The Power Of The Beautiful State
Port Elgin
Mar 24,25,26 2023
When life challenges you most wouldn’t
a calm, centred, solution orientation
be fantastic?
This course re-wires repetitive, neural patterns. It shifts the brain from fight or flight to creative solution-oriented responses. Is this not the way to handle challenges or problems? 

How does it come about? The science: You shift your brain waves from agitated Beta brain states to calm peaceful states of Alpha and Theta--- the zone of creativity and extrordinary performance. You achieve this shift by learning ancient mystical meditations that you can integrate into your day e-a-s-i-l-y.
Science, Ancient Wisdom & Meditation...
  • Get A Super Power! How to overcome any stress, hurt, suffering, over-whelm, anxiety, disease, fear of the past, fear of the future---any of that --- using ancient Indian wisdom teachings and modern day science.
  • Get Real! What do you really want? What are you really experiencing? What are you choosing?
  • Get Results---Create from your beautiful State what you really want...connection, health and wealth. Use the meditations to transform.
  • Get Connected! Interact with Senior O&O Academy Faculty Members
Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji's Vision is to create a group of 80,000 humans who live free of all forms of suffering, to help impact human evolution. 

Nancy Henderson, leads this program.She is an EKAM advanced course instructor. She has been trained in India by EKAM.
The Beautiful State
Port Elgin Mar 24,25,26 2023
Act Now---Get The Early Bird Price
What Did You Get
At The Beautiful State Weekend?
“The best thing I ever did for myself and all the people in my life that surround me.” Harold K.

”Inspiring! Give it a try. I feel hopeful after a very long time of feeling hopeless. I do not want to suffer anymore! That is what was so awesome---I realized that I do not have to suffer any more---and neither do you!”  26 year old participant

“I feel much lighter and like for the first time I have the ability to help myself. I have learned how to see when I am wearing a mask and how to look under that mask so I can move towards changing from suffering to a beautiful state. I understand now how to move myself out of fear, anxiety and stress---and most importantly how to love and accept myself!”  Marni H
Already Taken A Beautiful State Course?
Sri Preethaji has Updated the Course--It is AWESOME!
When you return to the Beautiful State course and you bring with you a friend or family member who is new to the program---you get a special ticket price. Contact Nancy---your gonna like it!
The Power of The
Beautiful State

Port Elgin, Mar 24,25,26 2023
Act Now---
Get The Early Bird Price