organization (EBO) is not as simple as adopting a curriculum, strategy, or service that is supported by scientific research findings. The path moves from obtaining and using evidence-based knowledge, to fuller implementation and evaluation, and eventually to becoming a full-fledged EBO. This process presents ongoing cycles of learning, understanding, implementation, evaluation, and adjustment that eventually become engrained parts of the organizational culture.
Learn more.
Systems Thinking: Are you a systems thinker? The Habits of a Systems Thinker describe ways of thinking about how systems work and how actions taken can impact the results seen over time. They encompass a spectrum of strategies that foster problem-solving and encourage questioning. Though "habit" is defined as a usual way of doing things, the Habits of a Systems Thinker do not limit ways of thinking. Instead, they encourage flexible thinking and appreciation of new, emerging insights and multiple perspectives.
Find out more from the Waters Center for Systems Thinking. You can download a one-pager on the
8 habits of systems thinkers.
Family-Centered Services Resources
Diversity and Inclusiveness:
This article describes eight ways that nonprofits can improve their approach to diversity and inclusiveness, from cultivating compassion to being intentional, from mirroring your community to being transparent.
Check out these other resources from the National Council on Nonprofits.
Youth-Centered Services Resources
Engaging Youth in Nonprofits:
Check out this idealware blog on how to engage youth in nonprofit work.
Reducing Chronic Absenteeism: Loma Linda Elementary reduced their chronic absence rate from 12% to 4%. The first step? Making sure that students felt safe at school, both physically and emotionally. Read more.
Hiring from overseas: Desperate to fill teacher shortages, US schools are hiring teachers from overseas. Check it out.
Bullying and Prevention Strategies for Children with Special Needs: Extreme bullying can even cause a child to develop special healthcare and mental health needs. Appropriate anti-bullying prevention and intervention strategies help both the victim and the bully. Check out Exceptional Parent Magazine.
Child Welfare
2019 Prevention Resource Guide: This guide is designed to help individuals and organizations in every community strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect. This year's theme, "Strong and Thriving Families," aligns with the 21st National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. The Resource Guide focuses on protective factors that build on family strengths to foster healthy child and youth development. It can be used along with the
Protective Factors in Practice scenarios and the
activity calendars to implement prevention strategies in your community. Access
resource guides from previous years to learn how prevention strategies have changed over time.
Choice/Charter Schools/Virtual Schools/Voucher Programs
School Vouchers Expand Despite Evidence of Negative Effects
: Read this article in The Conversation on how school vouchers are being expanded despite evidence of negative effects, such as a large-scale study conducted by voucher advocates that found substantial negative impacts for students using vouchers to attend private schools as well as another study that found that the drop in math scores don't bounce back after time.
Cultural Competence
Cultural Competence & Person-Centered Thinking, Policies, & Practices:
The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) is sponsoring a series of webinars on the intersection of cultural competence and person-centeredness. The first two in the series, Pieces of the Same Puzzle: The Role of Culture in Person-Centered Thinking, Planning and Practice (from July 9, 2019), and Cultural Competence: What it Means for Person-Centered Thinking, Planning and Practices (from October 29, 2019) can be found here.
A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Data Analytics:
Want to improve your understanding of data analytics to be a more informed user of data? Read more.
Discipline & Positive Behavior Supports
Positive Behavioral Support Web Resources:
The California Department of Education features a web page of resources on positive behavioral supports
, including resources from the Response to Intervention (RTI) Action Network, the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Center, and other websites. Check it out - resource rich!
Dispute Resolution
Resolving Parent-School Disputes: Wrightslaw "IEP FAQs Pop-Up" has a section on special education dispute resolution. It notes that conflict between parents and schools is normal and inevitable. It provides strategies to resolve disagreements, steps to take if parents disagree with the school, and options if parents are unable to resolve disputes. Check it out.
Early Childhood/Early Intervention
Including Young Children in Typical Early Childhood Programs:
This 2-page document describes the legal foundations of serving young children with disabilities in inclusive early care and education programs and how those settings are determined. The document also provides examples of the various ways in which local school districts can braid funds to create inclusive placement options for young children. Read more.
Early Childhood System Framework Quick Start Guide: The System Framework Quick Start Guide is designed to help state leaders scan their system and determine which components of the System Framework might be most helpful for in-depth assessment and improvement planning. Read more.
Understanding Intersectionality is Critical to Advancing Educational Equity for All:
Demonstrating a recognition and appreciation of difference is an important step in creating supportive and inclusive learning environments. Read this article from the SWIFT Education Center.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Leveraging ESSA Plans in Preschool Development Grant Implementation: Guidance & Recommendations:
This brief from the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) links the PDG B-5 needs assessment and strategic planning process with strategies from states' ESSA plans, highlighting where early childhood has been or could be a meaningful part of state plans. The brief also includes a toolkit states can use to ensure that they are aligning their PDG strategic plan with their ESSA plan, and strengthen ESSA plan focus on early childhood issues. Read more.
Foster Care
Resources from the Legal Center for Foster Care & Education: This Center has resources including a Special Education Decision-making Series of fact sheets for parents, foster parents, youth, caseworkers, attorneys, and judges. Check it out.
Grandparents as Caregivers
Resources for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren:
Over 2.6 million children in the US are being raised by grandparents, other relatives, or close family friends. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition has a webpage of resources for grandparents raising grandchildren.
A Framework for Evaluating the Return on Investment of Telehealth:
Check out this new framework to assess the return on investment (ROI) of various telehealth programs. The framework takes into account the characteristics of different telehealth programs to inform a comprehensive analysis of the ROI of each program type. This brief demonstrates the application of the framework, and illustrates the financial impact of specific telehealth programs.
Homeless Experiences of Parents Have a Lasting Impact on Children: Children experience homelessness for a variety of complex reasons. The experiences leading up to homelessness, as well as homelessness itself, have a lasting impact on children. Read more.
Early reading in Spanish helps children learn to read English: Immigrant parents worry that their children will struggle with reading and fret that as non-English speakers, they can't help. A new study shows that's simply not true. Reading to a young child in any language will likely help them learn to read in English.
Find out more.
Support & Celebrate National Inclusive Schools Week December 2-6! Inclusive Schools Week is an annual event sponsored by the Inclusive Schools Network (ISN) and Stetson & Associates which is held each year during the first full week in December. Since its inception in 2001, Inclusive Schools Week has celebrated the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students who are marginalized due to disability, gender, socio-economic status, cultural heritage, language preference, and other factors. The Week also provides an important opportunity for educators, students and parents to discuss what else needs to be done in order to ensure that their schools continue to improve their ability to successfully educate all children. This year, the Inclusive Schools Week's theme is "Charting the Course for Inclusive Schools."
Find out more and join the celebration.
Juvenile Delinquency/Juvenile Justice
Understanding the US Juvenile Justice System: Get a basic understanding of the juvenile justice system, including a webinar on adolescent development and the US Supreme Court related to juvenile justice decisions of the Court.
Read more.
Best Practices Guide for Working with LGBTQ Individuals: This guide, from the Pasco County Schools, contains a wealth of information on statistics and best practices for working with LGBTQ students.
Check it out.
Mental Health
FindTreatment.gov: SAMHSA has announced the launch of
www.findtreatment.gov, a new and improved website for helping to connect Americans throughout the United States who are looking for substance abuse treatment. Visitors can access information treatment providers' locations, treatment options, payment and insurance information, and on more than 12,000 state-licensed facilities, based on data compiled by SAMHSA.
Military Families & Youth
TriCare Healthcare for Military Families: Where civilian families use private health insurance and Medicaid HCBS waivers to get services and supports for their child's disabilities, military families use TRICARE, a component of the Military Health System. This article explains TRICARE services that support children with disabilities.
Read the article.
Parent/Family Engagement (and Youth)
The Eight P's of Parent Engagement: These "P" tips are intended to help guide a teacher, school or district to increase engagement with parents.
Find out more about these tips.
Social-Emotional Learning
Focusing on guiding principles: Asking middle school students to focus on their guiding principles can lead them to more productive individual and group work.
Find our more.
Transition to Adult Life/Youth
Using Self-Advocacy and Conflict Resolution Training to Teach Self-Advocacy Skills:
Interested in learning about using self-advocacy and conflict resolution training to teach self-advocacy skills? Learn more.
Accessible Educational Materials and Technologies in the IEP
: Questions often arise about how accessible educational materials (AEM) and technologies might be included in individualized education programs (IEPs). This resource discusses a number of locations in the IEP where it might be appropriate to refer to a student's use of AEM. The right to accessible educational materials when needed is an inherent component of the obligation of SEAs and LEAs to ensure that students with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). There is no specific requirement in IDEA regarding where to include the consideration and documentation of AEM in developing the IEP. However, to promote clarity and consistency across IEP teams, SEAs and LEAs are encouraged to provide guidance related to considering a student's need for accessible materials and technologies in the IEP. Learn more.
Trauma & Toxic Stress
The Impact of Early Adversity on Childhood Brain Development: This video from the InBrief series outlines basic concepts from the research on the biology of stress, which shows that major adversity can weaken developing brain architecture and permanently set the body's stress response system on high alert. Science also shows that providing stable, responsive environments for children in the earliest years of life can prevent or reverse these conditions, with lifelong consequences for learning, behavior, and health. Check out the video in English and also available in Spanish.
The Navigating Excellence-Parent Assistance and Collaboration Team (NE-PACT), the Region A Technical Assistance Center, provides technical assistance to federally-funded parent centers -- Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) - located in the states of
, VI-DRVI and
. These Parent Centers are independent non-profit organizations. We also provide support to emerging parent centers and parent organizations serving families of children with or at risk of being identified as having disabilities. In addition, we work with early intervention and education agencies (local, state and federal level) seeking information regarding best practices in involving parents of children with disabilities in systems improvement.
The center activities are specifically designed to:
- Enhance the capacity of parent centers to provide effective services to families of children with special needs and to work effectively with their states to improve special education and early intervention systems; and,
- Facilitate their connections to the larger technical assistance network that supports research-based training, including educating parents about effective practices that improve results for children with disabilities. For more information click here.