As this public health crisis ramps up once again, it is imperative that management ensure a safe working environment for all our members! That includes Safe Staffing, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and ensuring management follows all health & safety guidelines as prescribed by OSHA and the Department of Health.

JNESO represented Hospitals cannot violate the Mandatory Overtime law. JNESO reminds each member to be vigilant and to understand their rights. Members may be asked to stay additional shifts or to cover until a member of the next shift can get into the building. This is voluntary. If coverage is not found, the employer may require an employee to stay. This may not be allowed and can be considered Mandatory Overtime.
(From your new Union Contract)
In the event of a hospital, State, or County State of Emergency, the employer shall pay all employees who work beyond their regularly scheduled hours at the rate of time and one-half.

As we enter into the heart of winter, we want to remind all JNESO members of Article 32. Mandatory Overtime may not be considered violated if members are being required to stay during a national, state, or municipal disaster or catastrophic event. Mandatory Overtime may be allowed if it is only the last resort. At the point you may be told to stay, JNESO members should state that if they are going to stay, (not being insubordinate) and a grievance will be filed for a violation of Mandatory Overtime. If you believe at any time you have wrongfully been made to stay, JNESO members should file a Mandatory Overtime Complaint Form with the NJ Department of Labor.

If you are required by your employer to stay overtime at any time, members have the right to arrange for the care of the employee’s minor children or elderly or disabled family members. This time, up to one hour, may be taken off the premises of the facility. At any time you are not allowed to arrange for this, it is a violation and a complaint needs to be filed with the NJ Department of Labor and a grievance needs to be filed.

Do not take management’s word that they are allowed to force you into Mandatory Overtime, contact your Local Union Officers and your Labor Representative Meredith Larson to discuss immediately.
JNESO has been notified beginning January 3rd thru January 31, 2022, Bergen New Bridge Medical Center will again implement a portion of the agreement that JNESO had negotiated in 2020. All BNBMC JNESO employees (FT, PT, and Per Diem) will be compensated at an additional half-time (½) rate for any overtime hours worked (thus equaling double time for O/T).
For Union questions or concerns, please contact your
Labor Representative Meredith Larson: or (732) 745-2776 x115