Message from NETS' Executive Director, Joe McKillips
I hope this finds everyone off to a safe and successful start to the New Year. 2019 promises to be another eventful year for NETS as we build upon last year’s momentum and continue our focus on the critical mission of reducing risk and save lives on our nations roadways.
The year is off to a fast start with the recent announcement that registration is now open for our first-ever
NETS international road safety satellite conference
in San Jose, Costa Rica April 2-3rd, 2019. The Latin America NETS conference represents a strategic milestone within NETS enabling member companies, sponsors, and non-members alike the opportunity to convene and discuss road safety challenges unique to the Latin America region. Arrangements with a number of dynamic conference speakers, including exclusive road safety sponsors, are nearing completion with the conference agenda planned for launch in the coming days.
In addition to our inaugural Latin America Conference, planning efforts for our
annual NETS Strength IN Numbers® Benchmark conference
(scheduled for October 2019) are also underway with the conference venue and SAVE-THE-DATE announcement planned in the coming weeks as well.
Building on the momentum of our conference planning efforts, formal orientation sessions for NETS cornerstone statistical benchmark report were recently launched to NETS members. Upon receipt of employer data, NETS statistical team will embark on a deep dive analysis of road safety metric and program data leading to a unique set of road safety performance indicators which are invaluable to our member audience. Key findings and correlations between crash performance and leading program initiatives will then be rolled into our
2019 Strength IN Numbers® Benchmark Report
and delivered to NETS members via a
formal report with highlights shared during our annual Benchmark conference.
As a final item worth noting, if you’re not already a NETS member, now is a great time to join! Employers who become members during the months of February and March will benefit immediately by having the opportunity to participate in this year's annual benchmark survey. I invite non-members to explore the
NETS membership value proposition
and encourage you to join today to support your journey of reducing road safety risk across your organization.
Thanks again for your time and dedication to road safety and wish everyone the very best in the year ahead.
Drive safely!
Registration NOW OPEN for NETS Latin America Conference!
Whether you are responsible for leading an international road safety program or managing a fleet of vehicles, you know that spreading safe driving messages to drivers in Latin America represents unique challenges. Register now for NETS first...
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NETS is proud to partner with the following PLATINUM Fleet Safety Sponsor:
eDriving’s global FLEET division serves 1 million drivers, providing a complete continuum of award-winning risk management and training solutions with proven results and ROI.
Going From Reactive to Proactive Fleet Safety
Road safety was the theme at the 2018 NETS Strength IN Numbers ® Benchmark Conference this October in Frisco, Texas, which is part of the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS), organization. Presenting at the conference in partnership...
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Cellphone Interactions up 57 Percent Over Prior Survey
Manipulating a cellphone was a contributing factor in more than 800 crash deaths on U.S. roads during 2017 amid a marked increase in the percentage of drivers observed interacting with cellphones, new IIHS research indicates. The estimated number ...
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Safety Tips for Driving Over Icy Bridges
Icy bridges, a winter weather hazard that's often underestimated, cause more injuries and fatalities than tornadoes, lighting and floods combined each year. Slick, slippery bridge surfaces often come as a surprise as ice on a bridge may be...
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The Dangers of Drowsy Driving
Drowsy driving can be as dangerous as getting behind the wheel while drunk. Consumer Reports has the tips that really work to keep you safe.
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The ROI of Workplace Safety
When improving safety for the merit of just having a safer workplace is not enough, it's often a very powerful argument with leadership to help explain the cost of safety by showing the economic benefits of safety, one expert says. The challenge: ...
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Modest Use for iPhone's 'Do Not Disturb'
One way to fight distracted driving is to take smartphones out of the equation by limiting their functionality while the vehicle is moving. The catch, though, is convincing drivers to use a blocker app if installed.
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Microsoft's Latest Patent: Comments on Other Drivers
With Augmented Reality, there exists the concept of the annotated world, where users and companies would be able to add virtual information to real-world objects and places all over the world and allow other AR users to benefit from their...
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Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety
Despite progress over the past three decades, drunk driving claims approximately 10,000 lives each year. The Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) Program is researching a first-of-its-kind technology that holds the greatest...
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The Spy Inside Your Car
Once clunky and buggy, voice-recognition technology is improving and quickly spreading to the dashboard, allowing drivers to issue a wider range of commands using natural speech. Designed to keep drivers’ eyes on the road...
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Fatality Facts Report
Urban and rural areas have fundamentally different characteristics with regard to density of road networks, land use, and travel patterns. Consequently, the characteristics of fatal motor vehicle crashes differ between rural and urban areas.
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Speeding Away from Zero: Rethinking a Forgotten Challenge
GHSA's latest spotlight report, "Speeding Away from Zero: Rethinking a Forgotten Traffic Safety Challenge," highlights excessive vehicle speed as a persistent contributor to motor vehicle fatalities, accounting for nearly a third of traffic...
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Strategies to Keep Children Safe on the Roads
HOW long will it take you to read this story? Let's say 10 minutes. In that time, about 20 children will have been killed or seriously injured in a road crash somewhere in the world. That's 3,000...
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India: More Than 90% of Passengers Don't Use Rear Seatbelts
A research report released by Union Road Transport & Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari also highlights the shocking state of children's road safety in India. New Delhi: Did you know that in India, it has been mandatory for rear-seat passengers in...
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Sixth Global Meeting - Global Alliance of NGOs
"From Global Commitment to Local Action" The Sixth Global Meeting of Nongovernmental Organizations Advocating for Road Safety and Road Victims will take place 9-13 April 2019, at the Avra Imperial Hotel, Chania, Greece.
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2019 NSC North Eastern Safety Conference & Expo
NSC Northeast Conference & Expo, a new regional event coming to the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh on May 1-3, 2019. You'll find the same great educational and networking opportunities you've come to expect from NSC.
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2019 NSC Congress & Expo: San Diego, CA September 7-13, 2019
The NSC Congress & Expo is the world's largest annual "must attend" event for safety, health and environmental professionals. For more than 100 years, professionals have turned to this safety conference for industry-leading technology, education...
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April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Texting and driving is one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving. At any given moment across America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using or manipulating electronic devices while driving, a number that has held steady since 2010. Distracted driving has become a deadly epidemic on America’s roadways.
Super Bowl Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign
Super Bowl has become synonymous with drinking and celebrating, making roads on Super Bowl weekend dangerous. Using these materials, you can raise awareness in your community or with your...
Saint Patrick's Day: Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving
Each year, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated with city parades, funny leprechaun hats, and plenty o’ green beer. Unfortunately, it often ends with risky drunk drivers taking to the streets when the parties end. Drunk driving accounts for...
Do you have a particularly successful road safety example to share? NETS Members are encouraged to share best practices, ask questions or contribute their expertise to the NETS Road Safety Leaders Forum, an online discussion forum exclusively for NETS Members and Sponsors. Not yet a member? Check out the benefits at
Note from the editor:
All links to stories have been tested and are active 24 hours prior to distribution; however, links may become inactive over time at the discretion of the publication source.
About NETSWork®
NETSWork is published electronically each month by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, Susan Gillies, editor, and Joe McKillips, Executive Director.
Network of Employers for Traffic Safety
344 Maple Ave. West #357
Vienna, VA 22180
© 2017 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety
NETS is registered by the US Internal Revenue Service as a 501(C)3 non-profit organization