Message from NETS' Executive Director,
Susan Gillies
For many of us, it's summer right now. And a hot one at that. It makes me yearn for a crisp October day, a cozy sweater, and a warm cup of apple cider. But until then, we have to make our way through these lazy days of summer.
However, there is never a time we can be lazy when it comes to road safety. Right now in the U.S., we are working our way through the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer, the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day when fatal teen crashes increase dramatically. An average 260 teens are killed in car crashes each month during the summer, an increase of 26% compared with the other months of the year.
Summer is also a time of road trips for vacation bringing more people on the roads. More congestion leads to more crashes. With increased summer heat comes increased vehicle mechanical problems. In addition, fatigue often sets in at the end of a vacation, especially one that had little down time, involved young children, or long driving hours.
Summer months also see an increase in motorcycles on our roads, so we all need to be especially cognizant of these riders who are harder to see.
Whether you are an employee heading out on the road for work, or a family taking the road trip of your life, don't let the lazy summer mindset work its way into your driving. Stay Focused. Stay Alert. Arrive Safely.
And once the hot summer months are behind us and the cooler autumn weather sets in, join us for NETS Annual Strength IN Numbers Fleet Safety Benchmark Conference October 5 & 6 in Ann Arbor, Michigan! It's your chance to hear about road safety case studies, emerging trends, and the latest research in vehicle safety while networking with other fleet safety professionals.
Until then, safe driving!
Susan Gillies
Executive Director, NETS
NETSTalk Now: Driving Change, A NETS Road Safety Podcast
Check out NETS' new podcast! Join leading global road safety experts to hear the latest in road safety technology, innovations, and best practices. Exciting Topics, Subject Matter Experts, Best Practice Insights. Available Everywhere.
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for NETS Hybrid Conference Event!
October 5~6, 2022
with optional in-person tours at MCity and UMTRI on October 7 included with your registration
*Current NETS member companies are encouraged to invite non-members to attend the conference. Both companies will receive 50% off their conference registration (a $300 value)!
*Non-NETS members who register for the conference and join NETS will receive 50% off conference registration AND 25% off the annual membership fee (a value of up to $700)!
NETS Members: $599
Non-NETS Members: $699
Government / Non-profit: $299
Virtual Only: $449
On-site registration: NETS Members $649, Non-NETS Members $749
A special room block has been reserved for NETS Conference attendees at the rate of $154 USD plus tax. Reserve your room now!
Jean Todt, United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety
Conference Opening Address
Honorable Michael E. Graham, Member, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
The Future of Connected Vehicle Technology: NTSB Perspectives and Case Studies
Steven Kiefer, Chairman, The Kiefer Foundation
Stopping the Distractions: Why Distraction-free Driving Matters
Lorraine Martin, President and CEO of the National Safety Council (NSC)
The State of Road Safety in the U.S.: NSC Perspectives
Chris Mullen, Senior Director of Organizational Safety, Aurora
Managing Safety for Autonomous Vehicle Development and Deployment
NETS is proud to partner with the following PLATINUM Fleet Safety Sponsors:
SOBRsafe’s mission is to save lives and create safer work environments.
The annual cost of alcohol abuse in the U.S. is $249 billion. Nearly half of all industrial accidents with injuries are alcohol-related, and 1-in-10 U.S. commercial drivers test positive for alcohol (the highest rate worldwide).
In response, SOBRsafe has developed an instantaneous and hygienic alcohol screening technology that integrates seamlessly with driver check-in/out processes. The employee simply places two fingers on the device, and within ten seconds, their identity is verified and the alcohol test complete. All scans are reported in real-time to a secure cloud-based portal, and supervisors are immediately notified via SMS and email if alcohol has been detected.
This comprehensive, uniform testing is allowing SOBRsafe customers to enhance their safety, reduce insurance premiums by up to 25%, and create a culture of prevention.
Mobile device distractions put employees in danger and companies at risk. So why would anyone settle for safety measures that simply report what went wrong, or only work when people remember to turn them on? TRUCE Software automatically suspends distracting mobile apps and functions depending on what your employee is doing, where they are working or even the workgroup they are part of. You define the policy and TRUCE ensures compliance when and where it’s needed. Supporting more than 100,000 subscribers and some of the largest brands worldwide, our patented technology is making workplaces everywhere safer.
eDriving, a Solera company, helps organizations around the world to reduce incidents, collisions, injuries, license violations, carbon emissions, and total cost of fleet ownership through its patented digital driver risk management programs.
At its heart is the Mentor by eDrivingSM smartphone app that identifies risky driving behaviors for intervention and safe driving habits for recognition. In-app features include micro-training and coaching, gamification, collision reporting, vehicle inspections, and an individual FICO® Safe Driving Score validated to predict the likelihood of being involved in a collision. Mentor’s integrated automatic crash detection and Personal SOS features powered by Sfara and Bosch trigger a voice call and emergency support, as needed, from one of Bosch’s Global Call Centers supporting >50 countries. Through its five-stage, patented Crash-Free Culture® risk reduction methodology, eDriving helps organizations embrace safety and reduce risk for Sales, Service, Delivery and Warehouse drivers, all within a privacy-first, data-secure environment.
eDriving is the digital driver risk management partner of choice for many of the world’s largest organizations, supporting over 1.2 million drivers in 125 countries. Over the past 25 years, eDriving’s research-validated programs have been recognized with over 100 awards around the world.
Summer Driving Tips
For many of us, summertime usually means vacations and summer road trips. Now is a good time to review these summer driving safety tips. A little planning and some safety checks might spare you from dealing with the consequences of a breakdown or...
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NHTSA Begins $8 Million Ad Campaign Against Speeding
Six months after U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced a National Roadway Safety Strategy to reduce traffic deaths, the public will begin to see the tangible evidence of the program beginning Wednesday.
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Clearing the Confusion About Car-Safety Feature Names
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are becoming more common in new cars. While these features add convenience and safety, their names often confuse car buyers—especially when different automakers use different terms for the same feature.
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The Deadliest Road in America
Drive along this part of US-19, a stretch of highway in Pasco County that parallels Florida's Gulf Coast, and you'd be forgiven for not noticing the danger. It looks like a lot of American roads, especially in the South: flat, straight, and wide.
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GM Adding Countrywide EV Charging Stations
General Motors wants to end any Little Red Riding Hood situations for electric vehicle owners, hoping you'll not have to stray too far from the well-trodden path when taking your EV long-distance. The automaker announced that they plan to set up...
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Technology Has Made Your Car A "Candy Store of Distraction"
In the late 1980s, the U.S. Army turned to outside experts to study how pilots of Apache attack helicopters were responding to the torrent of information streaming into the cockpit on digital screens and analog displays. The verdict: not well...
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NSC Statement on CDC Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths Report
According to a new report by the CDC, the United States lagged behind most other high-income countries in saving lives on U.S. roads, something the NSC has known for years as estimates show nearly 43,000 people die in preventable crashes every year.
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Common Naming for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Six leading organizations committed to consumer safety and education — AAA, Consumer Reports, J.D. Power, National Safety Council, PAVE, and SAE — have come together to develop the standardized naming conventions for ADAS technologies which are simple, specific, and based on system functionality.
Directions in Highway Safety: Summer 2022 Issue
This edition of Directions in Highway Safety, GHSA's member newsletter, features details on the GHSA 2022 Annual Meeting, recent publications, new grant funding and updates on current projects.
UK Doctors to Overhaul Car Wreck Rescue Techniques
There are plans for a major overhaul of how people are rescued from car wrecks amid growing evidence that current methods where people wait to be cut free may be harmful. Last year there were 127,967 casualties and 1,560 deaths in England caused...
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RACV Launches Online Driver Training Program
According to Safe Work Australia, about one third of Australian workplace fatalities involve a vehicle. The Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) has begun offering a new online driver safety program created by its fleet and road safety experts.
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National Mobilization Campaign
The 2022 impaired driving national enforcement mobilization "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" goes into effect across the country from August 17 to September 5, 2022. One of the deadliest and most often committed - yet preventable - of crimes (impaired driving), has become a serious safety epidemic in our country.
2022 NSC Congress & Expo
For more than 100 years, safety, health and environmental professionals have turned to the world's largest annual safety event for industry-leading technology, education, networking opportunities and the tried and true products and services needed to stay at the forefront and remain competitive within the industry. Mark your calendars for September 16-22 in San Diego.
2022 AFLA Conference
Join AFLA for their 2022 Corporate Fleet Conference in Tucson, AZ. The conference will begin Monday, October 10, 2022 with networking opportunities that evening. All sessions will begin on Tuesday, October 11th with the conference concluding at 12pm on Thursday, October 13th. Mark your calendars now to join us for "Forward Together."
Do you have a particularly successful road safety example to share? NETS Members are encouraged to share best practices, ask questions or contribute their expertise to the NETS Road Safety Leaders Forum, an online discussion forum exclusively for NETS Members and Sponsors. Not yet a member? Check out the benefits at
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All links to stories have been tested and are active 24 hours prior to distribution; however, links may become inactive over time at the discretion of the publication source.
About NETSWork®
NETSWork is published electronically each month by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety.
Network of Employers for Traffic Safety
344 Maple Ave. West #357
Vienna, VA 22180
© 2022 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety
NETS is registered by the US Internal Revenue Service as a 501(C)3 non-profit organization