Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
News & Updates
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
President Trumka on Fox Business
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (UMWA) spoke with Fox Business this morning to talk about the federal government’s plans to reopen the economy. He said that workers’ voices must be heard in these discussions and that workplace health and safety requirements will need to be enhanced for all working people as there is a return to work.
A COVID 19 Update from State Rep. Jessica Miranda

Save the Postal Service! 
The U.S. Postal Service is once again under attack by those who want to bankrupt the Postal Service and allow private equity firms and global corporations to privatize the service, dismantle the agency, and profit further off of the American people.

Private companies won't deliver to certain remote areas because it's not profitable to do so, but the Postal Service is obligated to serve all Americans regardless of where they live— and, right now, the Postal Service is delivering lifesaving medications and food, supporting voting by mail in primary states, and helping other services necessary for our nation to continue to operate.

Congress and the White House must fully fund the United States Postal Service in the next stimulus bill.

The United States Postal Service is one of our government's oldest and most reliable entities. And mail service has been a lifeline for many Americans during the corona-virus pandemic.

However, because of the pandemic, the agency could run out of cash by the end of September, if Congress fails to act. Democrats have been pressing for weeks to fully fund the Postal Service, but the Trump administration recently blocked a bipartisan attempt to fund the agency.

For years, conservatives have tried to push mail service toward privatization—either by setting highly prescriptive loan terms or by essentially forcing it into bankruptcy.

During the last privatization fight, Senator Bernie Sanders said, "If the goal of the Postal Service is to make as much money as possible, tens of millions of people, particularly low-income people and people in rural areas, will see a decline in or doing away with basic mail services."
Just a few days ago, Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted, "I'm calling on Congress to act swiftly to shore up USPS so that everyone can continue to receive essential medicines and supplies, and as many Americans as possible can vote from home."

Please join with us and demand that Congress and the White House fully fund the United States Postal Service in the next stimulus bill.

Grocery Workers Launch #ShopSmart Campaign
Members of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) are working in grocery stores across the country to make sure families have the food they need during the outbreak. Grocery workers are among the most at risk and UFCW just launched a new national campaign to help customers keep everyone safe in stores.
As part of a new campaign, UFCW is asking shoppers to follow a few basic tips to help keep everyone safe inside busy stores. Customers can take the #ShopSmart pledge by texting "SHOPSMART" to 23396 for tips on how they can do their part. Grocery workers are asking shoppers to always wear a face mask that covers their nose and mouth, stay six feet apart from each other, and toss used gloves and wipes in the trash can. 
Lunch with Your Legislators
Legislators from across Cincinnati will talk Public Health, COVID-19, and voting in the primary  this Friday, April 17th, at 11 am . Please  sign up to join us here  or by clicking the invitation.
On March 25, both houses of the Ohio General Assembly passed legislation to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Among several things this legislation did, it extended the availability of absentee ballots by mail for the March 17th primary until April 28th, not June 2nd as Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose recommended. 

REPEAT: Ohio’s primary does not end on June 2nd, but April 28th instead. 

The April 28th primary is  MAIL ONLY. There will be NO in-person voting.

No in-person voting  Click here  to read more about it, and please share this information with your friends and family.
Seeing The Impact of United Way In Our Community From Yolanda Miller
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
I hope that you are staying safe and well. I thought that I would take this opportunity to let you know how your support of United Way’s and Greater Cincinnati Foundation’s  COVID-19 Response   Fund  is making a critical impact in meaningful ways. 
When you have time, please click on the following links that will showcase how your dollars are making a difference for  Brighton Center Bethany House, Shared Harvest  and  Women Helping Women , as these important direct service organizations navigate through these difficult times.

Please take care and stay well and safe! Thank you for all you do!

Yolanda Miller
Community Services, Manager / AFL/CIO Labor Liaison
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
2400 Reading Road | Cincinnati, OH 45202 | (o)
513-762-7153 (d) 513-307-1900

United Way believes in creating a community where everyone has an opportunity to thrive. 
Give generously.  No gift is too small. To learn more and give now,
Visit  or  Text RAPID to 91999 !